Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 386: Overwhelming force

Chapter 386: Overwhelming force

The island was only a few miles across so it didn't take long for Nick and Lucas to arrive at the outskirts of the battle between Seram and the intruder. 'You have got to be kidding me!' Nick thought with a dumbfounded look at the scene that greeted them upon arrival. Standing at the cliffs edge was a small old man that looked frail enough for the wind to blow over that had shoulder length thin white hair. In the mans hand was a pale white wooden wand that had a blood red stone the size of a quail egg affixed to it's base.-

The crazy part however was that Seram was fighting a dozen stone soldiers that were clearly giving her a run for her money if the injuries on her were any indication. As if that wasn't bad enough whenever she would tear one of the soldiers apart the old wizard would merely wave his wand and the soldier would be repaired. "You two help the manticore fight off the stone soldiers! Lucas with me on the wizard!" Nick barked out commands to the atronachs and Lucas before sprinting towards the old man.-

Nick didn't recognize the magical signature of the wizard on his island and thus decided to attack first and ask questions later. Seram looked relieved once the atronachs joined her against the stone soldiers as the constructs were very effective against them relieving a lot of pressure. "Come child! I haven't felt this good in decades , let me shake off this rust!" the wizard said with a wide smile as Nick raised his wand to attack. "Aglad!" he spoke and the wizards smile vanished as he hurriedly raised a shield charm in defense. "CRACK! BOOM!" Not a moment too soon either as the instant Nick finished speaking a barrel thick bolt of lightning flew from the tip of the wand towards the wizard.-

The wizard dodged to the side immediately after the lightning struck the shield as cracks form instantly on it. Nick was not playing around right now and wanted to end this fight as soon as possible. The wizard didn't miss a beat though and mid dodge sent a bright red spell at Nick. Stabbing his wand forward Nick caught the spell with the mana coated tip of his wand and flicked it to the side.-

The wizard saw this and had a look of surprise before smiling again and sending volley of five more spells at Nick all wordlessly cast and moving at different speeds. Nicks eyes flicked between each of them before the rest of his body started to react to the new spells. "SWISH! SWISH! SWISH!" Nicks right hand moved in a blur as he caught and deflected the spells one after another while taking a deep breath. "FWOOM!" A thick gout of azure fire leaves Nicks mouths and forces the wizard to stop attacking and defend. The shield summoned this time was much sturdier than the first and held out pretty well against the violent flames.-

Not well enough that the wizard wasn't showing signs of struggle however as he fought against the torrent of flames. Nick cut off the flames as he was running out of breath before moving his wand "Reducto! Bombarda maxima! Hydrae fumicant!" The first and second spells forced the wizard to leave the shield or risk getting blown to pieces while the last was Nicks personally modified toxic smoke spell. This would force the wizard to try and get rid of the horribly corrosive smoke or risk getting eaten to the bones. -

Just like Nick planned the wizard dodged out of the way of the first two spells and hurriedly dealt with the third spell. At this point a mist reformed behind the wizard as Lucas used the difficult to spot mist form to sneak up on the wizard. "Expeliarmous!" he spoke and the wizard was unable to react in time from the sudden attack in a different direction thus losing their wand. Nick wasted no time at all tapping his wand on the ground and transfiguring the ground to swallow the wizard and his wand while having several sharp spears of metal pressed against his body from all angles.-

Seram and the atronachs made quick work of the stone soldiers at that point as the wizard couldn't restore them anymore. "Wonderful! simply marvelous child! To think I would be caught off guard in such a manner, I'm truly embarrassed!" the wizard said with a laugh from his hole in the ground. "Who are you and how did you find this place?" Nick asked seriously with his wand pointed at the man threateningly. "Oh good my new cloaking enchantment is working then , your help was invaluable to make it you know. "I admit that I may have miscalculated on the reaction you would have when planning this little surprise." the man said with an awkward chuckle.

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