Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 470: Armored up

Chapter 470: Armored up

Nick had been going through various ideas with Celebrimbor in regards to the design of his armor since the ancient elf was a renowned smith before he ever forged a single ring. This meant that while Nick had the knowledge he would need to make an armor he lacked the experience in armor making that Celebrimbor had. Thanks to this he didn't make the common mistake of creating a suit of armor that had flaws. If the armor wasn't for a specific person then it didn't need to be made with certain facets in mind like the shape of the wearers body.-

In this case however Nick was making the armor for himself and thus needed to keep his own proportions in mind with his design. Using Celebrimbors help he had already removed most of the flaws in the armor that came from his design changes and it was now a game of minimizing them. It is impossible to create a truly perfect armor at this time since he was still growing and his proportions may change as well. 'Hmmm , this looks about as good as it will get.' Nick thought after he changed the design again.-

"It will serve for the moment but never settle for less than your best after your body finishes changing." Celebrimbor said seriously. 'Wasn't planning on it old man.' Nick thought with a chuckle. "What are you going to enchant each piece to do and where will you start?" the elf asked ignoring the jab at his age. 'I will start with the greaves and I was thinking maybe using a gravity enchantment to make the suit lighter on me so I can move faster.' Nick thought seriously. "Why not a spatial expansion enchantment so that each step you take counts as two?" The elf suggested.-

'Why don't I mix both then?' Nick thought and Celebrimbor agreed that would be the best option. greaves for those not in the know is a form of heavy metal armor for the part of the legs below the knees that typically ended with armor over the feet that is called sabatons. Nick first chose the metal for the armor which in this case was an alloy of adamantium and goblin silver to give it equal parts sturdiness and magical conductivity. Next he created molds for each piece of the armor so that he had a rough shape to work with that would save him a little time shaping the metal.-

Next he created the alloy and channeled it into the mold for the greaves before waiting for the metal to solidify. Once it did he used an exact replica of his leg to hammer out the inconsistencies and true shape of the greaves. All that was left at that point was to buff out any dents and to polish it up. Nick then repeated this process for all the rest of the armor pieces which included the cuisses(thighs) , faulds(waist) , cuirass(chest) , pauldrons(shoulders) , rerebrace(upper arm) , vambrace(forearm) , gauntlets(hands) and finally the helmet.-

The full set of armor was made of nine different pieces that he personally adjusted to his body and polished to a high shine. The armor was sleek and flowing with clear feather patterns from the top to the bottom of it. It was also a strange blueish color that the alloy had for some reason , not that Nick cared all that much. 'Now to enchant each piece and tie them all together.' Nick thought seriously as he placed the greaves on his anvil.-

Nick chose four words to go along with his understanding and will for this enchantment , Jlmen(space) , gravitime(gravity) , andie(length) and ranta(part). These words will help channel his will and knowledge more precisely as he strikes the metal with his anvil. The final result was pretty much exactly what he had planned on making as once the rest of the armor was tied together it will get a decrease in weight thanks to this enchantment. The same was true of the space expansion part of the enchantment that made each of his steps like two instead of the normal one.-

In truth he could have made that figure higher but doing so ran the risk of getting disoriented every time he moved. At the current level however the shift in location was small enough to be mostly ignored thus granting him basically doubled speed. As a bonus the greaves were peak rare grade which showed that they were as close to mythical grade as he could get without crossing that line. "This is a good base to build off of that will allow you to make this armor even better than normal." Celebrimbor said proudly.

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