Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 374: Atronach forge

Chapter 374: Atronach forge

After his birthday Nick waited a few days before heading up into space to retrieve his accumulated harvest. It came as little surprise to him that each of the marbles were now the size of a mansion on average. Unfortunately most of that size came from the material attached to the star metal rather than the metal itself. After placing each of the massive collections into the realm Nick fed anything that wasn't valuable to him to the realm to fuel it's growth. This was what consisted of the majority of the collected stuff and in the end left him with roughly enough star metal to create a life sized horse statue if he wanted to.-

He also got a decent haul of other rare metals such as tritium and hyper dense iron ferrite that were mixed in with the star metal. The realm easily separated these metals and left only what Nick wanted. He wasted no time at all melting the metals he was using to create the forge in his furnace and moving the molten metal into the very large molds that he prepared long ago while the next batch of metal was sent into the furnace.-

It honestly looked like a never ending flow of bright liquid metal floating through the air and into the molds until they were full. The now complete molds were sent into his realm immediately since he didn't want to have to explain what they were for should anyone see them. Over the next next month Nick carefully carved a small portion of the paragraphs of daedric runes he needed into the massive rings little by little. He otherwise spent most of his time improving his skill with the school spells or forging rings of protection.-

His improvement with the school spells had slowed down since the six and seventh years materials were the most complicated taught at Hogwarts. The special thing about these classes was that to take them you actually had to have a certain level of grade in that subject. The grade accepted differed from class to class but the principal was the same. Nick had long since reached the required skill in the subjects so it wasn't a problem for him to get the materials for self study from the professors. Most of them were shocked to see how quickly he had mastered the previous years spells and knowledge after being exempted but all of them agreed that it was clearly the correct course of action.-

Hermione tried to bug him into letting her see the high year text books since you needed one of three things to get access to them normally. The first was permission from a professor for that subject which Nick had. The second was an age of seventeen or older as you were a final year student at that point and basically considered an adult. The final option however was to acquire the texts via illegal channels. Such channels did in fact include trying to get it from a higher year student or someone who acquired it legally.-

There was good reason for these restrictions as well since they prevented anyone without the proper level of skill from attempting them and having to deal with the consequences should they fail. Nick was absolutely certain that for most of these spells and techniques Hermione was not capable ofat the moment and that if she attempted them she may die , that's if she was lucky. So despite her repeated attempts to get access to the texts she was denied outright.-

Still on the last day of the month of March Nick placed the finishing touches on the atronach forge ring configuration and quadruple checked his work for mistakes but was satisfied to discover none. "Dotty!" he called after leaving the realm. With a "POP!" his servant appeared eager and ready to serve. "Has sir called to Dotty about the vampress situation?" his servant asked curiously. "Not at this particular moment but if she has made any large moves let me know immediately." Nick answered seriously. He had been having Dotty keep an eye out secretly for the Vapresses movements as she was likely very unhappy at the moment.-

"The woman has only been searching for mister Lucas so far master but Dotty has noticed an increase in aggression amongst those she has sent to find him." his servant supplied and he nodded in understanding. "Keep me apprised of the situation. For now though I require you to bring me to the manor." Nick commanded and his house elf eagerly moved to obey. Nick had long since cleared out the torture room of the manor and decided to use it as the location of the forge since it was far sturdier than most of the manor due to it's intended purpose.

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