Chapter 1396 The Gap Of Darkness.

Chapter 1396 The Gap Of Darkness.

He said with a proud smile as he watched, "Their reproduction is slow and their fertility is poor but they sure spread like fleas."

Every action of dragons has something to do with him. Their impressive actions particularly also make him impressive. After all, he is their source of greatness. So he is proud whenever he sees how well they are doing.

Dragons have done especially well in spreading and dominating their environment. They have poor reproductive capabilities but their numbers have swollen beyond the trillions after so many Origin cycles since their creation.

So it is difficult to examine all of them and he rarely does so. If not for the Overgod then he wouldn't have bothered.

He was impressed just a little bit more the longer he searched. Dragons form a large portion of the strongest inhabitants of the universe. They have truly performed well for the purpose of their creation. Their collective existence was of great help to him in stealing the Cosmic source that he is now imbibing.

He is rarely impressed but he is proud of his descendants. They may be crippled when compared to him but they have succeeded in being a dominating race in the void universe. It shows just how great he is if weak copies of himself are so strong. But his pride soured when he noticed the problem that the Overgod mentioned.

"This is truly a serious issue," He said when he noticed the problematic egg.

He would have missed it completely if the Overgod had not told him. This small egg is doing something other dragons should not be doing. It had not only created a complete dragon heart for some inexplicable reason, but It was also trying to recreate his eye.

If this egg manages to recreate his innate divine ability, then he might be able to interfere with his possession of the cosmic source.

"The Overgod was right. But this interesting too."

His Will moved and his intention was made manifest. Time rolled back in his vision of this egg so the past of this ambitious egg was displayed to him. He saw everything the egg had done.

What's interesting is that there is no past for the egg after a few years. He didn't see how the egg was laid and who laid it. It was as if the egg just popped into existence within a nest of other eggs. There is only darkness in Draco's vision past a certain point.

Draco muttered, "It is as if the existence of the dragon egg was destroyed to create a gap in its history. Someone is clearly hiding something. Who did he it?"

The darkness that appeared in his vision happens when someone dies. But that can't be so since the dragon egg is clearly alive. So he became suspicious and determined to find out what was being hidden.

He moved farther into the past to look beyond the gap. He wasn't disappointed by the attempt. He saw that the egg was normal before this strange gap. It only had an inexplicably powerful soul. There doesn't seem to be anything out of place other than that but he won't believe that.

The powerful soul is already an indication that the egg is abnormal. But he can't find the source or reason for the powerful soul. It is as if it suddenly appeared within the egg.

"That makes two anomalies. An egg should not have such a powerful soul and something must have happened to the egg during the gap. The clue might be in the gap. After all, someone powerful went to such great lengths to hide something from me."

He couldn't find any information because of the gap and he wasn't willing to give up so he used the cosmic source he is in control of. This time there was no resistance to the manifestation of his will. In fact, he gained an ability he shouldn't possess.

Reality changed before his gaze. Matter and energy became pure information. Numbers and concepts appeared within his sight. These numbers formed a stream of information about the dragon egg.

It can be likened to the record of its entire life. It contains every action of the dragon egg and their effect on the void universe including the amount of energy it has used from the void universe, its mass, how many times it breathed, and how much air it breathed each time.

Draco went through this record and noticed something peculiar in the stream of information about the dragon egg. This egg is connected to other entities.

At first, he was surprised. But his surprise changed to shock when he noticed that the connection was not involuntary or predatory. An external entity wasn't trying to possess the egg or force a connection on it. Instead, that egg started out as possessed and now the egg is not a single entity. It is part of a large body of existence.

"I see. This is getting bigger and bigger."

He is very impressed by what he has seen. There are very few things that can impress him since he is so old and so powerful. But despite all of his years, he has never seen an entity that has succeeded in reincarnating their clones into other races and be accepted as separate individuals by the void universe.

He has certainly seen many who have tried. But not many have ever succeeded. The problem is that the entities powerful enough to achieve reincarnation will be too powerful for their clones to be acknowledged as separate individuals. They are too powerful to be considered separate while the weak ones cannot meet the requirements to reincarnate.

Even so, what he has seen has only impressed him. It hasn't made him afraid. He expected this matter to be more serious than a descendant of his trying to steal his power.

A descendant trying to steal his power is serious enough but it is not enough for the Overgod to come and inform him. The Overgod doesn't care about patricide so there has to be more.

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