Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 144: Ghost Area

Chapter 144: Ghost Area

Trista froze when she saw Isobel killing the Snake King so effortlessly. The king beasts were always feared by people, however, today someone had killed a terrifying beast at that level in front of her she felt like dreaming. But to her dismay, the dream never broke. The snake's huge body without any blood essence still laid on the ground, and the one who killed it was sitting by the support of a tree, talking with her companions jubilantly.

"This is the first day and we have already encountered a king beast. This forest is a good training place for us. I wonder what awaits us in the City and the entire Central Continent." Murmured Ayaan and looked towards the forest with some anticipation.

"Alright, let's move!" said Ayaan after resting for half an hour. Isobel had also recovered from her exhaustion, looking as energetic as ever.

The group tidied themselves and stood up. Ayaan looked around, then turned towards Trista. "In which direction should we go?"

Only after hearing Ayaan, did Trista come out of her shock. She was completely shaken this time. Shock and reverie appeared on her face and she became more polite with everyone. 

The group resumed their travel and Trista acted as their guide. No matter what kind of beast appeared, they would defeat it easily. Furthermore, the more they drought with the beasts, the more shocked Trista became. Because in this time, Rebecca and Noor also showed their Embryonic Realm strengththey had also reached the Embryonic Realm!

Not only them, but even the little guy also showed his sword techniques and slaughtered many low-level beasts. This kind of power was something unheard of at such an age. Ayaan looked at the small figure and nodded in acknowledgment. This guy would become a great swordsman in the future.

As they traveled Leafwhisk found quite a few plants and weird herbs. She looked at them pleasantly and stored every one of them inside her Life Ring without giving any explanation. Though Ayaan was curious about the use of these herbs because he was also a low-level potioneer after all. However, he didn't press her when she didn't tell him by herself. He would know everything eventually, anyway.

Suddenly, Ayaan thought of something and turned towards Trista, the guide. "Do you know why this forest is called Spiritstar forest?"

Trista looked at Ayaan and nodded, "You don't know but this forest is also called the Den of Ghosts. I am not sure, but people say that there was a huge war a long time ago at this place, and rivers of blood flow in that war. No one knows what was the result of that war, however, after the war, powerful ghosts roamed inside this forest and they would suck the blood and soul of the person."

Trista's face turned grave when she mentioned the name "Den of Ghosts".

"Den of Ghost? But I don't see any ghosts here." Asked Ayaan with confusion. If this place had ghosts then why didn't he meet any of them? He still remembered the encounter inside a graveyard on the Demonic Continent where he purified those ghosts and devoured their grievance, pain, misery, and all the negative emotions. However, he didn't feel any discomfort because of that, instead, his cultivation increased.

After that, he didn't have any chance to go to any graveyard to test his theories regarding this matter. Though Ayaan knew that now he was powerful he would need much more powerful evil spirits and ghosts to increase his cultivation. 

He won't be able to increase his strength by going to low-level graveyards. Therefore, when he heard of these roaming powerful ghosts who devoured other peoples, his eyes lit up. In the graveyard, all the ghosts remained standing without any move. only one ghost had been wild and Ayaan had to use little strength but he never met a ghost that could devour someone. 

Furthermore, he was the only person in the group who was still at the Core Formation Realm. His breathing technique could only be used to strengthen his link with the World of Life and Death. He couldn't use it to cultivate, only later he realized this truth and he was very frustrated. He didn't know how to increase his cultivation. His only clue was ghost purification, and now, he heard something related to evil spirits and ghosts that made him excited.

"There are ghosts in this forest but not at this place. We are far away from the central area of the forest and the ghosts only roam in this forest's center. The central area is also called the Ghost Area. Because it is ruled by ghosts. There were many ghosts who had gained intelligence and lived like any other living beings. Naturally, they don't want an outsider to infiltrate their place" Trista replied. She looked uncomfortable when talking about the ghost area.

"This place is somewhat interesting. Let's check it out." Ayaan said excitedly.

"Oh no, you won't. That pace is very dangerous. Not many people could survive there. Furthermore, you have to walk for at least ten days, to reach that place. We won't be able to go back to the city for at least a month, or maybe never." Trista startled after hearing his proposal. She never thought Ayaan would be interested in the Ghost Area.

"Why not? I want to go there." Ayaan looked at Trista and understood something, "if you don't want to go to that place, just tell us the direction."

A struggling expression appeared on Trista's face. She looked at Ayaan and told him the direction. After that, she didn't waste her time and departed. Ayaan looked at her graceful figure disappearing with narrowed eyes.

"What an ungrateful bitch!" cursed Noor. "And I treated her like my friend. Most of all, I gave her one of my favorite dresses."

"Are you grumbling because she left or because you lost your dress?" asked Isobel with an amusing smile.

"Of course, you will say that you didn't lose your precious dress after all." Noor flicked her locks behind her back and replied. "Furthermore, we saved her life and she acted like this ungratefully. If she didn't want to go to that place, that's alright. At least, she should have guided us there."

"She might have been grateful if we have saved her life. However" Leafwhisk looked in the direction Trista disappeared and narrowed her eyes.

"However what?" questioned Noor. Everyone turned towards her curiously.

"Nothing." She looked at Ayaan and chuckled. "You will meet this friend very soon."

"Alright. We need to go." Ayaan said and walked in a particular direction that would lead him to the Ghost Area.

Though everyone was curious, no one pressed Ayaan or Leafwhisk for further information. They will know everything eventually there was no rush.

As the group walked towards the Ghost Area, the more powerful beast started to appear. There were many king rank beasts. Though Ayaan was only at the peak of the Core Formation Realm, he could handle king beasts as easily as others, with no trouble at all.

Ayaan and his group enjoyed fighting these beasts, but at one point the number of beasts dropped and there were very few creatures to fight. Only king level creatures could be seen. There was no lower beast, so Akash had to hide behind everyone. He didn't have the strength to fight with king beasts. 

He was small and his body was weak, only his sword was as sharp as it could get. He killed many high beasts that were equal to the high mage. But beyond the high beast, he could not defeat any beast. He had yet to start his cultivation after all. So there was a limit for his strength.

When it was the ninth day, Ayaan could no longer see any beast. The soil had turned rather black. 'Shouldn't it be red if there was any war at this place?' questioned Ayaan, but didn't stop moving. The place started to become rather eerie. There was no sound of insects, nor the roars of beasts, that gave this place a spooky feeling.

"Trista said we will need ten days to reach the Ghost Area. It is the ninth day and this place is already so ghostly and creepy." Noor commented when she looked at the pin-drop silent bushes and trees. There was only one sound at this moment, wind. Other than that there was no noise or disturbance. This was a really good place to give a burial to someone.

"She said we would need ten days and you believed her? Does everyone walk at a similar speed? You believe everyone so easily, change that attitude." Ayaan chided her when he heard her question. He knew she wasn't stupid, only innocent, and had a kind heart. Ayaan didn't want people to take advantage of her innocence. Though he was with her all the time, the future was unpredictable and he didn't want something bad to happen with his women.

"Sorry, I am too stupid." She lowered her head and a sad look appeared on her face.

Ayaan looked at her sad face and his heart melted in just a moment, holding her smooth hand and comforted her, "you aren't stupid. You are just naive and I don't want people to take advantage of your naivety. You have to understand, every kind-looking person isn't necessarily a kind in reality. So you have to be wary of strangers, like that girl we met previously."

"Hmm, I will do as you say." Said Noor. A beautiful smile emerged on her angelic face that made Ayaan's heart tremble.


"Who is there?" Leafwhisk shouted when she heard a whooshing sound. Everyone looked towards the thickets vigilantly.

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