Headed by a Snake

Chapter 335 Second Chance (Part One)

While the Frost Stone had lost much of its mana, it still had enough for Tycondrius' purposes. He modified his formation, directing the stone's mana flow into its prison, effectively sealing it until its power decayed.

In a few suns, the ice would freeze over the formation lines, making it nigh-impossible to modify further. Outside of special circumstances, it would take years (hopefully epochs) to recover it. Besides discovering its location, it would then take a specialized team of experts with the proper tools to do so.

By that time, it would no longer be Tycon's problem.

Athena's impromptu ice prison was admittedly a half-measure. It would be far better to place a proper seal on it... hiring a Formation Mage to do so. Then he could hire adventurers to seal it at the bottom of a dungeon with an active Core... or to throw it into a fiery volcano that linked to the Plane of Fire. Such plans, however, risked the secret of its location being leaked.

The ice prison would do. It was free.

Still, to be thorough, Tycon sent a coded letter to Archbishop Crucis. To keep its secrecy, the writing remained vague... but he hoped to get his point across.

Stars and stones... It seemed that it wasn't uncommon for Sol Invictus to encounter persons and items capable of destabilizing the entire Realm. Tycon wasn't a selfless hero. He was just a snake.


Medousa of Silva rolled over onto her side. The bed was so soft and comfortable. Sweat covered her back... leftover from the nightmares. She never expected to sleep well-- if only the nightmares would be more convenient. Still, warm and comfortable, Doe snuggled deeper into her blanket...

Usually, when she awoke her heart was racing in fear. How strange... She took a deep breath, nostalgic for a happier time, surrounded by friends, and not wanting for food or shelter.

The smell of clean linens was so lovely...

...Wait. Clean linens?

Her heart began to race again, just like in the nightmares. Doe threw off the foreign blankets, a scream caught in her throat.

She was wearing a thin, white linen gown.

Looking at her surroundings, she was in... a small room containing four beds, medical tools and bandages displayed neatly on a nearby table. The sun shone glaringly bright through a nearby window... and everything smelled... clean? An infirmary?

A confused-looking woman in a dark-ponytail approached her, adjusting her white healer's robe and sitting upon an adjacent bed. She looked about Doe's age, maybe a little older-- as she had the barest hint of a crease on her forehead and at the corners of her mouth.

"You've awoken, Miss," The physician smiled.

Doe's mouth hung open in shock. What was going on? Was she still dreaming? Why was she being treated so politely?

"I'm so sorry..." She apologized, bowing her head. "I don't have any money. I'll... I'll leave."

The woman tilted her head, giving a gentle smile, "Coin is not an issue-- I'd really prefer if you stayed for a while. You were recovered by a member of the Church and you're quite weak."

A member of the Church?

Doe immediately began piecing together her fragmentary memories, involuntary tears running down her cheeks. She was alive. Poor, sweet, Ialtrae was not. But then again, her ex died in excruciating pain in front of her eyes, so she had that going for her.

It didn't hurt. Unlike what the physician said, she... didn't feel like she'd gone without food and water for several suns... She felt like she could stand and walk around if she wanted to. She also felt like she could eat a whole cow, though.

"Now, you don't have to answer..." The physician's eyes turned serious, "--but may I ask your relationship with the Decanus with golden eyes?"

Doe gulped... That man... The man with the terrifying eyes saved her from dying cold and alone, rotting in the sewers of Silva... "He... he's my savior."

The physician released the tension from her shoulders, "Oh, good. I was slightly worried that he was the one who did this to you."

"Oh! No!" Doe raised her voice... Oops. She was being too loud. Doe was pretty sure infirmaries were supposed to be quiet... "N-no. He saved me from... from those people."

The woman nodded in understanding, "I had hoped for as much... but in my profession, you learn quickly that looks can be deceiving. Everybody lies."

Doe chuckled to herself derisively, "Y-yeah... I know."

The physician asked Doe a series of questions about her condition, which she answered obediently. The older woman admitted she expected Doe's recovery to take well over a week, maybe two, even while administering Elementary healing potions. It had only been two suns.

Doe must have received First-Circle healing... maybe even stronger. She had never received such an expensive gift without having to give up something in return.

...But... why? Doe couldn't hope to repay the Decanus for his kindness. She had no possessions and no money. Even with her usual pay, she would barely be able to afford a shite inn room, much less a stay in an infirmary-- not including the cost of recovery medicine.

The only thing relatively nice that Doe had was her body. But... he didn't even reveal his identity when asked.

"Do... do you know who saved me? His name?"

"Unfortunately, I do not," The physician shook her head. "But he does come often enough."

"Did he come to visit me?" Doe asked, her heart suddenly racing.

"That..." The woman smiled sadly, "He did not."

Doe nodded... suddenly embarrassed. Why did she ask such a stupid question? Of course, the Decanus wouldn't visit her... They were complete strangers.

"I... I have to go," Doe tried to get out of her bed. "Where are my clothes?"

The physician held Doe's hand to stop her, "We've cleaned the cloak the Decanus brought you in... but if you won't stay... I'd like to feed you a proper meal before I let you go."

Doe grimaced. The woman's kindness made her want to cry again, "But..."

"Free of cost," The kind physician prodded.

Tears again welled up at the corners of Doe's eyes. She nodded her head, "Th... thank you... Thank you..."

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