Hellbound Heart

Chapter 275 How Dare They (2)

Despite all the appearance, the voice and that scent... Sebastian had decided in his heart and mind that this was a trick. His Iza was currently in the Black Forest. Alexander and everyone else were there with her right now. There was no way they would have allowed her to leave or even let anyone take her! There was just no way this was his Iza!

The reason why Sebastian had been so confident that divorcing Iza would work was because Elijah knew about most of his past. It was not impossible for Elijah to believe the divorce was real if he came to the conclusion that he could no longer see Iza the same after what happened that night when Elijah kidnapped them both.

Elijah's intelligence certainly would not miss the big possibility of that fact.

Though Sebastian was unsure at first if Elijah would even bother, this move that they had taken was a sign that the plan had at least worked. They were having doubts and now they are moving to confirm it.

He was not completely certain though since this was Elijah. They might have another agenda but he did not care about trying to figure that out now. The only thing he must do now was to show them. To prove it to them that his divorce with Iza was not simply a façade and completely remove their doubt.

"Didn't I tell you that I can no longer look at you?" he said to her through gritted teeth. Tightening his fingers around her throat, lifting her up much higher so he need not see her face.

He could not hold back his anger. His blood was boiling within him right now. How dare they used his Iza's face and even voice like this... F**k... he wanted to kill everyone involved in this, right here, right now! How dare they! To use her face, voice and scent on another woman was a sacrilege in his mind. There was no forgiving such blatant disrespect of his woman!

"I can't stand seeing your face anymore. I thought I had already made that clear enough. So, stop this madness now and go back to your own country. Do you not understand?!" He snarled out viciously. The emotions rolling off him were real. The anger was real. The contempt was real as well. However, what the other person did not know was that the anger and contempt was due to the fact he knew she was not his Iza. Thus, his words were convincing and his facial expressions believable.

He suddenly let go of her and then immediately turned around. She crumpled to the floor in an undignified heap, coughing as she greedily pulled in air that was deprived from her.

"This is your last warning. If you ever show your face before me again... I'll make sure you'll regret it." He said with venom and real threat resounding in his voice.

The aura he exuded even sent shivers down Kana's entire being. The bloodlust she felt from him was so real that her instinct told her to run for her life now. He was definitely not putting up a show. He was dead serious. And if she made a wrong move, she would be the one dead!

But instead of running away, she smiled. 'So, it was real...' she thought and she laughed and laughed within herself.

Sebastian really had shunned that woman. That witch was wrong and whoever the man she was talking about was right!

When Kana had met with that witch, she had mumbled the words 'I want to prove to that animal prince that he is completely wrong. How could he even consider that the divorce being real is not impossible when it is so obvious? Idiotic! I can't believe that such an intelligent being would say such an idiotic thing!'.

Whoever the animal prince she was referring to ended up being right. And Kana was so elated that she found herself feeling as though she were about to go crazy. Because this only meant one thing... that the human bitch was now out totally of the picture. It was just as she had predicted that time during the ball that was held in his castle. Sebastian hates her now! He loathes her so badly that he could not even tolerate looking at her face! She can now have Sebastian back to herself and this time, she would never let him go! Because he belonged to no one else but her! She would lay claim on him as completely hers alone!

Suddenly, Kana mumbled a chant. It was the chant the witch taught to her so she could get rid of her disguise. She was instructed to only use this chant only when she decides to leave the Reign's Castle to meet the witch again so no one could trace her.

But now, Kana thought that witch did not matter to her anymore. That wish... she did not need it anymore so there was no need for her to go back and meet with her again! She was able to take over from here and arrange her future using her own power.

Upon hearing her chant, Sebastian turned around and saw her surrounded with a reddish wisp of smoke.

He stared at her with surprise as soon as he saw her change back to her original features.

Kana smiled and kneeled before Sebastian.

"Forgive me, Your Highness!" she cried. "It's me, Kana. A witch... a witch forced me to do this. She wanted me to find out if your divorce with that human is real. She was the one who gave me all this perfect disguise."

Shaking her head as she cried pitifully, Kana reached out and put her hand on Sebastian's coat. "I never asked her for this. Please believe me, Your Highness. I was threatened! Blackmailed! I can only obey or she'd kill me."

The icy coldness in his eyes calmed a little as he looked down at her.

"Tell me, Kana... who's the f**king witch that did all these to you?"

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