Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 383: Teaching(2)

Chapter 383: Teaching(2)

"Isn't that illegal though?" Lucas asked with a confused expression. "Horribly so , then again if the ministry knew the laundry list of crimes I've committed they'd bury me under Azkaban so one more makes no difference." Nick replied with a shrug. Lucas just stared at him in stupefaction after getting that answer while Nick casually took out the blood bound diamond and tossed it accurately into the center of the atronach forge alongside a few bars of goblin silver. This snapped Lucas's attention back to normal as the gem left a heavy blood smell the moment it appeared. The ingredients floated in place within the forge and Nick tapped his wand on the outer ring of the forge and started the process.-

A vast amount of mana was sucked into the diamond that started to glow brightly with most of it coming from Nick himself. Lucas watched on in fascination as the diamond slowly started to break down into tiny grains of brightly glowing sand that spread out before the vast quantity of mana started to transform into pale yellowish sandy looking stones with swirl patterns all over them. At first the stones didn't seem to have any real shape but as more and more formed one began to appear.-

One humanoid face followed by a second to the left of the first made out of this stone material then one arm followed by another until there were four arms. Finally four long pale yellowish stone swords with swirl patterns formed in the "hands" of the creature. At this point the metal broke down and flowed over the edges of the swords as well as the surface of the stones that made up the creatures body filling in the swirl patterns. The final result was a greater air atronach with four arms and two faces that was reinforced integrally with goblin silver.-

The rings of the atronach forge slowed down once it's job was done and the atronach came to life as the gaps between it's stones glowed blue gently. The air in the room howled as the power of the creature ran without restraint and the rocks shifted continuously while still maintaining it's shape somehow. "Come!" Nick commanded and the atronach floated forward out of the forge until it was in front of him obediently. "Greater air atronach on my first attempt , not bad at all." Nick said happily after he checked the creature over.-

"What even is this thing?" Lucas asked confused beyond measure. "Ah right! I forgot I haven't taught you that yet , apologies. Anyways this wonderful thing is a type of creature that is generally known as an atronach. In simple terms atronachs are elemental magic given shape and life. For this one in particular it is an air atronach which means that it's main elemental alignment is to the air element. Don't let those stones fool you this thing is almost entirely made of air magic that has been crystalized into what you see now with the exception of the metal that I added to it." Nick explained with a smile.-

"Is it .. dangerous?" Lucas asked nervously while looking at the strange construct. "Only if you attack it or I command it to be , right now though it's pretty much just decoration. Sure it might move around but it won't do anything else really." Nick said honestly. "Restrain your power and follow me!" he then commanded the atronach and the winds in the room vanished for the most part. "Will I learn how to do this eventually?" Lucas asked eagerly at this display.-

"That's the idea. In time you will serve as my assistant in most crafting matters but for now you are still learning." Nick answered before walking out of the room with the atronach following closely behind him. He dismissed Lucas after that and the vampire went back to his studying with a renewed vigor.Nick on the other hand brought the atronach outside the manor and set it on a patrol route around it after taking the time to set the constructs aggression to the minimum. He didn't mind if the thing retaliated after being attacked but he definitely didn't want it turning violent towards anything in sight that breaths.-

Should such a thing happen Nick would likely have to suffer serious damage to the islands ecosystem before he could stop the atronach. Rather than deal with that he simply set it on a passive patrol loop around the manor. It was certainly intimidating enough that most creatures that might accidentally wander into the area of the manor would probably thing twice about messing with it. The best part of atronachs in Nicks opinion though was that should someone see them he could simply say it was a golem and no one could say otherwise.

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