Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 468: Fruit tea

Chapter 468: Fruit tea

The problem she had however was that whatever it was that had shown up at her school was definitely not a phoenix. The details of it's appearance was all wrong and the element it used to arrived was also wrong. At the same time it was also not a thunderbird either as the colors were all off and it had a few phoenix like traits. Despite her great knowledge of magical beasts she simply had no clue what the creature that had shown up was. 'Perhaps Newt would know?' she pondered after ensuring the creature hadn't done any harm.-

Nick didn't realize that he had indirectly sent Newt on a wild goose chase as the magizoologist would go searching for the unknown bird that had appeared in Beauxbatons but would not be able to find it for a long time for obvious reasons. Even if he did know however he still wouldn't feel bad as for someone like Newt magical beast were his life and the thrill of the hunt to find them was it's own reward. Nick had returned to Hogwarts in a good mood all things considered as he had learned that not only was distance not an object for him he could also reach anywhere in the world in an instant after having visited it at least once.-

Nick walked out of the workshop and was surprised to find Luna at the door with a basket of fruit. "Where did you even find fruit at this time of year?" he asked confused at the sight. Luna tilted her head "Professor sprout has an enchanted garden of fruit and vegetables in one of the disused greenhouses , she let me pick a basket when I asked." she said like that was common knowledge. "I don't get along very well with magical plants so I try to avoid the greenhouses as much as possible." Nick said with an awkward chuckle.-

Luna smiled "I know , I was coming to bring you some food since you haven't been going to lunch very much this year." she said while holding up the basket. "I think I have a better idea , come in and take a seat." Nick said with a smile as he stepped aside. Luna found her normal spot in the workshop and took a seat while placing the basket of food on the small table nearby. "Dotty!" Nick called and the house elf appeared with a bow. -

"Bring me two cinnamon sticks , a tea kettle and two tea cups." Nick said and the elf vanished with a loud "POP!". Luna tilted her head in confusion at the order as she couldn't understand what he was going to do. Nick merely smiled and went over to the basket of produce and took out a couple sand pears , apples and lemons from it and tapped them with his wand. Immediately the fruits peeled and sliced themselves neatly before landing on the table(it's clean).-

Soon Dotty returned with what Nick asked for and left after getting thanked. Nick broke roasted the cinnamon sticks from a few moments with his flames to help release the flavor before tossing them into the kettle alongside the fruits and their juices. "Nen!" Luna watched in interest as he did all this as she was starting to figure it out but hadn't even considered such a thing before. Once the kettle was full Nick held it by the handle and rested his other hand underneath it where he created a flame to heat the mixture within. Soon a sweet and fragrant smell filled the air of the workshop as the water came to a boil within the kettle.-

The kettle started whistling to release the steam and Nick stopped applying heat to it and set it down on a stone kettle coaster that was there on the table. He then tapped the tip of his wand against the side of the kettle and sloshing sounds came from it. Once he was satisfied he stopped and pour the mixture inside into the two teacups. It was an amber colored liquid with little pieces of fruit in it that smelled sweet and warm.-

"Give it a try." Nick said with a smile and Luna gently picked up the cup and blew on the contents that were still quite hot before taking a sip. She smiled brightly "It's quite lovely , thank you." she said and blew on the liquid again. "It's a genuine fruit tea , not at all like those strange drinks that mix actual tea with fruit. It's a personal favorite of mine I discovered during the summer break between my first year and second." Nick says honestly. "Why not make it more often?" Luna asked curiously.

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