Headed by a Snake

Chapter 317 Class Unknown, Rank Unknown

"(Different, yes.)" Tycondrius mulled over the thought, "(--but I believe my 'faction' is one neutral to yours.)"

Sol Invictus was a faction to itself. It wasn't one known to the Snake Cult, but in implying he had a backer, Tycon would retain his social importance in the conversation.

"(Neutral?)" The Inquisitor scoffed and shook his head, "(Is there truly such a thing? Hah.)"

Tycon shrugged, "(I believe it the most appropriate term.)"


The old man paused, placing a hand upon his chin and scrutinizing Tycon's armored and blood-covered form... "(I sense a kinship in you, Decanus. Why is that?)"

"(I believe because we are both practical gentlemen,)" Tycon smiled politely.

"Hmph, indeed," The Inquisitor narrowed his eyes, "And will you be visiting House Galanis after this?"

"Likely," Tycon nodded.

He wasn't afraid of retribution from the house of thieves. He wanted to kill the lot of them and take their coin.

"('Tis a shame...)" The old man released a heavy sigh, "(I had a few... toys cultivated there. There was an elf, you see...)"

"(--Inquisitor, I must apologize,)" Tycon interrupted, smiling with chagrin, "(With my current circumstances-- notably my Centurion... I doubt I will be able to recover your... items.)"

There would be no substantial gain, financial or social, in recovering the man's slaves... assuming that's what he was referring to. And if there was, Tycon would be hard-pressed to do so, on account of his morality. The concept of unjust slavery did not sit well with him.

"(How unfortunate..." The veteran frowned, "Well... do as you must. You will not be seeing of me again, Decanus.)"

"Oh, before you go..." Tycon held out an open palm.

He wanted something of the Inquisitor. He wasn't certain what he'd be receiving... but as he had implicitly saved the old degenerate's life, he was certain he'd get something of worth.

"Right," The old man groaned. From a small pouch, the Inquisitor produced a stylized silver coin and placed it into Tycon's hand.

Emblazoned onto the metal was a snake skull on a backdrop of flames. It was a favor of the Snake Cult.

"(You do know what that is?)" The old man raised an eyebrow.

Tycon could feel killing intent practically oozing from the old man. But just that much? He didn't even flinch.

To ensure the Inquisitor's trust, Tycon spoke his response in Parseltongue, the language of serpents, Yuan-Ti, and Medusae, "[(Be well on your travels,] Inquisitor.)"

"(Be well on my travels, indeed. Not something I hear often.)" The old man scoffed, turning on his heel, "Fair travels to you, as well, Decanus."


With the Centurion still cleaning, Tycon sat down next to the injured cat. He removed a half-ration of jerky he had been saving and chewed on it absentmindedly.

"(Mind if I... have some of that?)" The cat meowed. "(I'm dyin', here.)"

Tycon glanced over. The orange-furred cat seemed not long for life, dragging its hind legs as it clawed forward.

It didn't look like it ate much. He tore off a (small) piece of his jerky and held it towards the dying creature, "Sure thing."

"(Holy shite, you can understand me?)" The cat looked up, the pain in its eyes turning to surprise.

Tycon narrowed his eyes.

⟬ Dying Cat, Unknown Rank, Unknown Class. ⟭

In asking his System for the cat's information, he sensed an eerily familiar message... Interesting.

"Indeed," Tycon nodded. "I've found it's a somewhat rare ability."

"(Yeah, if you could just... hold that there,)" The cat nibbled at the meat Tycon held. "(Oh, hey-- this is pretty good.)"

"My thanks," Tycon smirked. That the cat enjoyed his spiced jerky meant the creature's taste buds were... not as cat-like as he appeared, "What's your story, young one?"

"(Eh, you wouldn't believe me if I told you,)" The cat yawned-- or was it a sigh? ("Ugh. Those bastards did a number on me. Worst day of my life, man.)"

"What does my status say?" Tycon asked casually.

"(Class Unknown, Level Unknown?)" The cat crinkled its nose before covering its eyes with its paws, "(Aughhh. My System is useless. You know, it even talks back to--)"

The cat paused, its mouth open wide.

Tycon decided to continue the conversation in... cat. He did not want to leak unnecessary information to his Centurion, "(All of our Systems are different, it seems. Mine does not seem to have a personality.)"

The cat yowled angrily, "(Grahhh... Then you're lucky! So you're a transmigrator too? Who are you? Where are you from?)"

Tycon pursed his lips, "(In this Realm, it's considered polite to offer your own information first.)"

The cat narrowed its eyes, glaring, "(You first. I've got nothin' to lose.)"

"(I gave you some meat. I'd like some reciprocation.)"

"(Eh...)" The cat hesitated, "(Fine. My name is Kanbrai and I'm originally from a planet called Evocar-Five. I woke up in whatever-world-this is... about a week ago."

"(Hm. Never heard of it,)" Tycon lamented, "(Tycon, nice to meet you. I transmigrated into this world a year or so ago.)

Kanbrai laid its muzzle upon the stones, "(For the record, this backwater planet sucks. I hate it. I got a System, though-- so I got that goin' for me.)"

The cat tried to move, but grimaced in pain from its injuries, "(Yep, nevermind. Not rolling over... How many of us are there?)"

"(I've no idea,)" Tycon shook his head. "(I'm aware of four... including myself. Each of us came from different worlds, it seems.)"

"(Must be nice to transmigrate into your situation...)" The cat complained.

"(Indeed. Though I did not gain this body's memories, I've memories from this world-- or a world similar. And I believe my bloodline has granted me memories, as well. Adjusting has not been difficult.)"

"(Psh. My bloodline memories are useless. I just know how to pounce on mice and be terrified of snakes.)" Kanbrai rolled his eyes.

Tycon noted that the young cat had very poor instincts.

"(Anyway,)" The cat hissed, "(--I was referring to the fact that you're a humanoid.)"

"(To be honest, I'm not.)" Tycon chuckled, "(I just have a humanoid form.)"

"(Oh, transformation ability? Niiiiice.)" The cat yowled excitedly, "(I guess I can ask my System if I can unlock that ability, too.)"

"(At least neither of us reincarnated into a stick,)" Tycon offered.

"(Yeah... Though that would be... interesting?)"

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