Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 414: Broomstick tournament

Chapter 414: Broomstick tournament

"Why don't you seem concerned about Lucas's ability to cast spells getting out?" Arthur asked confused. "I have a deal with the Tepes vampires and can handle anyone else that thinks they can force the secret out of me , well except perhaps a handful of people but they probably wouldn't care about it to begin with." Nick said confidently. He wasn't lying either as thanks to his natural mana growth he was on the lower end of the third tier of power at the moment. He was also nearly constantly polishing his skills which set him as weaker than Sirius or Lupin but with his crafting he was far more dangerous.-

He had over a dozen defensive artifacts on him at any given time and had powerful perception of his surroundings. He might not be able to defeat truly powerful individuals in a fair fight but he had a whole bag of tricks that made it possible by unfair means. "It's illegal to give a nonhuman race a wand or teach them magic though." Arthur argued seriously. "That only applies to those races that weren't human originally or werewolves wouldn't be allowed to use wands either and Lucas is a Hogwarts graduate." Nick said unconcerned.-

He had this bad habit of tiptoeing around the laws of the ministry in a dangerous manner that he was helpless about if he wanted to get things done. Arthur didn't continue arguing when he noticed that Nick was technically correct but was still worried about it. He worked in the ministry and was thus more than aware about the corruption and unfairness of it. "Onto the next room then , the enchantment room." Nick said changing the subject. He then led the group to the enchantment room that was nice and organized.-

They all looked for anything special about the room that might give a hint about how his crafting style worked but there was nothing at all save the strange blue glowing salt in a jar on the woodworking table. "What's that?" Fred asked curiously. "Frost salt , a by product of an atronach being destroyed. Powerful stuff with dense cold magical properties that only I have access to." Nick said calmly as he summoned a small orb of water before dropping a pinch of salt into it. The group watched in interest as the water flash froze before falling into Nicks hand waiting underneath it.-

"I'm still experimenting with it's uses but I have removed the possibility of using it for a wand core , it's too powerful for it and the resulting wands are terrible at channeling magic." Nick said while tossing the orb of ice to Sirius who looked confused when he held it. "It's not cold?" he muttered just loud enough for everyone else to hear. "What? No way lemme see that!" George said before snatching the orb from Sirius yet was also left confused by the lack of cold from it. "Merlin's beard , it isn't cold!" he exclaimed in shock.-

"I haven't quite figured out why that is but I believe it's because the frost salt is not letting any heat enter the orb thus you aren't feeling any escape either. Still a work in progress as you can see." Nick said banishing the orb. "And you have those "salts" for each kind of atronach?" Florian asked with a gleam in his eye. "I do , why?" Nick asked suspiciously. "House Greengrass is one of the major potion ingredient farmers and suppliers for the british isle and these "salts" look to be a promising prospect in the field of potioneering. I would like to discuss the distribution of them , for a modest cut of course." Florian said with his best salesman smile.-

Daphne looked like she wanted the floor to open up to swallow her after the way her father has been this entire time. "I have no intention of distributing these for profit but If I change my mind i'll keep you in mind." Nick said politely but firmly. Florian didn't seem bothered by the rejection and nodded as if that was fine with him. Nick moved on with the tour after that and pointed out the bath room that seemed to interest the women especially as well as the barrier to the atronach forge room.-

Finally Nick showed them a nearly empty room that had a strange looking table in the middle of it that looked like a miniature quidditch pitch but far fancier. "This little beauty is the first activity I have planned for everyone , the broomstick tournament!" Nick said with a wide smile but the reception was completely flat. He sighed " I suppose i should have expected that , anyways this lovely thing here is a hyper realistic miniature quidditch simulator that is basically a much more advanced form of my playmaker enchantment with a single exception , multiple people can play together." he said and smiled as he finally got the reaction he wanted , excitement.

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