Chapter 1410 Double Entendre.

Chapter 1410 Double Entendre.

Legion-1 was beside the lake. He was more or less at the center of the encampment. They saw him take off towards the closest part of the dome blocking his way. So all of their attention was rightfully focused on him when Legion-Unity appeared. It didn't help that Legion- Unity appeared at the opposite end of the barricade.

Legion-Unity appeared right in front of an Origin god with his mouth wide open. He looked like a world beast, but what came out of his mouth was nothing related to world beasts.

A torrent of charged white liquid poured out of his opened jaws. The liquid plasma exploded immediately after it came in contact with the world. It formed an exploding horizontal white pillar that struck the defensive ring in front of him and the Origin god behind it.

They were prepared for anything. Or at least they thought they were. Their concepts were deployed. Walls of earth, fire, water, air, and various other phenomena were erected. These walls are as tall as mountains and as thick as hills. Any attack would be resisted. Again, or so they thought.

But they didn't prepare for a dragon breath that has reached the limit of the light side of the universe in terms of raw power. Unlike them, he has been preparing for this attack for quite a while.

The defenders didn't know what hit them. Metaphorically and literally. The world became white and painful because of the searing heat. It is as if a star exploded in their faces. It was all they could feel.

All the barriers broke and shattered alongside the Origin gods who erected them. If not for the Origin god with the ability to redirect force, then this attack alone would have been more than enough to demolish every opposition. This Origin god didn't try to manipulate the attack. He imposed his concept on space and forced space itself to bend. Space was warped ever so slightly, so the straight line of attack became curved. The attack was redirected like this.

The attack was spread out against the barrier, so not everything was destroyed. But the barrier was close to the end. It was teetering on the edge. A small push, and it would fall.

The defenders knew this. So they rushed to defend the hole in their barricade. It was the smart decision. But that left Legion-1 largely lacking in opposition.

The smart decision for Legion-1 would be to capitalize on that weakness. But he didn't. He continued pushing in the opposite direction. Then he released his own dragon breath.

Another star appeared within the barricade. It struck the other side of the dome, where resistance was the least. This time there wasn't an Origin god to redirect the attack. His dragon breath pierced through every opposition. It only stopped when the expensive emergency energy barrier appeared.

Legion-1's eyes glinted sharply. He murmured, "Here it is."

This is the reason why he didn't join Legion-Unity to take advantage of the first hole in the barricade. That attempt would have failed because this barrier would have come up. Then the two of them would be in the same spot and would be quickly surrounded by the defenders. He had seen it in a vision before it happened.

But now the energy barrier has appeared, so he can join up with Legion-Unity. He did so immediately. He used the crystal space butterfly divine ability to teleport to Legion-Unity.

Legion-Unity was already plunging into the hole. The defenders had reinforced the hole with more power, so it would have been difficult for him to break the dome quickly, even with his Origin diamond divine ability. But now there are two of them.

They slashed forward, and everything in front of them was torn apart. The powerful energy barrier is unidirectional, so it can only defend against attacks from a single direction. It is currently patching the second hole so it can block their path. The two of them were able to escape easily this way.

Someone roared in anger behind them, "Activate the continent wide space lock array. Activate the battleships. Chase them to the ends of the world. Chase them until death and beyond."

If this person were a mortal, their voices would be hoarse with all the screaming. That's how agitated they are.

The defenders moved quickly. No one bothered to bring up the fact that the continent-wide space lock array will be expensive to use and will surely offend others on the immortal continent, or that the battleships would be expensive to run.

Not one person advised that it would be smart to cut their losses, seeing as the two dragons pretending to be world beasts could teleport to each other while they were already within a space lock array.

No one mentioned any of that. They activated the battleships and gave chase. These battleships are expensive, but they are powerful and fast. The clones couldn't surf space because of the space lock array, so the battleships were catching up to them.

Not only that, but these battleships were equipped with deadly cannons trained at them.

These cannons are top-grade artifacts with the same concept. Each shot from them is expensive but effective. They produce an intangible psychic attack that is difficult to sense and even more difficult to dodge because it moves at the speed of light.

Unless the Origin gods have a defensive spiritual concept, they wouldn't be able to defend against the attack at all. A single attack will give an Origin god a headache. 10 of them at once will freeze them. This will ensure that they capture the thieves alive. After all, what use are dead thieves?

The battleships were 10, and they had two cannons each. That makes for 20 attacks fired every second. So the defenders were expecting the two thieves to be captured very quickly after being struck. But neither one stumbled or paused.

They don't know that they have miscalculated again. They are not facing two, but three thieves. It is the third hidden thief present within the two thieves that is protecting them against the psychic attacks.

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