Hades, the Urban Legend

Chapter 745 - 748: Dirty Trick

Chapter 745: Chapter 748: Dirty Trick

"Zhiqing, Zhiqing! What's wrong? Call the police!" Yang Chen waved his hand in front of the dazed beauty. "Let the police arrest them, and then we can call some reporters from a few TV stations to come and interview us. We might even get on TV as heroes! Maybe we could even win a reward!"

"Get on TV? Win a reward?" Xiao Zhiqing almost fainted from disbelief. Not only is this guy foolish, but he's also delusional. He's already filthy rich, and he's thinking about some reward money for being a hero?!

Xiao Zhiqing's mind raced. This man is ridiculously stupid. He didn't even realize my plan. Well, in that case, I should continue playing along. I can't let him get away with all the benefits.

So, she quickly stepped forward, taking the initiative to link her arm with Yang Chen's, flashing a charming smile. "Big Brother Yang, let it go. They're just small-time crooks. There's no need to call the police. We should be forgiving; they probably have families and children. Let's just let them go this time."

Yang Chen looked deeply moved, gazing at her pitiful expression. "Zhiqing, you're just too kind. Alright, I'll listen to you. Let's let them go."

With that, Yang Chen kicked the leg of one of the unconscious men on the ground, looking very pleased with himself.

Xiao Zhiqing inwardly scorned him. If they weren't knocked out, you would've wet your pants with fear by now. But she kept her face gentle and said, "Big Brother Yang, let's go back to the hotel and forget about them. I'll transfer the money to you."

"Yes, yes, let's go back to the hotel, to your room," Yang Chen replied with a smug smile.

The two of them walked into the hotel together. Yang Chen occasionally brushed his arm against Xiao Zhiqing, and although she detested it, she had to endure it, not wanting anything to go wrong at the last moment.

The hotel was quiet during the day, and with its exclusive high-end pricing, they hardly encountered anyone as they took the elevator up to the fifth-floor guest room. It was so quiet that they could hear each other's breathing.

At the door of the guest room, Xiao Zhiqing's eyes sparkled like autumn water, glistening as she glanced at Yang Chen. The constant friction had made her cheeks blush like a pink sunset, making her even more enticing. "Big Brother Yang, I need to get my room key."

"Go ahead, I'm waiting," Yang Chen said with a grin.

"But you're holding onto me so tightly that I can't open my bag," Xiao Zhiqing pointed out, indicating her orange leather purse, which was difficult to open with just one hand.

Yang Chen, realizing this, reluctantly let go of her soft arm, allowing her to open her bag with both hands and retrieve the key card. As soon as the door opened and they stepped inside, the room was filled with a faint, pleasant scent, like a blend of orchid and musk. Yang Chen took several deep breaths, smacking his lips in an unseemly manner, as if savoring something delicious.

The sound of it disgusted Xiao Zhiqing, who tried hard not to look at his face, keeping her head down as she walked over to the desk. She opened a MacBook and softly said, "Big Brother Yang, I'll transfer the money to your account online. It might take some time since it's a large amount. Would you like something to drink?"

"Oh, anything is fine. No rush," Yang Chen replied casually.

Xiao Zhiqing sneered inwardly, though her face only showed a shy, somewhat embarrassed smile. She walked over to the mini-fridge, opened it, and said, "I'll get you some red wine. It's from last night; I hope you don't mind."

"Anything from Zhiqing would taste good, even poison," Yang Chen said seriously.

Xiao Zhiqing covered her mouth with her hand, letting out a shy giggle, her face blushing like a red flower as she gave him a flirtatious glance. She poured some wine into two glasses from a half-full bottle.

As soon as she finished pouring, Xiao Zhiqing frowned slightly, tugging at her clothes as if uncomfortable, and said apologetically, "Big Brother Yang, I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable after sweating. Why don't you rest for a bit and have some wine? I'll take a quick shower and then come out to handle the transfer."

"A shower?" Yang Chen grinned knowingly, nodding in satisfaction. "Of course, no problem. How about I join you? I've been sweating too!"

Xiao Zhiqing pouted angrily, "Big Brother Yang, if you keep that up, I won't talk to you anymore!"

"Alright, alright, I won't. I won't," Yang Chen quickly waved his hands, signaling her to go ahead.

Xiao Zhiqing walked over to her suitcase, opened it, and took out a change of thin clothes. Her eyes were filled with a seductive charm as she playfully said, "Big Brother Yang, you better not peek."

Yang Chen quickly put on a serious face. "Zhiqing, do I look like that kind of person? The one thing I value most is being a gentleman."

"Mhm, I know you're a good person, Big Brother Yang," Xiao Zhiqing said with a captivating smile, her eyes twinkling like those of a mischievous fox. Then she turned and ran into the bathroom.

Yang Chen watched the sway of her hips beneath her skirt, swallowing hard. Although he knew this woman had ill intentions, there was no denying that she had piqued his appetite.

Once Xiao Zhiqing was in the shower, and the sound of water echoed through the room, Yang Chen began to look around with interest. The room was decorated in a light bronze-green color, with elegant beige bedding, modern television and speakers, and thick carpeting on the floor. The bathroom was spotless, meticulously cleaned, truly worthy of the five-star price.

Glancing at the red wine Xiao Zhiqing had poured, Yang Chen noticed its rich red hue and fragrant aroma. With a chuckle, he picked up the glass and, without any hesitation, drank it down.

After finishing one glass, which tasted quite good, Yang Chen drank Xiao Zhiqing's glass as well, then poured himself a large glass and placed it on the nightstand.

He then quickly stripped off his shirt and shorts, leaving only a pair of colorful boxers, and settled onto the spacious double bed in the room.

Picking up his glass, Yang Chen sipped the wine slowly, waiting until he felt it was about the right time before setting the glass down. He then leaned back against the large white pillows, feigning a drowsy state, and called out in a sleepy voice to Xiao Zhiqing in the bathroom, "Zhiqing... Zhiqing... I'm feeling a bit sleepy... Hurry up..."

From the bathroom, Xiao Zhiqing's clear voice replied, "Okay, Big Brother Yang, I'll be done soon."

As the sound of water gradually diminished, through the frosted glass, Yang Chen could make out the alluring silhouette of Xiao Zhiqing, her figure resembling a beautiful snake as she softly dried her body in the bathroom. Even the mere outline of her curves made Yang Chen, who was squinting to get a better look, feel a wave of heat surge through him.

He couldn't quite tell how old this woman really was. Her appearance was that of a young girl in her early twenties, but her demeanor and physique were more akin to that of a mature woman in her thirties—an intoxicating combination.

When the bathroom door finally opened, Xiao Zhiqing emerged, wrapped in the white bathrobe provided by the hotel. She was drying her long, black hair, her bare feet padding softly across the floor as she approached the bed.

Yang Chen lay sprawled out on the bed like a dead pig, his mouth drooling slightly, forming a big "X" shape with his limbs. His impressive physique was now fully on display.

The sweet, coy demeanor that Xiao Zhiqing had previously shown was long gone, replaced by a cold, indifferent expression. Her youthful face looked down at Yang Chen's body with disdain, especially at his disheveled sleeping posture. She frowned slightly, bit her lip, and muttered, "This body may look strong, but he's nothing more than a coward—a foolish waste of space. Even unconscious, his body refuses to rest from its perverted urges."

With that, Xiao Zhiqing casually tossed the towel she had been using to dry her hair and walked over to her suitcase. She retrieved a digital camera, then stepped back to the bed. Reaching out with one hand, she grabbed onto the only piece of clothing Yang Chen was still wearing—his boxers—and gave them a sharp tug.

"I'm not interested in your filthy thing. I just don't want you to ruin any more good girls. Today, I'm robbing the rich to help the poor. Men like you, who think money allows them to do whatever they want, deserve this."

After talking herself into it, finally convincing herself to overcome a bit of girlish shyness, Xiao Zhiqing pulled with all her might.

Yang Chen's "equipment" was finally exposed to the air, causing Xiao Zhiqing's face to flush crimson, her heart pounding wildly in her chest.

This man is rotten to the core! Even while unconscious, he's so shameless! Xiao Zhiqing thought angrily.

Determined to finish quickly and avoid looking at his body any longer, she turned on the camera, adjusted the angle, and began to take pictures, capturing Yang Chen's naked body from every possible angle with a 360-degree sweep.

Wealthy people, unlike ordinary folks, often regard money as just numbers. But face—reputation—is something they carry with them everywhere. Especially men, who might even fight to the death to protect their pride. Throughout history, there have been plenty of men who have chosen to die to save face.

Xiao Zhiqing knew this all too well. With these photos in hand, she could easily take the million-dollar jewelry right in front of Yang Chen without any problem. In fact, she could even blackmail him for another million, and Yang Chen wouldn't dare refuse.

In this era of rapid digital communication, spreading digital images is incredibly easy. No one can predict how many copies exist or stop their distribution.

This plan, if aimed at a typical wealthy man with impure intentions, would have gone off without a hitch. No super-rich man would risk ruining his reputation over just a million dollars.

Unfortunately, Xiao Zhiqing had made a critical mistake from the very beginning—she had chosen the wrong target.

Just as she was about to finish her final shots, Yang Chen's supposedly sleeping body suddenly started to roll towards the edge of the bed. As if sleepwalking, his hands flailed about in search of something to grab onto!


Xiao Zhiqing let out a startled cry as Yang Chen's sudden movement caught her off guard. To her shock, one of his hands grabbed onto her leg, pulling her down with surprising force!

To read the manga version, please click the YouTube link https://youtu.be/GnU613H6xm8

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