Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 198 More Encounters

Chapter 198 More Encounters

[: Daniel POV :]

In exchange for Ashly's decision to join the Heavenly Harem Sect, I activated the cards on her with a special gift.

As she received it, a surge of power coursed through her, a power far beyond that of an ordinary immortal cultivator.

Her eyes widened in astonishment, her surprise and shock evident.

She gasped in amazement and disbelief, her voice trembling as she exclaimed, "This... this power, it's incredible!"

I smiled warmly at her reaction, well aware of the profound change this gift had brought to her.

"It's the result of your decision, Ashly'' I said.

But what struck me most was the admiration that now shone in her eyes. It was intense, even overwhelming, and I could sense the depth of her devotion to me.

"I've never felt anything like this before. Thank you, Master."

Her admiration bordered on obsession, and though it might have alarmed others, I didn't dislike it, I was even enamoured by the intensity of her feelings.

  "You're welcome, Ashly. Embrace this power and use it for the sake of yourself, me and the sect'' 

''Yes, master! I would do anything for the sake of you!'' I smiled at her response. 

I looked at Ashly and began to explain my plan and goals for coming to Velia.

I shared my vision of recruiting women and female children from all walks of life, offering them a chance for a better future within the Heavenly Harem Sect. 

"Ashly," I said, "I want you to gather as many women and female children as you can''

''Seek out those who are willing to join us, even if it means leaving behind their husbands or partners''

''We're here to provide them with an opportunity for a brighter future."

Her eyes gleamed with determination as she nodded in understanding.

"I'll do my best, Master. I'll find those who are ready to change their lives for the better."

I smiled, appreciating her commitment to the cause. "Excellent, Ashly''

With Ashly's determination to assist in the recruitment of women and female children, I bid her farewell and set out on my own mission.

I roamed the streets of Velia, approaching women of all ages and backgrounds, and sharing the vision of the Heavenly Harem Sect and the opportunities it offered.

My approach was simple yet effective: I asked each woman I encountered to gather more women who might be interested in joining our cause.

This grassroots strategy aimed to create a ripple effect, spreading our message throughout the city.

While exploring the city of Velia, my curiosity led me into a nearby forest. To my surprise, not far from where I stood, a confrontation was unfolding. 

A group of male cultivators was engaged in a fierce battle against a group of female cultivators, and the tension in the air was palpable.

I concealed my presence, watching and listening intently  as the two groups exchanged blows and magical techniques.

It was clear that both sides possessed considerable skill, but the reasons for their fight remained a mystery to me.

As I overheard their conversations, the male cultivator's voice grew more menacing as he demanded the spiritual plant, his eyes narrowing with a dangerous intensity.

"Hand over that 1000-year-old spiritual plant now," he growled, "or face the consequences. If you don't comply, we won't hesitate to spill blood right here."

The female cultivator, though clearly frightened, remained resolute in her refusal.

The female cultivator stood her ground, even as the male cultivator's threat hung in the air.

She clenched her fists, "I won't hand over the spiritual plant," she declared defiantly. "Even if it means our lives are at stake, we will protect it''

As the tense standoff continued, it became evident that the female cultivator and her group were not unscathed.

Injuries and wounds marred their bodies, and some of them struggled to stand. 

Despite their battered state, they showed no sign of hesitation.

They readied themselves for battle, their hands and weapons trembling from exhaustion and pain, but their spirits unwavering.

I watched in awe as these women displayed incredible resilience and bravery in the face of impending danger. 

And it's time for me to take an action. 

With a thought, I appeared in the middle of the group, materializing seemingly out of nowhere.

My sudden appearance startled both factions, but the male group reacted with a threatening voice.

"What's this? Who are you?" one of them demanded, his tone laced with suspicion and hostility.

They seemed ready to confront yet another adversary.

Ignoring their menacing words, I turned my attention to the courageous woman who had refused to back down despite the odds.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw me materialize before her.

I spoke to her and her group with a calm and reassuring tone.

"Do you need help?" I asked, my gaze focused on her, trying to convey my willingness to help her. 

My appearance had indeed caused a collective frown among the male group.

Their anger and frustration were evident as they exchanged bewildered glances.

Some of them began to mock and threaten me, their voices laced with venom.

"Who do you think you are, popping up out of nowhere?" one of them sneered, while another added, "You're in way over your head, stranger."

Despite the escalating tension and their harsh words, I continued to await the woman's response, but she appeared too stunned by my sudden appearance to speak. 

As I awaited the woman's response, tension hung heavy in the air, and it seemed as though a breaking point was imminent.

Then, one of the male cultivators, unable to contain his anger, made a rash decision and launched an attack on me.

''Die you brat!'' 

Without even looking back, the male cultivator who attacked ceased to exist, vanishing as if he had never been there at all.

The sudden disappearance of their comrade left the remaining members of the male group in stunned silence.

Their expressions ranged from shock to disbelief, and they took hesitant steps back, uncertainty now clouding their faces.

But I was far from finished. In a threatening voice that carried a chilling undertone, I spoke up once more, addressing the remaining group.

"Am I not talking to her?" I glared at them with my eyes full of killing intent. 

Finally, the woman, still visibly shaken by the recent events, seemed to recognize that I was indeed the real deal.

Though she didn't fully comprehend who I was or my capabilities, a glimmer of hope sparked within her.

She understood that her hope lay with the man standing before her.

With newfound determination and a hint of gratitude in her eyes, she didn't hesitate any longer.

She stepped forward, her voice steady despite the turmoil that had unfolded moments ago.

"Please, we need your help," she implored, her words carrying the weight of the situation and the trust she was placing in me.

"We cannot let them take our sacred plant. It means everything to us and our sect. Can you assist us in protecting it?"

Her request was a plea for salvation, and her fellow female cultivators nodded in agreement, their injuries and exhaustion pushing them to rely on this unexpected ally who had appeared in their hour of need.

"Of course, ladies, just sit back and relax," I replied, offering them a reassuring smile before turning my attention to the male group.

The male cultivator who had previously threatened me tried a different approach, invoking the name of his sect, the Armament Sect, as if it would intimidate me.

He spoke in a tone that hinted at the power and influence of his sect, but I remained unfazed.

"I don't care who you are," I declared firmly, my resolve unwavering.

Without any hesitation, I snapped my fingers, channelling my powers.

In an instant, a blinding light engulfed the male cultivators, and they began to fade away into tiny particles, like essences of dust carried away by the wind.

Their aggressive presence dissipated, leaving the forest in an eerie silence once more.

The female cultivators watched in awe and relief as the threat vanished before their eyes.

They exchanged glances, unable to comprehend the extraordinary power they had just witnessed.

"All of you will be fine from now on," I reassured the female cultivators before turning to leave the forest.

However, before I could make my exit, the leader of the female cultivator group stepped forward, her expression a mix of gratitude and admiration.

"Thank you," she said, her voice filled with sincerity. "We are truly grateful."

She paused for a moment before a determined look crossed her face.

"I would like to extend an invitation to you and we will repay you in our sect'' She said. 

The woman's invitation to join the Clouds of Mystery sect was a gesture of gratitude for what I had done, and I accepted it with an open heart, curious about what rewards and knowledge their sect might offer.

Little did they know that I also had a plan in mind.

As I followed the woman and her fellow cultivators, I saw this as an opportunity to recruit them into my own sect, the Heavenly Harem Sect.

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