Hellbound Heart

Chapter 187 Big Night

The sight of Sebastian being the one to appear when she was being afraid and unsettled had Elle feeling an unspeakable sense of relief washing over her. The dread that had initially gripped her had melted away and disappeared like it had not been there in the first place. Her entire frame relaxed and she could even feel her knees wobbling a little.

When she rushed towards him with such relief, Sebastian instantly moved to meet her halfway. He could sense and see how she was so agitated - perhaps even fearful - when he had walked through the door, and that had him on high alert for any danger nearby.

"What's wrong?" he asked, cupping both sides of her head gently with his hands. His gaze was searching as he locked his intense grey eyes onto her own trembling ones.

Elle realized then that she must have alarmed him with her nervous expression and her jumpy actions just now. Thus, she took a deep breath and tried her best to compose herself.

"I'm fine... I was just... I thought no one was outside. And it just... freaked me out a bit." She forced a smile as she explained.

Sebastian just stared into her eyes for a while before his gaze drifted away. Elle noticed how he looked around the inside of the library in a slow manner, as though his eyes were scanning the entire area. No... it was more apt to describe it that he was not trying to see it with his eyes, but feel if there was something amiss.

When he returned his gaze to her, that serious and fierce look loosened up and gentled. There was a smile in his eyes as his hands that were cupping her head slowly let go of her. As he visibly relaxed, it only helped to make her feel instantly better as well because she knew there was no immediate threat to either of them within the vicinity for the moment.

"It's alright, Izabelle. Everyone's right outside and on guard all the time. Don't forget that they can hear even the slightest sound even from inside here." He reassured her before his eyes fell down to the paper that was still held limply in her hand.

"Uh... this is..." Elle hesitantly lifted the now slightly crumpled paper up between them.

"Hush, Iza." He silenced her, placing his forefinger against her lips. His gaze was wordlessly warning her not to talk anymore. In her nervousness, she had forgotten that she was still on the ban of not being allowed to talk.

But he stretched his hand out, palms facing upward as he silently asked her to hand over the paper to him. "Can I see it?"

Again, Elle hesitated. But eventually, she placed it in his open palms.

Sebastian's expression did not change as she stared at the paper.

Unable to hold back her curiosity about the contents of the paper, Elle leaned in closer to Sebastian to see what was written on it.

To her surprise, the paper was... blank!


"That's..." 'a pretty extravagant dress!' Elle thought silently as her eyes were slightly stretched as she stared at the royal blue gown before her that the stylist who came today had brought along.

Her doctor had told her this morning that her throat was finally healed and she could now talk freely. But the doctor did remind her that it would do her well not to overdo it. It was somehow such an amazing coincidence because today was her birthday as well.

Sebastian had spoken to her about this a few days before. When Elle said that having a simple dinner at home would suffice as a way to celebrate her birthday, Sebastian only blinked and nodded. But then the very next day, he informed her that they would be holding a formal party for her birthday celebration, right here in the Reigns castle.

And thus, here she was, now getting prepared for her big night.

She could not help but feel a little nervous. She was used to these kinds of things. Mingling with the socialites and entertaining guests were her forte. However, with her now knowing that almost all of the guests that would be present in this party were not actually humans... Her confidence somehow seemed to be wavering.

A part of her had wanted to tell Sebastian to cancel the event for fear that she was not quite ready to entertain non-human guests. But she shoved that thought hard and deep within her. Telling herself that she must not chicken out now. This was her chance to see for herself the reality of this society - she was now introduced to by marriage - with her new perspective.

Taking a deep breath, she stared at herself through the mirror when someone entered the room. It was Linda.

"Princess, I was asked by His Highness to bring you these." She handed her a bag that contained boxes of gifts and three letters.

Elle checked the cards one by one. The first card was from Abi and Alexander, the second was from Alice and Alexis and the last one was from Alicia and Azy.

A soft, emotional smile flashed across Elle's face as she read through their birthday wishes. She already knew that they could not attend the party and Elle understood fully their circumstances.

She had terribly wished for them to come, but their heartfelt wishes in these lovely cards were more than enough for her.

"Are you ready, Princess?" Linda asked her once everything was ready.

Looking at herself through the mirror one last time, she nodded at Linda. It was finally time.

Another deep breath escaped her before she turned and gracefully walked towards the door, poised and glamorous as she followed after Linda who led the way.

When the door opened, Linda announced. "Your Highness, the princess is ready." She then stepped aside and Elle's gaze fell towards the man who was leaning against the wall across from her.

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