Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 392: Liliana Sturm

Chapter 392: Liliana Sturm

"How do you plan to handle this boss?" Lucas asked after calming himself down. He might not be the woman's biggest fan after the way she ruined his life but he didn't want her dead or anything. "Well there is a few ways I can deal with this that each might end in a different manner , and when I say "I" what I mean is WE." Nick said calmly. "Do any of those options not lead to someone dying?" Lucas asked and Nick shrugged. "Some do but that number gets bigger or smaller depending on your thoughts on arranged marriages." he said honestly.-

"I'd rather not if I can help it but if the woman's sweet enough I think I can work with it." Lucas said honestly. "In that case I have a total of five plans that involve no one dying in theory." Nick said casually. "What do you mean "in theory" ?" Lucas asked confused. "Because despite my many skills and gifts I am not infact a seer and so can't say for certain that no one would die because of these plans , just that no one SHOULD die." Nick explained seriously.-

"Hmmmm , better than nothing I suppose. So what are the plans?" Lucas said curiously. "Well first is that you go and command that woman to behave herself which will expose your new status as a royal vampire to the world. This is actually less than optimal since it will lead to a series of cascading after effects. The next plan is that we secretly approach the royal clan and you marry into it at which point they will not only be able to solve this peacefully but will also create a tie between me and them through you." Nick said before pausing to let Lucas really think about these options.-

"The third plan involves watching the woman get forced by her parents into rescinding the bounty after the pressure gets too high. There is a chance that she will die though so do keep that in mind. Fourth is that you marry her and cut out this problem from the roots while also letting the world know you are a royal vampire. This has similar implications as the first option but there are serious differences based on how the royal clan reacts to the news."-

"The final option is to contact the royal clan and show that we are willing to work with them and ask that they solve this problem peacefully in exchange for some gifts. Personally I prefer this plan as it will deal with many birds using a single stone." Nick laid it all out in a simplified manner since there was of course a lot of details in each of these. "Are there any easier options?" Lucas asked clearly uncomfortable with most of these ones. "Well we could always do nothing about it and see how it plays out." Nick offered with a grin.-

"And how does that turn out , in theory?" Lucas asked and Nick rubbed his chin for a minute in thought. "With a rather high body count should things escalate and peacefully if reason wins out." he answered honestly. "How is that better!?" Lucas asked in horror. "You didn't ask for better , just easier. What can be easier than ignoring the problem until it gets too big or goes away on it's own?" Nick asked rhetorically. "What plan has the best outcome that involves someone dying?" Lucas asked but looked like he regretted it immediately. "She tragically trips and falls down a flight of stairs and dies." Nick said with a smirk.-

"You'd never get away with a murder like that , they have people that would know if magic was used on her." Lucas said seriously. "Who said anything about using magic on her? There are thousands of way to make coincidences line up favorably without touching a single hair on someone with magic." Nick said ominously. "I think we should wait it out first and if things get violent we go with the final deathless plan." Lucas suggested. Nick shrugged "if that's how you want to handle it then I see no problems with it." he said before leaving Lucas to his thoughts.-

Still thanks to this bounty Nick now knew exactly who it was that had turned Lucas into a vampire , Liliana Sturm. Nick was actually rather surprised to learn that she was the granddaughter of the Sturm clans patriarch. 'Why would a highborn like that be interested in a muggleborn wanderer like Lucas?' he wondered before giving up on figuring it out as women were strange and illogical creatures sometimes.

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