Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8153: secret hand

Chapter 8153: secret hand

Chapter 8153 Secret Hand

With a wave of his left hand, three golden complex legs floated in front of him.

Also observe carefully with phantom eyes, supplemented by spiritual thoughts to repeatedly investigate.

The difference between the two is naturally very obvious, such as appearance, color, breath, etc., they are all different.

But these obvious characteristics are not what Jiang Tian needs to observe. In fact, there is no need to observe them deliberately. The difference is a fact.

What Jiang Tianzhen cares about is the difference contained in these two materials.

The master of the golden compound feet, the great earth centipede demon, was defeated due to his disturbance during the attack on the prelude to the eternal calamity.

But he didn't fall at that time. He was still able to escape in the end, showing a background beyond imagination.

The Great Demon of Disaster is a super monster that has truly survived the prelude to the eternal catastrophe, and its power is not even weaker than that of Qing Shi Eternal, a super monster that exists in the true eternal realm.

In comparison, the level of the earth demon is slightly lower after all.

Therefore, the value and power of the monster materials left behind by the Great Demon of Hushui can never be lower than those of the Golden Fuzu.

Under the double investigation of spiritual thoughts and illusory eyes, all the details in the two materials were reflected in the divine sea, forming two vivid and magnificent images!

This kind of concreteness allowed him to feel their differences seriously and carefully from a subtle perspective.

I dont realize it at first, but after a little immersion, it becomes amazing!

The golden feet look solid and powerful, which means they are indestructible and unbreakable.

As for the tail tentacles of the Great Demon of Disaster, they are stronger than the former. They are larger in shape but extremely flexible. They have flexibility characteristics that the former does not have. If used to attack difficulties, the power is not inferior to the former, but even better!

It can be said that these tentacles are better than the golden feet in all aspects!

However, the golden complex foot also has a characteristic that is difficult to replace the former - its relatively small shape is destined to be more flexible in actual combat, and it can be refined into exotic treasures similar to flying swords. Although it does not have the flexibility of the tail tentacles, it is It has a super strong texture that is better than the divine iron essence, and can explode with super killing power in a smaller space.

The tail tentacles are limited by their huge shape, and the tail cannot be removed, so they are destined to be unsuitable for use in a small space. However, the huge shape itself is its advantage different from the golden compound feet.

In general, both have their own characteristics and strengths. They are both rare treasures and have huge potential!

Before finding the Great Five Elements Xinmu for refining, it would be difficult to refine the golden complex foot.

Jiang Tian raised his hand to put it away, and then injected his blood spiritual power into the tail tentacles suspended in front of him.


The moment the spiritual power was injected, the tail tentacles that seemed to have become "dead objects" instantly came back to life and burst out with a dazzling blue light!

The astonishing power of water shines through, making the surrounding space look like an ocean.

"As expected!"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, with the corners of his mouth slightly curved and a slightly mocking smile.

As a powerful monster that has survived the eternal calamity, there is indeed some special vitality hidden in the tail of the Great Water Demon.

The moment he injected his bloodline spiritual power, it was activated.

It seems that this is the instinctive reaction of the tail tentacles, but it is just the way this monster material should be, but it is not!

A cold light flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes, and the aura around his body suddenly changed, infused with the powerful supreme law of the wood element.


The tail shook violently throughout its body, let out a dragon-like roar, and began to struggle violently, trying to escape from his control.

The sarcasm on Jiang Tian's face became stronger, and the light in his eyes became colder.

"A centipede is dead but not stiff, let alone a super monster that has survived the prelude to eternal calamity. You hid it deeply enough!"


Feeling the impact of the supreme law of wood, this tail no longer concealed its power and began to struggle and resist violently, trying to resist Jiang Tian's suppression.

As part of the great demon that has survived the eternal catastrophe, although it has separated from its original owner, and the original owner has died, it is impossible to reunite with him.

But as the saying goes, the centipede insect is dead but not stiff. Part of the will contained in the evil water demon has already given it considerable spiritual intelligence.

Given time and given it the necessary conditions and environment, it may not be impossible to reproduce the glory of the great evil monster.

But now, it is facing Jiang Tian, a super monster who can single-handedly suppress the great demon of troubled waters, and is destined to be unable to break free.

"Bloodline Will, give me control!"

Jiang Tian released his bloodline will and suppressed the tail on the spot.


The tail tentacles instantly stiffened, like a huge wooden stick falling down, unable to struggle.

"Compared to the body of the Great Demon of Disaster, you are more than one level weaker."

Jiang Tian sneered.

It is naturally impossible for a monster of the level of the Great Disaster Demon to have no backup plan.

These tentacles, which detach from the main body and are used to save lives in critical moments, seem to be just an emergency measure, victims of abandoning the car to save the commander.

But in fact, it is a manifestation of the cunning mind and powerful wisdom of the great evil water demon. After it is separated from the main body, if the main body is intact, it does not matter what the condition of these tails is. However, if the main body fails to escape danger or even eventually dies, these sights will The seemingly insignificant tail can become the capital and secret weapon for its comeback.

How shrewd and wise?

If it met other warriors, it might really be caught off guard, but unfortunately it was Jiang Tian who met him.

Just a ray of bloodline power easily suppressed the hidden backhand, preventing the will contained in the tail from causing any trouble.

The remaining more than a hundred tail tentacles showed no movement at this moment, as if there were no hidden dangers at all.

But Jiang Tian doesn't think things are really that simple!

"Zai Zhen!"

The blood aura spreads, trying to cover all the tail tentacles.

Feeling the huge threat, the tail tentacles exploded helplessly!

Ho **** ho!

More than a hundred tentacles suddenly rose into the air, and some of them launched a frantic attack on Jiang Tian, intending to entangle, imprison, or even forcefully kill him.

If not, they must also fight for the chance of escape for their companions!

More than half of the tail tentacles attacked Jiang Tian, and the remaining half seized the opportunity to escape in all directions, trying their best to escape wildly.

Some even pierced the space like giant spears with the intention of escaping.

Facing this drastic change, Jiang Tian just responded with a sneer.

After all, these things are just materials for monsters, and they do not really have the wisdom of the great monster.

They don't know where this place is.

Little does he know that the Zixuan Realm is self-contained and isolated from the outside world.

Even if they pierce the space, there is no way to escape!

No matter how hard they struggle, they can't escape from this huge prison in Zixuan Realm!

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of monster is that?"

In front of the Zixuan Realm, two graceful figures looked at this scene in shock.

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