Headed by a Snake

Chapter 401 Registration

⟬ Outside the Caeruleum Coliseum. ⟭

Tycondrius and Zenon accompanied Team Athena to the tournament registration booth, with the newest addition of the pink-haired archer, Parthenope.

Upon speaking with one of the city officials, Tycon discovered an annoying... inconvenience.

The two girls needed a proper, legal, Tyrion 'adult', in order to register.

The participation of well-known noble houses in the martial tournament provided a great influx of wealth to Caeruleum. House Vanzano and House Aldini both qualified for this.

Both girls were the age that they could legally join the military and even legally pair with a husband. They could legally fight and die for their nation... they could legally create offspring... yet under Tyrion law, they did not qualify as 'adults.'

Tycon did not have any official documents to prove his citizenship. He did have a boot. The attending official also had an orifice that he could shove his boot into.

Perhaps thankfully, Centurion Zenon was present to deescalate the situation. Because of the Librarian's social status, he had the proper paperwork.

Tycon wondered if that was Archbishop Natalya's intent: to assign him a Centurion instead of going through the process to provide him a single piece of paper.

Such an action both inconvenienced him and prevented her from taking on more work.

Well played, scheming human woman.

Well played...

The Caeruleum officials measured Athena's and Parthenope's physical age via a Scanning Crystal. Upon verifications, they were properly signed up for the youth tournament. Once the other boy arrived, they could seek out a tournament official to have him sign in as a substitute.

Not that Tycon particularly cared for that one. His tardiness solidified his unreliability in Tycon's heart.

"And I assume you will be signing up individuals for the main tournament, Master Letalis?" The city official asked.

"Yes, of course," Tycon nodded. "My first candidate is this young gentleman."

Tanamar, real name Athanasius Mors, stepped up. In the past several weeks of training, he'd fought and defeated nearly every single member of Shao Ran's crew. Also, Tycon had assigned the young footman a weight-training regimen that targeted his weaker muscle groups. The Holy Lancer visibly grew in size, his muscles thick and defined underneath his dark-leather Letalis armor.

He admitted he was in the best fighting shape he'd ever been.

The young man had lived more than one life, as well. He deserved to be proud of his hard work.

"Very well..." The official nodded, "According to the Scanning Crystal, the candidate is over the age of 18 and below the age of 31. Please go to that table over there, young man, and provide the scribe with..."

Tycon's mind drifted off. Below the age of 31? He... was not aware of that rule. It was likely made to prevent elves and other long-lived peoples from participating in the tournament, but...

« System, inquiry: Is this body... below the age of 31? »

⟬ Negative. ⟭

He knew this... but there was no harm in asking. He was grossly unqualified to sign up to the tournament, himself. He wouldn't even submit himself to a scan... having his real age discovered would cause himself undue attention.

...Also, he did not wish to know his exact age. He liked feeling young.

"Sir? Sir?" The official furrowed his brows as he tried to get Tycon's attention.

"My apologies," Tycon shook his head, "You were saying?"

"I was inquiring about Mister Athanasius' duo partner?"

Tycon pursed his lips... "It's... that gentlemen, right there."

Centurion Zenon looked over with a blank expression, "Huh?"


Zenon was Tycon's best option to field as Tanamar's duo partner.

Sorina was eligible for the tournament... but did not have a combat class. Nor did Popoto Potata Pota...

Korr was the strongest Invictus member they had... but that would require him to ask a young woman what her real age was. Tycon was not the smartest gentleman in the Realm, but he at least knew not to do that.

By age, Shao Ran was certainly qualified. At his full-strength, he was of a similar level to Korr. However, he was... not at his full strength.

Victorius? ...Absolutely not.

At the very least, Centurion Zenon had previously worked alongside Tanamar when they traveled to the Icingdeath Dungeons. They had often trained together, as well. They hadn't specifically trained for duo tactics, but the few suns before the tournament started properly, they'd be able to develop and practice match-winning strategies.

Anyroad, Tycon had seen very few Iron-Rank participants... and all that he did belong to low or standard-tier classes. Based on power alone, Holy Lancer Tanamar and Librarian Zenon had a very solid chance to win.

There was the issue that Zenon hadn't brought any of his Church-issued gear, including his arm-blades... Still, there was a suit of leather Letalis armor that fit him. Further, the city provided blunted weaponry, specifically for the tournament, should he choose to arm himself.

He'd probably be fine.

Athena Vanzano. Parthenope Aldini. Athanasius Mors. Zenon Skyreaper.

All four participants would be fighting under the name of Guild Letalis and wearing dark, spiky uniforms to match. Tycon looked forward to the snake-skull and lightning bolt crest becoming a symbol of fear and domination.


On the morning of the tournament, Tycondrius of Charm and Sorina Capulet entered the stands as observers for the junior matches. The preliminary matches for the regular matches would take place later, after noon.

Tycon scrutinized Sorina Capulet's form. She had foregone business-professional attire and instead wore a white, sleeveless blouse, shorts, and knee socks with colored stripes. She still looked unmistakably feminine with her single side-ponytail, her chestnut-colored hair culminating into a curly drill.

She also wore a short, flat-topped hat, guarding her eyes against the oppressive sunlight... while the Armor Cube that levitated around her head wore an identical, but a miniature version of it.

Just... who had spent time on crafting that?

...At the very least, Tycon appreciated that the young lady was consistent.

"Whaddya think our chances are to win, Boss?" Sorina grinned.

"Victory or death," Tycon replied simply.

If either Zenon or Tanamar performed less than their best, he'd ensure they wished for death.

"Oh, good." Sorina rubbed her hands, "Because I'm ALL IN, BABY!!"

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