Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 447: New sport craziness

Chapter 447: New sport craziness

To be more specific they both knew that the trick to dealing with the press was to get them in a controlled environment. Once the reporters were in an environment that was controlled they had to maintain a certain level of civility unlike when they were out in the open in a large crowd and could overwhelm someone with questions. Malfoy was definitely not going to miss this chance to raise his own prestige by using the media to his advantage like his father had taught him. Nick on the other hand would prefer to not deal with the reporters at all but he needed to as the creator of this new and clearly well received sport.-

The reporters also knew this which is why they weren't bothered by him ignoring them while they had the advantage. It helped that interviewing him was not high on the list of priorities at the moment what with the match needing to be reported first. The visitor that Nick was most interested in meeting was none other than Ludovic Bagman , the head of the games department at the ministry. Bagman was a gambling addict and was almost constantly in debt as a result which made him easy to manipulate if the correct means was used.-

As the head of the games department Bagman actually had quite a heavy amount of power when it came to matters involving sports in the british community. If he wanted to he could ban blitzball in the isles entirely since it wasn't large enough yet to cause him problems for doing it. Nick doubted the man would do something like that though considering the sheer pressure Fudge would put on him for such an action. Without a single doubt in his mind Nick knew for a fact that Fudge was definitely thinking about the sheer profit this new sport would bring to the british isles.-

How could he not when the other ministries would get word of this new sport and all come scrambling to him to get a slice of this new and tasty pie. Nick wasn't wrong either as over the next month the magical community was going ballistic over the new sport. Petitions to have the sport introduced to these other countries flooded the various ministries. Fudge and Bagman of course came calling at about the middle of the month along with about twelve different reporters from different news agencies to discus the future of blitzball.-

"With how often you seem to have these little meetings with me I am tempted to have a minister of magic seat specially made for you here." Nick joked with Fudge as the man entered the workshop. "It can't be helped I'm afraid , you keep doing things that require my presence here." Fudge said exasperated. Nick was aware that this exasperation was less because he was tired of dealing with the consequences of Nicks actions but because Nick was rapidly turning into another hegemonic entity like Dumbledore in the British isles which made him feel threatened.-

The problem was that Nick wasn't involved in the political scene despite his growing power there and Fudge refused to make a move that would potentially cause Nick to utilize that power against him. It was a classic rock and hard place type scenario as on one hand Fudge wanted to curb Nicks rise to power but on the other he might accelerate it instead if he moved against him. Nick was aware of this problem that fudge was having but had only disregard for the mans foolish thoughts.-

Nick could care less about the petty politics of the world at this moment when in a few years the whole world is going to be operating on a totally different form of governance. Whether it was Zeus or himself in the end one of them will end up taking the crown on the entire world in some way or another. "Lets get straight to the heart of the matter shall we? Blitzball , I have it and the whole world wants it." Nick said casually. The reporters were writing furiously in their notebooks while Fudge and Bagman both sighed when they realized that this wasn't going to be easy.-

Nick had the absolute upperhand in this conversation since he and he alone knew the true details of the games mechanics. "I won't lie and say that isn't true as the various ministries all over the globe have indeed requested access to the game. Mr. Bagman and myself are here to try and convince you to turn over the game to the ministry so that we can handle it on a wide scale." Fudge said honestly. "And what do you have to offer for such a thing and don't try to say glory and gratitude because I already have plenty of that?" Nick asked calmly.

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