Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 450: Strangeness

Chapter 450: Strangeness

Nick was aware that the longer he took to claim his reward the more nervous it would make the people from the department of mysteries but he didn't care. Before he even thought about going through that vast collection of knowledge he wanted to digest Slytherins library first. Nick couldn't really explain it but he had this feeling that doing so as soon as possible was what he needed. This meant that every second he wasn't in class or rapidly churning out rings of protection he was in the chamber of secrets reading through the library.-

Flitwick also managed to discover an oddity about the first year boy that he revealed to Nick. "Mr. Burnham always overcharges his spells. At first I believed it to be from his lack of experience with magic but after so many classes I can honestly say this is not the case. If it's not too much trouble can I ask what it was that you noticed about him that was different?" The small professor asked curiously. "As should be obvious by this point I am rather sensitive to magical energies and during the sorting ceremony I noticed that his was different than normal." Nick said honestly.-

"In what way?" Flitwick asked curiously. "Do you know why vampires are unable to cast spells like a normal wizard?" Nick answered with another question. The half goblin fell into thought at that but shook his head when he came up with the idea that the child was a vampire. Johnathan Burnham had none of the signs of being a vampire so that idea was immediately discarded. But beyond those Flitwick simply didn't know much about vampirism and could only tell Nick that he wasn't aware of why they couldn't use normal magic.-

"Then are you aware of the magical core that every magical being has and how it works?" Nick asked calmly. "I understand the basics but I am no expert on the subject. How does it relate to Vampires though?" Flitwick asked since he couldn't see the issue. Nick didn't blame him since as far as he knew magical circuits were a closely guarded secret by those aware of them and their importance in wizards. "The magical core in a wizard uses a special set of pathways in the body in order to allow us to use magic as we do. For vampires their magical cores instead send all of their magic into their blood thus removing the ability to cast magic as we do."-

"The thing that I noticed immediately from that boy was that his magical core did both simultaneously which I didn't even think was possible naturally but it is clear that his body has always been like this to me from how relaxed the flow of magic is." Nick explained seriously and Flitwicks eyes widened. "Does this mean he is a vampire after all?" he asked worriedly. Nick shook his head "His magical energy is completely human and has no trace of vampiric influence at all which was why I was interested about what was so special about him." he says honestly.-

"I see this is indeed a strange case if nothing else , perhaps the start of a new magical bloodline ability?" Flitwick suggested but Nick shook his head again. "I don't think this is such a fundamental change as to now be a part of his genetic code. If anything I believe he might have had a slight magical mutation very early in his life which created this situation over time. Unfortunately for him this can be considered a blessing and a curse for him as while his power will likely be astoundingly high as he matures I believe he may have serious trouble controlling it" Nick said honestly.-

"Is there anything we can do to help him control his power?" Flitwick asked hopefully. "Practice , he needs an intense and regular amount of practice to even start grasping his power. Here this method should work well." Nick said before writing down the thread training that he himself did alongside the spell used normally for it. Flitwick looked at the information with a shocked expression.-

"This might seem easy but I imagine at a certain point this method will be torturously hard to advance in." The small professor said seriously. "It is , I personally can only accurately control seventeen threads and I have been using this method since my first year." Nick agreed. "I suppose we can only hope that he can stick to practicing this then." Flitwick said with a sigh. Nick chose to put the matter out of his mind after that since he was busy with other things like expanding his own arcane mastery using Slytherins library.

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