Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 173: Worry

Chapter 173: Worry

Morale Support: Scherzo

Patreon: /ScherzoTranslations


Actually, since the beginning of his research on peas, Reiner has had a faint feeling of ripples in his heart. However, due to the overwhelming feedback from his discoveries about the laws of the elements, his body is still digesting, so those small feedbacks were subconsciously ignored.

Now, the accumulated feedback integrated together, like a bursting flood, surging into Reiner’s Mind Lake.

The calm lake’s surface ripples, and in the next moment, dark clouds shroud the entire lake.

Distant thunder, and overcast sky longing for the storm.

The flames around the lake flicker in the wind, clouds gather in the sky, and colorful lightning intertwines.


The booming sound ripped through the air. For a moment, dozens of thunderbolts fall, hitting the surging tide. The lightning spreads in the water, like an inverted golden towering giant tree, fading only when it reaches the lake bottom and contacts the rocks.

The dim sky, the relentless crazy wind, the turbulent lake water, the hard rocks—everything is connected by a lightning bolt.

Then, in the turbulent lake water, a subtle change quietly arrives.

At the bottom of the lake, a hint of green rises, turning into lush water plants, expanding to half of the lake bottom in an instant, even crawling onto the shore, greedily absorbing the nutrients of the earth.

The plants grew wildly, and in a moment, rows of trees stood tall, low bushes proliferated, and green grass covered the ground. The storm gradually subsides.

This is life.

The arrival of life changes nature.

The dark clouds disperse, a beam of sunlight penetrates and falls on the earth.

In the midst of the emerald green grass, an unnamed flower blooms.

The changes in the Mind Lake also directly fed back to Reiner’s body. He felt a tingling sensation passing through his body. Clenching his fist slightly, Reiner found that his strength seemed to have increased, and the previously fatty flesh, due to a lack of exercise, had become firm muscles. The change in his body made him feel refreshed, and the seemingly more perfect physique brings him a sense of joy.

“Feedback from the world can actually reshape the body?”

Reiner has always felt that the magical power drawn from the Hohenheim Cup can supplement the needs of his body to some extent. As long as he wears the ring, he is less prone to fatigue. The feedback from the world also allows Reiner to learn and cast magic more quickly in a certain sense.

But this immediate change surprises Reiner even more.

“Is this a quantitative change leading to a qualitative change? Or is it a unique feedback of genetic theory?”

Reiner speculated as he stood up from his seat, feeling significantly lighter. With a slight punch, a whistling wind is brought about. It can be said that his current physique can easily rival those seasoned athletes on Earth.

“So, although Lord Dmitri didn’t mention the effects of feedback from the world other than its effect on magic, he did say that the advancement in magic would be accompanied by an extension of lifespan. Perhaps this is a manifestation?”

Reiner roughly remembers that the limitation of human lifespan is due to the limited number of mitosis. Therefore, to prolong life, it is necessary to increase the number of times cells can replicate, and younger cells obviously meet this requirement.

“Magic can penetrate and nourish the body, and reshaping cells doesn’t seem to be a difficult thing. At least, it can prolong the life of cells.”

But according to the statement of Lord Preston, even with the use of magical means, humans will die after several hundred years, unable to further extend their lives. It seems that there are more complex reasons behind this.

After a moment of contemplation, Reiner raises his hand, and in his consciousness, intersecting curves form a complex and changing magic spell.

This is a third level spell, the spell model of Ishariths’s Wall of Sighs.

It can be seen that although this model is also composed of lines on a plane: constantly changing with the flow of time. The positions of nodes, the lines of magical trajectories, they are constantly changing, almost without a discernible pattern.

This is the first time Reiner has tried to construct a third level magic, which is obviously much more difficult than first level and second level magic. If second level magic requires a lot of calculations during construction, then three-ring magic requires a continuous and massive amount of calculations.

But this doesn’t stump Reiner. He has ample magical power to maintain the spell model, and, influenced by a lot of feedback, the quality of his magical power is quite high.

In Reiner’s consciousness, magic is a free and chaotic energy that tends to be scattered and chaotic. However, not all magic is so difficult to control. Magic brought about by the feedback from the world is, to some extent, easier to control. In other words, the energy and computational power needed for Reiner to construct spells are much less than others.

Previously, he had attempted to construct a third level spell after inscribing the Flame Burst spell, but it was a bit difficult. Although it felt like it could be completed with his full effort, Reiner, for safety’s sake, did not act rashly.

Now, with another round of feedback, he can easily construct and cast a third level spell. As long as he can inscribe it in his Mind Lake, he can become a pseudo third level mage.

As soon as his thoughts changed, Reiner dispels this idea and waves his hand to erase the spell model.

It should be noted that most other mages of the same level have not had the opportunity to receive feedback from the world. Their magical power comes from meditation and the assistance of potions bit by bit. It’s almost unheard of for someone as young as Reiner to receive so much feedback.

For this reason, the ordinary methods of advancement may not be suitable for Reiner. He isn’t in a hurry to advance but wants to figure out some things before moving forward steadily.

For example, the impact of magic on the body. Reiner believes that this subtle change may be one of the reasons why the body will be damaged during cognitive breakdown. During the process of continuous exposure to magic, the human body gradually forms a relatively fixed way of using magic. If a theory that overturns past cognition emerges at this time, the flow of magic will diverge, ultimately leading to disorder and collapse.

Shaking his head, Reiner brings his thoughts back. After reviewing his reasoning, he puts it together with other materials, stores them away, and puts them in his storage bag.

“A wedding, huh? It seems like there’s going to be drama?”

He thought about what Lord Preston mentioned—that many pure-blooded mages will visit the wedding of the Albione family, and he can’t help but worry.

Reiner is not worried that those pure-blooded mages will harm him.

What he’s concerned about is whether the genetic theory he proposed will disturb the cognition of these stubborn old men. Will they treat it as a breakdown, and will he be held accountable in the end?

Reiner is worried that he might inadvertently harm them.

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