Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 117: Rampant!

Chapter 117: Rampant!

Both Old Man and Young Master Blood stood up in shock; Captain Darik was at the fifth level of the Archmage. It was a very high level on Demonic Island. If someone had the strength to kill him in a single punch then he must be a terrifying person.

"Who did you offend this time Old Man?" asked Young Master Blood. Even he was surprised that someone was powerful enough to kill someone at the fifth level of Archmage. Of course, he was interested to meet this person.

"I don't know who this person is. I have so many enemies after all. However, they aren't from the Demonic Continent, my enemies should be human because I always capture human girls. You know everything about my business," said Old man. His face pale.

"Ma-master, that person is actually hu-human," chimed the servant who had just told them about the invader.


Both Old Man and Young Master Blood again became flabbergasted. A human dared to act so unbridledly on the Demonic Continent, he must have a death wish.

"Furthermore, with that man, there are three beauties. I have never seen any women who could compare with those three women." explained the servant again.


"Why the fuck you are explaining things in pieces? You must have a death wish!' Roared Old Man furiously after slapping the man with his full strength.

The man was smashed on the ground by the force of the slap. Surprisingly the Old man was also an Archmage. Every facial bone of the man had broken by his slap, his teeth scattered around with the blood on the floor.

"Young Master Blood, you must help me this time, a human dared to act so brazenly on the Demonic Continent," Old Man said towards the man. 

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you. I just need a million gold and those three women your servant talked about." a perverted smile appeared on Young Master Blood's face. In his excitement, he squeezed the nipple of one lady in his arms. 

"Ahh hmmm"

A painful moan filled with pleasure escaped from the lady's mouth.

Hearing the requirement of Young Master Blood, Old Man frowned. 


Another booming sound resounded, the palace trembled due to shockwaves of the attack.

"You don't have much time Old Man. You need to make your decision fast," smiled Young Master Blood confidently. He was certain that Old Man didn't have any choice but to comply with his wishes.

"Alright," the merchant gritted his teeth and finally agreed with the man. He had no choice, he was in the need of help at the moment after all.

"Haha, good, let's go. I also want to see who dared to act on the Demonic continent so blatantly." the man stood up and walked towards the exit. The old man gritted his teeth furiously and also followed behind the man. It was unknown why he was gritting his teeth, because someone had attacked his house or because someone had conned him just now.


"How dare you act so boldly on the Demonic Continent, human? Do you have a death wish!?" shouted the man furiously at the group of humans in front of him. He never saw human acting fearlessly on the Demonic Continent, even those human kings had to lower their heads if they came here.

Ayaan looked at the man icily; in a single glance, he was able to tell that the man was also a fifth rank Archmage. He had just killed a fifth rank Archmage, and one more person revealed himself. How interesting.

He always thought that Archmages were rare; however, after coming on the Demonic Continent, he realised how wrong he was. Even a servant here were Archmages, this was really little out of ordinary.

"I am warning you. Don't act barbarously here or you won't even know how you died." the man threatened; however, a nervousness easily could be heard in his voice. Ayaan had already killed a mage at the same level as him after all. So there was lingering fear in his heart that he would also die by this brute's hand.

Ayaan smiled coldly as he heard the threat of the man. Flicking his hand Ayaan threw the body of a dead man towards the Archmage. 

The Archmage jumped in fright when he saw Ayaan's action, but then, he realised that he wasn't attacking, he only threw a body of a half-dead man.

Who else the body would belong to other than the poor guy from the restaurant. After arriving at this place, he couldn't remain awake and fell unconscious.

"Young Master!" when the man saw the swelling face of the man, he cried in horror. Who would have thought that the man Ayaan was carrying all this time was the young master of this place?

"Hehe, so he was the young master of this place. No wonder he dared to act so arrogantly," laughed Ayaan when he saw the pale expression of the guard captain.

"How dare you attack my son, you lowly human!?'' Suddenly a furious shout came from not far away from the group. Ayaan and the girls turned towards the newcomers and saw the old man at the very front was rushing towards them with an infuriated expression. Behind him was following a man, at his side was two ladies with half-revealed bodies.

"Ohh, so you are the main culprit behind everything, hmm?" Ayaan didn't reply and said indifferently.

At first, Old Man was startled and didn't understand, but when he saw three heavenly beauties behind Ayaan, he immediately understood what was going on. He had sent his son to capture three girls when someone told him about them. Previously, he thought that it would be an easy matter, but now, he realised that he had hit the iron plate.

"Woah, I want those women!" before Old Man could reply. Young Master Blood shouted excitedly when he saw Rebecca, Noor and Isobel. He even pushed two ladies in his arms away and walked towards Ayaan's group. His perverted gaze roaming around the bodies of the three beauties.

Young Master Blood, looked at girls with a perverted gaze then turned towards Ayaan, "Boy, I will give a last chance of survival because you brought these beauties here and I am rather in a pleasant mood, so scram!" 

"Young Master Blood"

"Hmm? You have any problem with this?'' Before Old Man could finish his sentence, the man interrupted.

Looking at the eyes of the man in front of him, the merchant shivered and said apologetically, "I-I don't have any problem."

"Don't worry, I won't let you take any losses. You just need to pay me half a million gold," said the man magnanimously.

"Hey hey, have you gone senile after touching boobs of those big boob ladies? I don't care about your half a million or a full million. I am here to find a man who dared to plot against me. I will give you three breathes time scram while you can or you won't even know when you have lost your third leg"

"Courting death!" Before Ayaan could finish his cursing, a terrifying power burst out of Young Master Blood's body.

Ayaan narrowed his eyes because the man in front of him was at the peak of the Archmage. At first, he didn't pay any attention to the man, only now did Ayaan realise that he was rather little strong, but he was only a little bit strong.


Suddenly, a spike appeared under Ayaan's feet, trying to penetrate his body. At this moment, he jumped towards backward and avoided the attack. The man was an earth elemental Archmage.

"Ohh, you avoided my attack? Looks like this would be an interesting hunt for me," said the man arrogantly.

Ayaan looked at the man and shook his head, "It was your only chance; now you have lost your chance you can die disharmonious."

"Die!" shouted the man infuriatingly. Earth started to shake and gathered, forming a small golem. However, he was still far from being complete.

Ayaan looked at the golem with a wide mouth and laughed, "This is your trump card? How long are you going to take to complete your spell?"

Three girls behind Ayaan also became speechless. If they wanted to kill this arrogant, they would be able to kill with ease at this time.

Actually, this man didn't take much longer in the eyes of a mage; in the eye of a mage, it was very fast. Because where Ayaan was standing, no mage would be able to reach Young Master Blood before he completed his spell; therefore, their only option would be to launch attacks with their own spells.

However, Ayaan was no mage anymore with a weak body; his speed was far superior to them. That's why in his and the three girl's eyes this process was very slow; it was like a child trying to scare them.



A shadow flashed and head of the man flew towards the sky, blood scattered all around while the bloody stench spread in the area. 

"You dared to covet, my, Ayaan's women, with this strength, hmph!" Ayaan placed his sabre on his shoulder, dripping with blood, and said expressionlessly to the headless corpse on the ground.

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