Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 473: Souls and hallows

Chapter 473: Souls and hallows

On the way to the great hall Nick saw something that gave him pause , Helena was talking and smiling with Lupin in the hallway. 'Now that explains her absence a lot , I almost feel bad for the bloody baron seeing this.' he thought with a conflicted expression. On one hand he was happy that Helena found someone who she fancied but on the other hand he felt that this was wrong for Lupin. Helena might be able to have a corporeal body thanks to the ring on her hand but the fact remained that she was very much still a ghost and thus a terrible option for romance.-

As bad as it sounds the entire purpose for finding a mate was to well , mate and create offspring. That was not an option for ghosts like Helena so Lupin romancing her was the equivalent of cutting off his bloodline unless he chose to cheat on her or they had a weird concubine type deal later with a living woman. Nick refused to interfere however as they were both adults and could make their own choices and did not need his opinion on the matter. Truthfully Nick knew that this was likely to happen when he created the way for ghosts to have corporeal bodies eventually.-

The idea of resurrecting Helena didn't even cross Nicks mind as that was the height of unnatural and dark magics. Undoing death was not something that should ever be done lightly in his opinion as the natural order existed for a reason. Even the resurrection stone didn't truly cross this line but merely drew the soul of the one summoned back to this world from wherever they were and allowed the holder to see and communicate with it.-

Even then this placed the soul itself in great suffering the longer they lingered in this world as unlike ghosts that were soul bound to the earth by their magic at the time of their deaths these souls were already passed on to the afterlife and thus no longer belonged in this world. The very world itself rejects them as a result and causes them agony for being brought here. In the end Nick chose to let things run it's course and ignore what he discovered. Speaking of the resurrection stone Harry was still oblivious to the fact he was wearing it on his hand even now which was kinda funny in Nicks opinion.-

All Harry knew was that it was a heirloom belonging to his bloodline and that it likely had magical properties at some point but was seemingly useless now beyond sentimental value. Nick got more than a little amusement seeing the rare interactions between Dumbledore and Harry where the old goat looked lost while looking at the stone. Not because he was horribly tempted to use it or anything but because the longer he held onto the elder wand the more he started to notice that Nick was right.-

The wand wanted Harry to have it and had been almost unperceptively causing trouble to achieve this goal , almost. Dumbledore was not some ignorant greenhorn however and could see these small traps clearly if he paid attention. The only reason Nick knew about this was that the old wizard had told him about it in hopes of seeking help in this regard. Nick had simply repeated the warning he gave the old man previously , "hand it over to Harry as soon as possible and it will be fine". Dumbledore was not happy with this advice but he at least explained that he understood where it was coming from.-

What Nick was curious about was what would happen if Harry had all three hallows at once rather than at different times like in canon. Would he actually become the master of death or would nothing at all happen besides him just having three admittedly powerful magical items? Nick didn't know but he was curious about it nonetheless. The cloak and ring clearly had some sort of resonance when used in tandem , not that Harry noticed. But it was incomplete and thus not fully able to manifest whatever it was trying to do. -

'I will find out eventually anyways so it doesn't really matter.' Nick thought as he shook his head to clear out of his thoughts on the matter. The great hall was mostly empty since most of the students had gone home for the holidays. Nick sat down at the Gryffindor table with Dusk sitting on his shoulder as per normal and Steve on the other shoulder with a miserable look. Nick ignored that though as the glutton had brought it on himself by allowing himself to get so fat and out of shape. Nick wasn't sure if being so fat could cause health problems in the creature and was thus strict in maintaining a diet for Steve to slim it down.

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