Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 409: Guests(4)

Chapter 409: Guests(4)

While he knew that he was perfectly safe since he was invited into the manor rather than if he entered without an escort he honestly didn't trust Daphnes parents. During the previous wizarding war with Voldemort they had refused to take a side which wasn't bad or anything but their other actions were not great as they hiked up potion ingredient prices to profit off the war. Nick didn't mind being opportunistic but there had to be boundaries that shouldn't be crossed. War profiteering is an actual crime in the muggle side of the world for a reason after all.-

People like that are amongst the last Nick would trust not to pull anything funny while he was in their turf. Paranoia aside the manor was rather nice as it had plenty of old knickknacks from the families ancestors. Daphne and her family were in the dining room eating breakfast with Tracy when Nick finally reached them. Nick couldn't help but notice the curse within the younger girl that shared most of her sisters features besides hair color. It was clearly malicious and actively weakened her with it's presence. 'I can't believe I actually forgot to fix this thing , then again it probably slipped my mind with all that been going on' Nick thought with a sigh.-

"Ah Nick good morning! We already have everything packed up and ready to go so if you will give us a moment to finish breakfast we can set off." Daphne said with a smile. Nick wasn't in a hurry so he didn't mind standing nearby as he waited. They finished breakfast five minutes later and Nick stored Daphne , Tracy and Daphnes father in the realm before hastily setting off for his next stop , Lunas house.-

The Lovegood house was a black colored cylindrical building set on top of a hill near the village of Ottery St Catchpole that had a stream at the base of it. There were various oddly placed plants in the front of the building from Dirigible plums to crabapple trees covered in holly at either side of the black wooden door to the house. An owl could be found resting amongst the branches of the right tree. Nick used the eagle shaped knocker to announce his presence outside and waited for the door to open. After hearing a bit of shuffling within the house the door opened to reveal Xenophilius Lovegood.-

"That was today wasn't it? No matter , my Luna is already packed up and ready to go. As much as I'd like to see the home of Rowena Ravenclaw for myself I am much too busy with the Quibbler to spend a month away." Xeno said with a disappointed expression. "You know you could leave the island whenever you wanted right? The month I stated in the letter was only for those that wanted to stay that long." Nick clarified and Xenos eyes lit up. "That's wonderful! Give me a moment to grab a few days things and we can be on our way!" the man said before rushing off into the house leaving Nick at the door.-

After fifteen minutes later Both Luna and her father showed up with a trunk that Nick stored in the realm with the others alongside the father daughter duo. Finally he could head to the nearby Burrow that the Weasleys lived in since it was fairly close by. The Burrow was alive with activity as the twins and Ron were being hurried back and forth by their mother to finish packing up their luggage since they had put it off till last minute.-

Ginny and Percy were both already ready to go alongside their parents and thus were peacefully eating breakfast with their father. "Make sure you don't forget your toothbrushes!" Molly Weasley yelled after her children as the scrambled to pack everything. It came as little surprise to Nick that the twins were the most prepared for this trip and thus took less time to finish up. He waited patiently in the dining room after being invited inside. Molly Weasley was beside herself about his coat that was expertly tailored and wonderfully stylish.-

Once they were all ready to go Nick put the whole family in the realm with their luggage with the others before having Dotty bring him and by extension them to the island. With a wave of his hand Nick released all of his guests from the realm alongside their luggage. "I officially welcome you all to Ravenclaw island!" He said grandly with a grin as they adjusted to the surroundings. There was quite a lot of oohing and aahing once they could really soak it all in. More than a few sets of eyes immediately went to the atronachs patrolling the perimeter of the manor in curiosity and awe.

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