Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 126: Soul-Search

Chapter 126: Soul-Search

Ayaan looked at the huge cyclone and shook his head. No matter how awesome mage was, there was a single major flaw; that was the speed of their incantation. Ayaan had heard that there was a realm where a mage could cast the spell instantaneously. However, no one below heaven rank could cast spells without incantation.

Therefore, no matter how amazing and talented the mage was, he would never be able to complete with a cultivator. Speed, reaction time, agility, technique etc. There were many variables the cultivator had to use it in battle, however, the mage could only stand and chant his spell. Though there were spells for those lacking attributes, they would never be able to reach the level of the cultivator.

The best example was just in front of him. Though the man had the support of the magic artefact, he was still too slow in Ayaan's eyes. Furthermore, Ayaan had just advanced and reached the peak of the Core Formation Realm, surpassing even Isobel in cultivation in a single leap.



Before the cyclone could form huge silver light flashed and landed on the crystal ball on the wand. 

"How dare you!" The Punishment Hall Leader was shocked and horrified at the same time when he saw that Ayaan launched an attack directly on his wand. Before he could do anything, he was smashed back and landed on the wall while vomiting red fluid continuously. He couldn't even shriek before he was smashed on the wall with such a powerful blow. His face pale, clothes disfigured while eyes full of shock.

"You have just become a cultivator. So how could you have so much power?!" shirked the man when he realised the shocking truth. At first, he had thought, even if they were cultivators he would be able to deal with them easily, after all, he was a King Mage.

After defeating these people he would be able to get the secrets of the Heavenly Palace after his special treatment. They were just four youngsters after all. How would they be able to stand his amazing torturing skills? However, only now did he realise how idiotic his thinking was. These four youngsters were already powerful enough to compete with many cultivators. Even they had just started to cultivate.

"Oh, you know about cultivation? Now, it's time for some investigation. If you don't want to feel pain, just answer honestly." smiled Ayaan jubilantly when he said that, however, when the man on the ground saw his smile he felt as if a temperature had dropped even further. His face was pale, fear visible and body trembling.

"Wh-what do you want to know?" asked the man after some hesitation. He knew that there was no way he could escape from this man. So he didn't say anything arrogant like those arrogant fools, old ginger is spicier, he had lots of experience and tried to stall for time.

Ayaan saw through his intentions in a single look and said, "Don't worry, no one is going to come here because no one would be able to get out of this palace."

As he said he pointed towards the bodies lying on the ground, even the pool had been turned completely red due to their blood, bloody stench filled the entire place.

When the Punishment Hall Leader saw those corpses lying on the ground, he felt as if the sky had fallen. His eyes were full of shock, disbelief and indignance. Every single one of those people was at the level of Archmage. However, they were defeated by those three girls in such a short period of time. He couldn't believe it.

"Hahaha! I should have known that you won't be like before after entering that place. I thought I would be able to get the secret for myself and defeat everyone under this heaven, how stupid, show stupid.hahaha." the Punishment Hall Leader started to act like a crazy. 

Seeing him like this, Ayaan shook his head before saying, "Tell me everything about the central region you know." 

"Hehe, do you think you could force me to get anything from me? Dream on!" said the man while a smirk hung at the corner of his lips. He knew there was only one way to stay alive and that was to hide information from Ayaan. If he knew everything, that would be his end.

"Really? Then let me see how long you could persevere." sneered Ayaan. 

Just when he was about to start his master torturing, a figure arrived beside him. She beamed at him before asking, "Let me do this."

A shocked expression appeared on Ayaan's face, "You want to torture him?"

"If you want to torture him, I would be able to do that as well. But I think sister Rebecca would be best to torture this traitor. I can soul search him, however, you could consider it torture as well. Because I had to spread my energy inside his consciousness for soul search which means he had to go through horrendous pain." when Ayaan saw Isobel's ever-smiling face, he felt chill.

"Cough, sure, go ahead if you can," Ayaan hid his shocked face and said after some time.

"Hehe, just wait. Leafwhisk had taught me this skill. Though these skills won't be of any use after ascending to the higher world, because we would need powerful techniques. They are more than enough in this world." beamed Isobel when Ayaan nodded and looked at the Punishment Hall Leader. 

When the Punishment Hall Leader saw her shining eyes, he couldn't help but shiver. There was something very very dangerous in her eyes but no one could tell what that was.

"Don't come any closer!" shouted the Punishment Hall Leader, "Why the fuck no one is here!"

The Punishment Hall Leader lamented when no one arrived. It's already been some time. However, there was still no sign of people coming for his aid.

"Are you waiting for people from Demonic Place? Aren't you such a moron? You have built your palace so far away from Demonic Palace. You think they would even realise what had happened here. No shock wave would be able to reach them."

"They are after all only mage no cultivator. Their senses aren't that sharp. As for that moron king, hehe. If he was any intelligent, he would have killed a snake-like you a long time ago. However, he is treating you like an important member. Isn't he asking for death?"

Ayaan had long since figured out from Punishment Hall Leader's words that the king is an idiot. Maybe he was king just for formalities. People from the central region didn't want the public to panic when they saw a human king in the Demonic Continent. Therefore, they have arranged that vermillion moron for this. He was nothing but a chess piece.

"Do you want to speak everything on your own or should we use a hard method?" said Ayaan, his voice turned extremely cold. He didn't have time to bicker with him.

"Hmph! No matter what you try. You won't get anything from me. Dream on!" sneered the man. His lips curled into a mocking smile. He didn't believe that soul searching nonsense. Even necromancers who were said to be the king of the death magic were able to do something like this. He didn't believe that these children would be able to do anything to him.

"Do it," said Ayaan to Isobel.

"Hehe, you are such a good old man for letting me practice my technique. Thank you," Isobel said with full sincerity.


However, the old man wasn't able to take this anymore and coughed a mouthful of blood. They were playing with him and insulting him again and again. How could a respected king mage take such an insult? Alas, there was no choice but to endure.

Before the old man could react. Isobel placed her hand over his head.


Immediately a heart-wrenching shriek escaped from his mouth. He felt as if his soul had been torn apart by someone. Furthermore, the pain didn't lessen; on the contrary, it continuously increased. He started to froth.


Every now and then he would shriek with a face filled with agony. At the end, his shrieks choked. No further screaming came from his mouth except saliva which was dripping continuously from his mouth.

It took about half an hour for Isobel to complete soul search the man. She dug out his every secret from the deepest part of the soul. There was nothing which could hide from her.

After she completed her soul search, Isobel fell on her butt. Her face pale. However, visible excitement could be seen on her face which implied that she had succeeded in soulsearching this man.

"Are you alright," Ayaan immediately supported Isobel when he saw how weak she was. The lady saw his action and turned completely red and lowered her head, feeling sweet warmth in her heart.

"Cough, let's go. There isn't much time before sunrise and people will realise that something is wrong at this place when the will not see any guard," as Ayaan said, he grabbed the man by his neck and disappeared with the three ladies. Leaving a pool filled with corpses and blood.

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