Chapter 1388 4 Plans For Legion.

Chapter 1388 4 Plans For Legion.

The other plan she had for Legion was to rely on Ghaster. From the information she acquired from the squad that went to the Gattling plane, lightning might be able to harm Legion. This is because the child of the plane was able to wield lightning and the disease disappeared after the storm of lightning that the Celestial Supreme created. Either Legion was afraid of lightning or he was pretending.

If he was pretending that means he worked together with Celestial Supreme who created the lightning storm as a façade to kill the Celestial of Knowledge. If the two of them worked together, that means the Celestial of Lightning must be capable of restraining him. So either way, Lightning is still useful against Legion.

That's why Salvini planned to convince Ghaster to help her since he was related to Soverick and can wield Lightning. But now she is sure he will not even bother to come near her or entertain her request at all.

She shook her head in disappointment, "Forget it. I will just rely on myself and the Ghastorix family if I have to."

Her plan for Ghaster is based on conjecture so it might not work even if Ghaster agrees to work with her to target Soverick. Legion might not be weak to lightning which will be a waste of time. It is already uncertain if Ghaster will work with her if she tells him that the one that he had always wanted to defeat is not dead yet.

Ghaster could get pumped up and determined to fight Soverick or get scared that Soverick is not dead even after everything that happened to him.

Her chance of working with Ghaster successfully was 50/50 before. Any one of those outcomes could happen but now she is certain that Ghaster won't work with her due to Litori's behavior.

"I can only hope that Legion took the bait with Jarkon." She said while waiting for the good news.

But the only news she heard was that the Vipers had increased the pressure of their attacks on the planar portal of the Virut plane in the ancient battlefield.

Things got so bad that the first sage reached out to her. Her mind was pulled into a large white space. A single white eye appeared in front of her.

She bowed in greeting. The eye said to her, "I'm guessing Legion didn't accept your deal and they didn't take the bait you set for him either. It seems the realm lord won't have his way this time either."

The two of them spoke for a short while. Meanwhile, the world moved on.

-----The POV Of A Very Busy Man.

Something very powerful and very angry was barrelling towards the realm of high heaven. Monarch high heaven sensed it from within the realm tree and couldn't help but sigh in exasperation.

Mother High Heaven's warning came soon after, "You have a guest for you."

"Come on." He complained. "Not now of all moments. I am very busy."

He has other things to do but he has to pay attention to this angry guest. Especially since he is most likely at fault for their presence. Unfortunately, he can't ignore his angry guest. That's probably the worst thing he can do to a world god who is very angry with him and also has a lot of influence within the realm tree.

So he sent a clone outside of the realm to meet the guest since the guest can't enter the realm to meet him.

His clone appeared in the path of the angry entity. The world god didn't stop. It continued barreling towards him as if to run him over.

He conjured a force field in front of him. The world god stopped in front of the obstacle. Apparently, they aren't angry enough to crash into him. But they were still angry so they snorted. The snort created a shockwave that shattered the forcefield he used to protect himself.

It is a show of strength. That display tells him that if they wanted to kill him then they don't need to crash into him.

Monarch high heaven didn't get angry. He said with a smile, "What can I do for you, Your Excellency Star Shatterer?"

World god Star Shatterer looked on with barely withheld anger. She said in reply, "You know why I am here."

World god star Shatterer's gaze is not for the weak. She was an Origin god who could shatter everything with a touch. Now she is the Shattering itself. Her existence is constantly breaking apart to create a massive amount of energy and power.

It is a wonder to behold fission made manifest in all its explosive glory. That is if you don't go mad. Even then, the gaze that is inducing your existence to shatter and explode is not one that can be beheld easily. But the Monarch of High Heaven didn't cower. He spoke without missing a beat, "I am afraid I don't know what you're talking about Your Excellency."

He is lying of course. He knows very well why this world god who is tottering on the edge of madness because of being in a state of constant destruction is here. But he is not going to admit it and he will not admit to anything else.

"You have gone too far elven boy. I can allow a lot of things but harming the young generation is my bottom line."

Monarch high heaven was aghast. "I wouldn't dare to do such a thing."

He would in fact dare to and he did dare to. But he said in anger, "Who would dare say such a thing about me? Who is out there slandering me?"

"Is the report I received a hoax then? Are you saying the Shadow Lurker is not linked to you? Are you saying it is by luck that she found the location of a rite of passage and several locations of the rite of passage before now? Are you saying she didn't have your help in removing the suppression of the realm and using a domain without consequences? Tell me. I am willing to listen."


A/N: Is it just me or are Soverick's siblings special? Makes me wonder what Ragnarok's siblings would have been capable of. Anyways, what do you think Salvini's plan was for the deal she offered?

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