Hellbound Heart

Chapter 179 Who

Creasing her brows, Elle stared curiously at him. She somehow could not believe him. And she could not help but wonder if he was just exaggerating. And why was it so? There was no way her blood was that special... that one of a kind. She was just like everyone else. A human. Elle truly could not think of any reason why her blood would be that special. She thought that perhaps, this was just his way of scaring her. So, she would develop some fear and be more wary of the vampires.

Elle wanted to write the words, 'You must be the only one thinking my scent or my blood is one of a kind.' She believed that even though she was another country's royalty, there was really nothing special about her compared to other humans. But he did not give her a chance to write the words.

"So, I'm warning you once again, Izabelle. From now on, you need to be wary of any vampires, even the ones that you think are harmless. Are we clear?" he whispered firmly as his eyes shone with an intense light.

And when Elle remained docile in his arms, he suddenly latched his mouth onto the side of her throat. If his hand was not covering her mouth, Elle was sure a gasp would have escaped from her throat.

"Answer me, baby. Did you understand what I said?" he asked, and she could feel something sharp grazing her skin. She immediately knew that it was his fangs.

Her heartbeat raced like crazy but not because of fear. Instead, she felt thrill and curiosity. It was crazy but it was happening again, this feeling of wanting to experience everything that he could do to her. It was crazy because this matter should really scare her even for a bit, not excite her.

However, she immediately realized that it must be because she had just automatically believed he would never hurt her. There was one thing she had never ever doubted about Sebastian and that was the fact that he would never do anything that would risk her life. Never. It was something she could not explain but she had always felt that she could trust Sebastian with her life, maybe ever since the very moment she met him.

She heard him click his tongue and then curse under his breath when she did not even bother to nod.

He lifted her and as though she was nothing but a rag doll, he shifted her around. Now facing him while straddling him, Elle stared into his mouth. Her gaze searched for his fangs that were hidden. She could not help but be curious about it. She had always wondered if vampire fangs were as depicted in the pictures she had seen in the books.

"Did you hear me?" his eyes slightly narrowed. "Or is this you blatantly telling me you don't want to listen to my words today?"

Elle finally gave him a response by shaking her head.

His brow lifted a little before a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "So, this is you trying to be disobedient because you are finally deciding to get back at me?"

Elle blinked while he slowly curled his lip up between his teeth. "You really know how to rile me up, Izabelle." He uttered with a disbelieving tone when she moved, placed her notebook over his broad shoulder and wrote something.

'Can you show me your fangs?' She then lifted the notebook with the question and held it right below her chin, all the while showing him her large eyes, sparkling with excitement and hopeful anticipation.

The question made Sebastian lift a brow at her. She looked like a child, excitedly waiting to unwrap a present.

'I want to see it.' She had quickly scribbled this statement after seeing him not saying anything.

"Why?" he questioned blandly, looking as though he could not quite figure out why she would even have any interest about his fangs of all things.

'I'm just curious. Let me see, please?' Elle's large blue eyes blinked at him slowly as she showed him her written words.

Sighing, Sebastian eventually gave in, causing Elle to smile brightly.

Without any preamble, Sebastian's eyes turned red and when he bared his teeth at her, she watched his canines grow longer.

Elle's jaw dropped as she watched in fascination as it happened before her eyes. Though she was seeing it happen, it still felt somewhat unbelievable.

She lifted her hand to touch his fang but halted. Her gaze flew at him and when he looked like he was giving her the permission to go ahead and touch, Elle continued reaching out, holding her breath at the same time.

She studied it with utmost curiosity and she seemed to want to explore more. But Sebastian gripped her wrist after a while and then his eyes turned back to his usual gray hue and his canines slowly returned to normal.

"Fangs shouldn't interest you, Izabelle." He told her and she pouted before she quickly wrote something down in her notebook again.

'When was the last time you used your fangs to bite anyone?' Elle was curious about this. Since he said the law had forbidden vampires to drink directly from humans, that means they could still drink from glasses or other things now.

"I've never stopped using my fangs, Izabelle." His soft answer came.

Elle's eyes widened. Not waiting for her to write her question, Sebastian explained. "The only thing forbidden is drinking directly from humans. We can drink from our fellow vampires directly anytime as long as they are willing. So, I have always used these fangs of mine, Izabelle. Unlike most of my family, I'm not very fond of drinking from the glass." And he scrunched up his nose after saying that.

Elle had read that male vampires like to drink from females because it was tastier and vice versa. This must only mean that...

She hesitated. Something in her told her not to ask. But right now, all the restraints and fear she had always been feeling whenever she wanted to know something from him was gone. Perhaps because he was so approachable and not so brooding today. Right now, she had a feeling that no matter what she asked, it would be alright. And thus, she wrote the words anyway. 'Who are you drinking from?'

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