Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 155: There is no saving you

Chapter 155: There is no saving you

The root lunged at the soldiers like vicious tentacles. As they defended themselves. At first it was just a piece of cake for them to fight with these snake-like roots, the time passed the soldiers sweated profusely. However, the roots didn't look as if they were going to stop any time soon.

"We won't be able to hold this thing much longer; let's leave this place," the captain shouted towards his subordinates.

No one objected and dashed towards the horses. "Go, bring that girl, fast!" the captain said to one of the soldiers as he fought with the tentacles.

The soldier sprinted towards the tent where they had locked the girl. He entered the tent and all the colour drained from his face. "No, no, how could this be!" he screamed and ran out of the tent. "Captain, there is no girl inside!" he roared at his companions.

Everyone halted, no one believed what they heard. How could she disappear when they had locked her in chains, and if someone was behind this, they would have sensed the person. However, no one realised that, not even their captain. There could be only one explanation, the person who did this was equally strong as their captain or even stronger. Everyone's face turned grim as they thought about the possibility.

The captain looked in the surrounding but failed to notice any peculiarity. "Who are you?" he said. "I am the Vice Commander of the August Army. I am following August Emperor's decree and that girl is very precious to him. I would ask you to return the girl!" Although he was furious, he suppressed his fury and tried to solve the matter with talk.

"Oh, Vice Commander of the August Army is so shameless that for some selfish reason he slaughtered an entire village of innocent commoners." A mocking voice came from the woods as a group of seven people appeared. It was Ayaan and others, a petite girl with fair skin, around the age of seven with a pale face also stood with her shaky legs. Noor had taken the advantage of the chaos and rescued her. Though she didn't have the ability to open the portal, she could still use her space element to become invisible for a certain amount of time.

The commander heard Ayaan's words and his face turned cold. "Who are you?" he asked.

"Who am I?" Ayaan looked at the man and said, "you don't need to know. What you need to know is that you are going to die, tonight."

"Big talk!" sneered the man. "I will give you the last chance, and we could still give you a way to survive, or you better prepare yourself to rest here for eternity."



"Comm...ander" without any warning a root shot towards one of the soldiers and drilled inside his chest. His mouth filled with blood as the root appeared from the behind his back and hanged him in the air, like clothes hanging to dry in the sunny day and blood dripped from his body like the water from the clothes. His eyes still opened but life had faded, leaving nothing but a corpse hanging in the air.

"This answer should be enough, right?" Ayaan smirked at the so-called commander.

"I. Will. Kill. You!" the man roared furiously and shot towards Ayaan and his group. The tentacles again appeared to block his path, but no matter how many roots attacked, he tore them like a paper from a book and dashed towards the group of ignorant youngsters with red eyes.

The little girl saw the commander dashing towards their group and screamed in terror, as he hid behind everyone else. Ayaan looked at the girl's fearful face and asked Leafwhisk to protect her and Akash. He and others exchanged glances and moved towards their enemies. Ayaan unsheathed his sabre and went towards the captain, others also began slaughtering these vicious soldiers who didn't have any conscience.

"Boom!" Ayaan's heavy sabre met with the captain's longsword that produced an earthshaking noise. It was night so Ayaan had an advantage over the man due to his Dark Element. He could see much more clearly in the night than his opponent. As the group of soldiers lost their captain's support they started to fall. They could just watch as three girls detached their heads, or long tentacles penetrated their hearts. 

The screams filled the dark night, making it darker and eerier. The blood scattered on the ground as if it was water. The innards, guts, or faeces fell over the ground, the nauseous stench filled the jungle. The burning campfire flared in the forest, the only source of light. The fire burned as if it was the embodiment of the evil and was happy to see the slaughter.



At this moment the body of a soldier fell over the campfire, and he screamed in agony. Before he could protect himself, his face had been burned charred. His clothes sat on fire, and he rolled on the ground in the hop to protect himself, everything proved futile.

Isobel walked to him with her never-ending sweet smile and sucked his blood essence with by just a single touch; the man turned nothing but a husk. The red tinge flickered in her eyes as if madness was trying to control her. She turned at another opponent and began her slaughter. She looked as if the empress of hell had possessed her.

Noor on the other hand killed her opponents very elegantly. The space element gave her an advantage over other people before anyone realised her position, their heads would have already left their bodies. She wasn't behind her sister in killing her enemies. Moreover, she never let a drop of blood touch her clothes. She still looked as graceful as ever.

The sisters were graceful and their killing techniques were brutal, one devoured the blood essence while the other let the ground drink every bit of her opponent's blood. However, Rebecca killed her opponents without shedding even a drop of blood. Her killing was gorgeous, beautiful, and mesmerising. Anyone who dared to fight her turned into thousands of beautiful crystals. The ice crystals were gorgeous and glittered in the burning campfire. Though no one thought them beautiful, only coldness deepened in everyone's heart.

Ayaan was not fighting with others. He and his opponent had disappeared from this place, merging with the dark forest. People would only hear the rumbling noise of their clashes in the distance, and some sparks when their weapons collided.

The fight was a one-sided slaughter. The soldiers looked hopeless, their captain was fighting with another opponent. No one could defend them; they felt more and more hopeless as the fight proceeded. Their companions died in front of their eyes, and they could only look at them helplessly. They remembered the laughing expression of their companions just a few minutes before and felt aggrieved, resentful, and full of hate for this damn group of murderers. However, they forgot their own crime of slaughtering an entire village of innocents.

"We can't fight with these people. They are too strong, let's run away!" one of the soldiers shouted.

Leafwhisk shook her head. "You should have done this a long time ago, morons," she sneered, and a spider web spread over the soldier who tried to run away, binding them with vines. If they had run away before there might have been some soldiers who could escape the tragedy. However, now their number had dropped and many of them were injured if not about to die. There was no way they could escape with their life.

Leafwhisk controlled her roots and attacked fiercely at towards the escapees. Not willing to let anyone live. These people deserved to die. After trapping everyone, she let other three kill them. Leafwhisk looked at the Akash and the little girl they had saved. "What happened to her?" she asked in surprise.

The helpless Akash looked embarrassed as he held an unconscious girl by her waist. It was evident to see that he was struggling to hold her. "She fell unconscious after seeing the bloody scene in front of her." He replied, wiping sweat from his temple.

"You can just put her on the ground," Leafwhisk laughed. "Why are you holding her?"

"Big Brother Ayaan said, the man needs to protect beautiful women," he replied righteously and patted his chest proudly. As he was the only true man. However, in the process, he lost his balance and fell on the ground with the unconscious girl.

Leafwhisk chuckled when she saw his cute act. Then said, "don't listen to Ayaan, or you will also become like him."

Akash looked at her with shining eyes and said in excitement, "really? I can become like Big Brother Ayaan by listening to him? Then I will listen to everything he says."

Leafwhisk looked speechless and shook her head. "There is no saving you," she said. Then turned towards the battlefield that had already become quite. The three girls had already slaughtered all the enemies. After that they came to Leafwhisk and asked, "we need to go help Ayaan." 


The booming sound echoed in the distance and the group dashed with a fast speed. Leafwhisk grabbed Akash by collar and Noor held the unconscious girl elegantly. Akash didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Why was this difference in treatment?

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