Hellbound Heart

Chapter 171 Far Worse


"That's enough Sebastian." Alexander's no nonsense voice echoed in the living room of a luxurious mansion.

The floor of the living room was covered in blood as Sebastian tortured the body guards, forcing them to reveal where Haze and Boone were hiding.

"You're not going to torture every single one of them like this." Alexander ordered as he approached Sebastian calmly. But his aura has turned completely different now. And Sebastian knew that when this man turned serious, he would be a hell of a pain to deal with. Like now, his statement was more of an order rather than a suggestion.

Nevertheless, Sebastian did not care about anything else right now. He was only focused on one thing. And that was to dig out the information needed on those bastards. He needed to slaughter those shits or else he would never calm down.

"Leave me alone, Alexander." Sebastian growled low. His merciless gaze gleamed through his dark hair that fell over his forehead as he threw Alexander a warning glance. Though he respected Alexander, there was a limit to it. Those bastards had crossed his bottom line and he was having none of it. "This is not a matter related to vampires. This is... my personal matter. I will make sure to eradicate any evidence related to it, so get out of my way."

"No, I can't do that, Sebastian. You're not going to slaughter anymore of these men because they really don't know where Haze and Boone are hiding." Alexander approached, not minding how dangerous even the air around Sebastian was at the moment. "You need to clear your head. Not everything can be solved through killing. And you should know that."

Sebastian's jaws clenched as he growled low in irritation. He knew what Alexander said was true. Still... "Says the man who had gone on a slaughtering spree that cost so many lives because his beloved was killed." Something dark began to cloud in his eyes as a wicked smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "I'm not a fool who does not know what he's doing Alexander. Or do you think I am? I've already learned my lesson a long time ago... if you let an enemy live, you'll only live to regret it. Killing them all until no one's left is the best way to end everything." A sneer then replaced that smile as though speaking from experience.

Alexander's expression then changed to show understanding and patience as he nodded at what Sebastian said. "Like what you'd said. I am a man who committed worse things in the past. I slaughtered everyone because of vengeance. But my past is exactly the reason why I am stopping you right now. I am not stopping you from ending anyone as long as they deserve it. But this... these men don't deserve your brutal punishment, Sebastian. They're not Boone –" Alexander rationalized it out as he swept his hand in a semi-circle, gesturing at the dead bodies lying around.

"I know. I know that, Alexander." Sebastian hissed out in agitation. "But if I'm lenient, they'll never speak –"

"Izabelle would never want you to do this, Sebastian." Alexander cut him off. His voice now held that tone of absolute authority he rarely ever used. His grey eyes glinted as he gave Sebastian a warning one last time.

Despite the intensity between them, what caused Sebastian's world to stop pulsing and flashing in rhythm to the pounding of his anger was the mention of Izabelle - his beloved. His face darkened as he stared down at his hands that were stained with a mix of a dark rusty red and bright scarlet red. One was the dried and oxidized blood and the other was the fresh blood - both from the torture he had inflicted on the guards.

Slowly, an ironic yet still villainous smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Of course... of course she wouldn't want any of this filth to touch me. But I don't have a choice here, Alexander. In fact," he lifted his gaze and met Alexander's serious eyes, "in fact, I think that to me, doing this now is easier for you and everyone, Alexander. Killing everyone now is better because I'm still sane. Because once they ended up hurting my wife again... I will do far... far worse things than this. But you should already know that, right?"

"I know." Alexander replied with a long and heavy sigh. "I came to stop you because I don't want you to fall back to darkness again. If you continue doing this... I'm telling you, Sebastian, you will find yourself stuck in a deeper hole of self-hatred. Worse is... you'll start to feel unworthy to touch your wife because you'll think that your hands are just too bloody and too dirty. So, stop this now while it's not too late yet. This is not only for you or everyone else's sake, but mostly for Izabelle's sake too. Remember, if Elle's here right now... she'd be crying, begging, doing everything to stop you from doing this." Alexander then turned around and began walking away with his hands shoved inside his pockets. He had said all he needed to say. All that is needed now was for Sebastian to acknowledge the facts and take the necessary steps.

Stopping after walking a distance off, Alexander spoke without turning his head. "Once you have cleared your head, come look for me and let's discuss a better plan than what you have."

Once Alexander was gone, Sebastian just stood there, staring at the half-alive man he had recently tortured, lying on the ground. Izabelle's face and her sweet bright smile appeared in his mind. Her clear blue eyes seemed to stare deep into his soul and it made his rage and his bloodlust get cast aside, wrapped tightly and securely in a chain.

After an immeasurable amount of time, Sebastian clenched his fists so tightly they started cracking. But soon, he opened his eyes and the darkness clouding his eyes started to clear and return to their normal vivid grey again.

Glancing at Lucas, he finally left the place and went after Alexander who was already waiting for him in an empty, quiet bar that only had an old bartender manning it.

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