Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8123: Have a lot of knowledge

Chapter 8123: Have a lot of knowledge

The water planet domain seemed to be waving to him with easy success, but in fact it was using comprehensive failure in exchange for his retreat and surrender!

"I, Jiang Tian, don't accept it!"

! .


Jiang Tian clenched his fists fiercely, and the sound of thunder exploded in his body.

At this moment, the body of law, the star sword body, the physical power of the true dragon's body, and the bloodline will of the wild blood dragon suddenly broke out and intertwined crazily in his body.

Carrying out his irresistible and powerful will, he swept and baptized the body.

For himself, it seemed that he had gone through a special transformation.

Perhaps, this can be regarded as some kind of "eternal disaster" in disguise?


Jiang Tian pressed this thought.

He is only in the middle stage of the Origin Realm now and is far from reaching the level where he can challenge the eternal calamity.

Such a baptism cannot reach the height of eternal calamity, and it is not even a prelude.

At best, it is a small preview similar to an imaginary prelude.

Jiang Tian let out a sullen breath, and the violent power in his body began to calm down.

When he looked again, the fan-shaped star field exuding dark water-like light was already very close in front of him!

so close!

Cold sweat broke out on Jiang Tian's forehead.

In his opinion, the chaos that was lost for just a moment had already crossed the vast scale of the starry sky and arrived in front of the water planet domain.

If he had been a moment later, would he have already stepped into it and been drowned by the dark and mysterious light of water?

That is, will it be impossible to escape the temptation of the will of water and let it be at its mercy?

Of course it was a dangerous experience!

If it were any other Origin Realm warrior, he might have sunk long ago, or even be ecstatic.

Even if someone could find something wrong, they might not be able to break free.

At this moment, Jiang Tian's eyes became solemn as he looked at the water planet domain.

The chaos just now was really the most dangerous moment since his practice!

Being so far away, I was enveloped by an unprecedented will, and I even fell into it without even realizing it, almost unable to extricate myself.

The will of the water planet domain is so terrifying!

Jiang Tian let go of his spiritual thoughts, activated the body of law, and at the same time activated his illusory eyes and magical powers to scan the starry sky, but did not find anything strange.

At this point, the possibility of human interference can be ruled out.

That was indeed the temptation of the water element's will, or a kind of wooing, to make him abandon the entire practice system and throw himself into the embrace of the power of the water element.

It is true that with his talents and qualifications, if he joins it, he will definitely become the most dazzling star in the eternity of water!

But at the same time, it also lost the possibility of lighting up many other stars.

As a result, the road that should have been extremely broad has become extremely narrow, and from now on, it can only be locked in a fixed direction.

"How can I, Jiang Tian, be at your mercy?"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, having an unprecedented understanding of the path of martial arts.

Looking at the pitch-black water planet domain so close at hand, he already had the feeling of being in a deep mountain without knowing where he was.

The fan-shaped star field across the starry sky was no longer identifiable, because he was already standing in front of this vast star field, and he would become a part of this star field if he took one step further.

The even more magnificent Five Elements Color Disk is also no longer visible, because everything within sight is filled with the black glow of the water planet domain, and nothing else can be seen.

Jiang Tian couldn't help but wonder, if a warrior who was born here could never leave this star field in his life, would he have thought that this was the whole of martial arts and the whole of the world throughout his training career?

This is certainly possible, and extremely likely!

As the saying goes, summer insects cannot talk about the ice, and well frogs cannot talk about the sea.

How do you describe to someone something that the other person has never seen, been exposed to, or imagined?

How to make the other party believe that there is something beyond their experience, contact, and imagination?

That is really difficult!

Facing this star field that almost misled him, what attitude should he take at this moment?



Or even curse and then leave?

not necessarily!

That kind of reaction may be a reflection on previous confusion, but it may not be an act of wisdom.

Whether you accept it or not, the water planet domain is part of the entire five-planet domain.

And it is an extremely important part that cannot be ignored!

The composition of the five-planet domain cannot lack the support of the power of water.

This principle applies not only to this star field, but also to countless large planes and the entire martial arts world that spans all planes.

Therefore, rejection, abandonment and resentment are all impulsive actions, which will lead to bias, going astray or even extreme.

Jiang Tian, who already has the Supreme Law of the Five Elements, would naturally not make such a choice.

In fact, even if he makes that choice, what will change?

After rejecting the water planet domain, where should we enter?

Wood element, fire element, metal element, earth element?

Which one is not an area ruled by a single force?

Changing the soup but not the medicine, is there any essential difference?

Jiang Tian suppressed all his thoughts, stepped forward, and stepped into the water planet domain calmly and calmly!


As soon as Fang entered, the surging water power enveloped him, awakening the newly dormant water power in his body.


The supreme law of the water system is surging and stirring, as if it is returning to its previous restlessness.

Jiang Tian didn't seem to care and just smiled.

He has already gotten rid of the eternal temptation of the water element. What does the mere resonance caused by the power of water do to him?

Jiang Tian did not suppress it and allowed the water power in his body to respond to the envelope.

Sure enough, after a period of excitement, this restlessness gradually disappeared.

As if it was a kind of temptation, and also like a special communication, the moment he entered this star field, his own water power reached a certain tacit understanding with the water power that ruled the starry sky.

Then the restlessness disappeared, and Jiang Tian could walk in this star field more calmly.

"The five-star domain really has a lot to offer!"

Jiang Tian had to admit this.

This star field is very different from any star field he has traveled to before.

It is called the Five Elements, but all the forces work together, each occupying one side, and there is a strong tendency for the Five Elements to compete with each other and not give in to each other.

Otherwise, it would not have happened that he was seduced by the will of water when he first came to this realm.

Obviously, under the harmonious coexistence of the whole, the powers of the five elements each have their own independent will, and there is also fierce competition with each other.

Star Leap unfolds again!

Stars filled with the power of water shine one after another.

A moment later, Jiang Tian descended on a certain aqua-blue star.

The surface of this star is completely covered by blue water, and almost no land can be seen.

The only difference is that there are a few isolated islands on the boundless sea.

But they can also be hit and beaten by huge waves at any time. Not to mention mortals, even weak warriors would not be able to gain a foothold in this environment.

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