Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 454: Chat

Chapter 454: Chat

'Whoa! That's disorienting as all hell!' Nick thought as his mind registered the complete shift in environment. The snow falling from the sky melted on contact with his feathers as his body actively radiated a great deal of heat on it's own. Nick noticed this but thought it made sense if he was what he thought he was. 'So I was right and Nazgul did get the elemental teleportation from the celestial bird part of me.' He thought before mentally grinning as he spread his wings and flapped them hard. "FWOOSH!" a powerful gust of wind was created pushing the falling snow aside from the power of this movement.-

Nick shot into the air as he flapped his wings and couldn't help but be happy to fly without any outside assistance. It was hard to describe really as it was like a weight had been lifted from him and he suddenly felt light enough to touch the clouds above. "TZZEEERR!" He cried out as he poured on more and more speed. To his surprise fire and lightning rose from his body as he pushed his speed to the limit before he felt something shatter and he watched the surroundings blur.-

'Did I just break the sound barrier?' he thought in amazement as he barely felt any resistance from the air at all despite reaching such a speed. He could still make out the surroundings as he passed by but he couldn't focus on anything for more than a moment before it was already behind him. 'I shouldn't get too far from the school since I still need to turn back to normal.' he thought as he banked sharply and unnaturally fast thanks to his second set of wings.-

Thanks to the storm it was quite dim outside the castle so when Nick reentered it's proximity he drew a LOT of attention. It would be rather difficult to ignore a brightly lit giant avian creature flying stupidly fast outside the windows after all. Nick slowed down which also caused the flames and lightning covering him to retreat within his body as he saw Dumbledore watching him from the astronomy tower. Landing gracefully on the unoccupied spot on the tower Nick looked down at the headmaster smugly. "I admit that it really is an extraordinary form that well suits you but remember that there is a reason wizards are considered superior." Dumbledore said sternly.-

Nicks form rippled and he returned to his normal state with a small difference in that his nails remained hard and dark in color. "Way to kill the mood and here I was enjoying myself." Nick complained before they chuckling. "Out of curiosity how'd you know to wait for me here?" he then asked confused. "Fawkes was quite vocal in celebrating your success which told me all I needed to know." Dumbledore said honestly. "Species resonance huh? Nifty." Nick said surprised to a degree but after thinking about it it made sense.-

Immortal birds were all highly independent so it makes sense that they could feel the proximity of other members of the their races. Otherwise there would probably be a lot of incidents involving them fighting considering the global traveling the phoenixes do on the regular. "So is this the part where I hand over the modified ritual to you so you can turn into a phoenix or nah?" Nick asked casually. "What would make you think I want that?" Dumbledore asked with a look of interest. "Please don't act like not being able to take the form of your Patronus was not the only reason you a master of transfiguration haven't undergone the ritual yourself." Nick said with a scoff.-

Dumbledore chuckled "I can not deny that but I am not the sort to take the hard earned merit of another." He said with a small smile. "Oh believe me I know , which is why I am waiting for you to make an offer for the knowledge instead." Nick said casually. "It seems like you understand me quite well and yet I find you difficult to fully decipher. Don't misunderstand me I hold you in high regard for the way you act despite your many talents and power. You are arrogant true but compared to how you could be instead it is far from unacceptable." Dumbledore said bluntly.-

Nick was taken off guard by this as like himself Dumbledore prefers to speak vaguely most the time. Still Nick couldn't deny that the old goat was right however as while he was quite prideful he could be so much worse considering his unique situation. "Be that as it may I believe we are getting off topic , the ritual?" Nick reminded and Dumbledore smiled. "You'll have to forgive me I tend to get caught up in my thoughts during a conversation. Yes I would like to use your ritual but under the condition it not be made public." He said calmly.

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