Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 498: Orders woe

Chapter 498: Orders woe

The elder at the order of the golden sands had been in a bad poor mood for quite some time now. It was hard not to be when the reports from the spy within Hogwarts all but confirmed that Nick was no longer someone they could easily erase. Even more the person that was working on cracking the ward around the island had seemingly vanished from the face of the planet. 'Curse that woman for ever giving birth to this brat!' the elder thought as he signed off on the death of that person after the grace period ended.-

Things have been going downhill ever since Nick was born as due to who his father was the entire order scorned his mother for the first ten years of his life. The woman was no simple character however and actively worked against the orders interests as a result causing irreparable damage to it by destroying valuable resources in such a manner no one could figure out the culprit. Even then the woman was little more than a nuisance as she never crossed the line about what she could or could not do. That was until the exile happened that is.-

Through an ancient ritual Nick was tested on his talent and potential only to be found a squib. As per the orders long held tradition the brat was mind wiped about everything related to the order and exiled to the muggle world to fend for himself. This proved to be the final straw for the woman who in her fury destroyed every tome of knowledge collected over the last five centuries forcing the order to execute her. But at that point it was already to late and the elder could easily foresee the orders decline as their foundation had been almost entirely destroyed.-

The elder had treated the brat like all squids and ignored his existence until he showed up at Hogwarts three years ago. The spy at the school couldn't believe it and reported the matter but the elder in his hubris ignored it as a fluke of the ritual since the brat couldn't be talented or anything right? Oh how reality just loved to prove him wrong as the boy showed himself to be gifted to an extreme degree. A brand new method of enchantment and monstrous pace of learning magic were shown brilliantly to the world.-

Then it happened and Dumbledore meddled with the brats past and exposed the fact that the Ravenclaw bloodline still existed. Even after all this however the brat was merely an eyesore to the elder but not something that required him to admit his folly. That changed when the brat started to do increasingly concerning feats of magic that were seen on a global scale such as creating a way to give ghosts physical bodies. Not to say him freeing Black from Azkaban and getting Pettigrew executed wasn't important but merely that he got no public credit for it really.-

Still while a little bit of attention was getting draw to the order from this stuff it was not enough to approach the brat yet. That changed when he publicly showed off that horrid familiar of his that by all reports was an equally monstrous existence in a beauty pageant of all things. Those that recognized the boys features as belonging to his mother and uncle from past experiences started to question the order about their intentions by having such a prodigy standing out in the public. Showing the records of the boys exile managed to get these people to back off but the elder knew the brat needed to be curbed soon as he was starting to become a problem for the order.-

Unfortunately the spy at Hogwarts couldn't get to much information on the brat due to his secretive nature so when that whole debacle with the Sturm vampire clan happened the vampires hit the order , hard. Even showing the boys exile record only placated the leeches slightly but not enough to stop them from interfering with the orders operations. That was the last straw that broke the camels back and the elder declared a hunt on the brats head.-

As it was obvious at this point the brat was far more powerful than expected and handedly chased off his uncle from that island while fatally injuring him upon escape. The elder was furious at being so heavily acknowledged as at fault for allowing the brat to grow to such a degree. For the first time in a long time the order was forced to admit their helplessness and offered the brat an ultimatum type bargain. In truth the elder knew it was not something that they could make good on if the brat chose to ignore it as he was now backed by enough influential and powerful people that the order would be crushed like a bug if the brat was truly targeted by them.

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