Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 412: Tour

Chapter 412: Tour

Soon everyone finished up settling their things into the chosen rooms and Nick spoke up after they gathered again. "Now that everyone is settled in I believe I should go over a few ground rules that needed to be stated before I give the tour. First is that there are places on the island that have been blocked off for safety or privacy reasons so should you come across them leave the barriers alone or I may be forced to ask you to leave early. Second is that while many things on this island are valuable I would ask that you keep any harvesting attempts within reason."-

"The ecosystem of the island is quite fragile and I'd rather not need to manually adjust it. The final thing is more a warning than anything else but if you value your safety while you are here do not under any circumstances attack the atronachs. They are set to only retaliate if attacked so they are harmless unless you do so. If you fail to heed this warning I will likely need to save you from getting torn apart violently by the small army you saw previously. Any questions?" Nick said firmly.-

"What will we be doing while we are here?" Ron asked curiously. "Besides relaxing I have a few activities planned to keep you all entertained including a small competition using a rather well known enchantment of mine. If you are lucky you all may even be able to participate in the first version of a new magical sport I am working on." Nick explained with a smile. "From the sounds of it you seem rather confident in this new game of yours. Any details you are willing to share with us?" Xeno asked intrigued.-

Nick could understand his interest as if he could get a headstart on the reporting for this new sport then should it take off in the rest of the wizarding community the quibbler will be a trusted source of information on the topic even if it isn't the largest media source covering it. This alone will increase the viewers to the paper which every news company wants. "Unlike quidditch that is played on brooms my new sport relies mostly upon the players own bodies and will be far more team work reliant for victory." Nick said before smirking since he hadn't actually given any substantial details.-

Still despite that everyone looked interesting except Sirius who had a smug look since he actually had more details. "Since no one has any questions regarding the rules we can start the tour of the manor." Nick said with a smile before motioning for them to follow him. First he went through the first floor areas and pointed out where the four restrooms in the manor were located since that was important. After he was done with the two wings of the manor on the ground floor he brought them back to the reception. "Next I will show you the ballroom and greenhouse" He said with a smile.-

Walking towards the back of the house on the ground floor Nick pushed open the ballroom doors and the group seemed surprised at how fancy it was with the high polished floors and old stylish wall decorations. "I assume you will be holding a ball here at some point in the future yes?" Florian asked with a glint in his eye. Nick shook his head "Not at all , the island and my home will never be opened to the public for any reason."-

"I have no need to host balls for something as fleeting as status or prestige when I get them by virtue of my heritage alone." Nick said with open disgust at the fact of his bloodline being what most wizards look at to determine his status. "I see" Florian said with a disapproving look. Nick wasn't surprised to see this considering he basically just announced that he hated the way purebloods did and saw things. Sirius , Xeno and the adult Weasleys though all looked approving of his attitude but that wasn't really strange considering they were fairly progressive minded individuals. Nick himself was considered as such based on the labels of the wizarding world.-

He firmly believed that effort , skill and talent were far more important that a stupid thing like heritage. Anyways after the ballroom came the greenhouse and Nicks friends wasted no time at all ribbing him on how there wasn't a single plant in it. His black thumb was almost legendary in Hogwarts as each herbology class he attended involved a constant war between him and the plants. It was such a strange flaw to have that few people could fail to be interested in it.

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