Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 355: Noseless thoughts

Chapter 355: Noseless thoughts

(Pov Voldemort)

I was confused more and more the deeper I dug into the Ravenclaw brats history and background as it didn't seem to make any sense at all. First the boy seemed to appear out of no where with heavy injuries and amnesia and none of the muggles thought to get him medical attention beyond a call in doctor. This was the first strangeness he found about the boy but definitely not the last by any stretch of the imagination. The one that made the least amount of sense to me though was that when the boy showed his exceptional talent not one muggle found it odd at all.-

It didn't make any sense at all so I immediately jumped to magic as the cause but none of the muggles had even a single whiff of magical influence on them at all despite giving them close inspection. It frustrated me to no end how elusive any deeper understanding of this mere child avoided me. In the end after failing to get anywhere after searching every known avenue of history that the boy had not in the wizarding world I could only shelve the matter for the moment.-

Once I did that I finally turned my attention to the state of my forces and frowned in displeasure at what I found. Many of my followers had played a few small tricks to avoid getting sent to Azkaban once I fell but had failed to seek me out in all this time or hold sway over the isles. It was disappointing to say the least as I had assumed many would have at least held my reign over the isle steady in my absence for a few years but they had folded without hesitation. I was most displeased with this but knowing they were facing that old man I could understand their actions.-

Dumbledore was no base foe that could be avoided for long without a power equal to his to confront him with. None of my servants had such power which I admit may have been my own doing to some degree. I was loathe to share my hard earned knowledge with the fools that lacked the drive to improve. Severus , my trusted spy , was different than all the others as he too was half blooded such as my self and strived for greatness.-

Bellatrix and Barty crouch jr were also worthy to be my most faithful followers as they strove to please me and bring my grand vision to life without losing faith even after my fall. Alas only Bellatrix remained alive as Azkaban claimed Barty suspiciously fast for a man of such potent will which made me think he may have been purposefully killed. I had long decided that I needed to rescue my followers from that prison but the time was not right yet and the Dementors were proving difficult to sway. This didn't surprise me since they weren't very smart creatures to begin with and were content to eat the happiness of the prisoners in Azkaban.-

Still like any population set on a limited ration diet there were a few individuals that were dissatisfied with the fact they were not allowed to feast freely. These few individuals were easy to convince to serve me and through them I was slowly extending my grasp over the entire population. That reminded of an annoying fact I was recently made aware of that proved to be headache inducing from how concerning it was. Apparently the brat created a new form of magical crafting that had the power to erase my own dark marks.-

Severus had tried to study this new subject and unfortunately suffered the loss of his mark as a result. Rather than give him a new one as he asked I instead branded the mark upon an item that he could hide from the old man unlike the mark. This allowed him to serve even better at spying on the foolish headmaster as well as the brat. Still the brat was growing more and more troublesome the longer he was left alone and needed to be slowed down before I can no longer easily dispatch him.-

Normally the thought that a mere child could cause me any for of trouble would be insulting at best but that was unfortunately the truth. I am not foolish enough to dismiss a potential problem after it has repeatedly caused me trouble already after all. The problem I had was that unfortunately the boy didn't have many openings by which I could attack easily without revealing myself to the world. The few weaknesses that he did have were all very well protected without a single exception which led me to having to use the muggles he's interacted with as bait.

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