Chapter 1379 Bad Or Good Luck.

Chapter 1379 Bad Or Good Luck.

Salvini assured him, "Don't worry. Your mission is not over yet. This is not the end of the road for you."

He asked in confusion, "What do you mean? Are you sending help to us?"

But Salvini didn't answer. She cut off the communication line so Jarkon was left alone with his thoughts. Those thoughts came pouring out very quickly.

"This bitch." He swore heavily. "Is this how she is going to leave me to rot?"

He promised himself, "If I survive this, I will pay her back a hundredfold. She will suffer for what she has done to me. I will drag her face through feces just as it has been done to me."

It is no wonder why he is so unhappy. The person who sent him on this errand has forsaken him. He is to become a slave just because of his bloodline. He doesn't know if that fate is worse than the fate of those who died.

This is why even the others who were faithful to the mission are angry at Salvini. They have been suffering in cages like animals for many days now but there's no help in sight. All they have is the memory of the death of SWIFTESCAPE, UED, and two others.

SWIFTESCAPE was blasted to pieces. He died the most peaceful death despite it being gory. He didn't even know how he died which is a good thing.

UED was cut into pieces by a Stellos Origin god. It was a very painful death. He screamed in pain as his consciousness was sliced apart and scattered to the wind. The other two died to the menacing hands of the robots.

So on the one hand is death and on the other hand, is slavery and the wretched treatment that comes with it. He never thought his face would ever make intimate contact with feces and have is fur caked with a mixture of urine and feces. So death is looking pretty good right now.

At the end of the day, he said to himself, "I am lucky to be alive."

He is saying that to try and encourage himself. It is what he has been telling himself as the days went by. After all, he can't even kill himself so he has to appreciate his life. It is also important to encourage himself and uplift his spirit because he has been shackled for almost a year now.

His life for the past year has been harrowing and bleak. It is not the time of imprisonment that is deadening his spirit. He can stay in a single location and not move for a hundred years without a problem. He won't have a problem with it as long as he has freedom.

The act of imprisonment itself is what's bringing him down. His bloodline doesn't like imprisonment at all. It is reminded of the days when his ancestor was imprisoned by the Vipers.

The sight of other prisoners being sold and bought brought fresh waves of mental trauma from within his bloodline to plague his mind. He suffered for two more years under this debased treatment so his spirit was worn down.

He almost didn't recognize who it was when they appeared before him on one fateful day. His sluggish mind wouldn't have reacted at all if the person hadn't been pointing at him. It was then that he decided to examine the person.

What he saw shook him to his core. His dead eyes widened and his frozen heart began beating again. It was beating in fear.

"Is that Soverick?" he asked himself.

The person smells like Soverick. They both have the same dark and cold aura that he has been tracking for years. They don't look alike at all but he can't shake the belief that this is Soverick. He can't be fooled even though this person looks completely encased in black armor.

Soverick finally left. The wardens Soverick was speaking to moved into action after he left. They brought out the battle sage monkeys.

"What are you going to do with us?" Jarkon asked.

The others also voiced their inquiry. They were fortunate to receive a reply.

"Your group has received the attention of a Supreme one. It is both your bad luck and your good luck."

Jarkon was caught off guard by the paradoxical answer. He doesn't care about it though since he believes that his situation cannot be good. If the person he was tracking was Soverick, then that person must have recognized him. There is no way he will have a good outcome.

"Should I tell Salvini that we have found Soverick?" he asked himself.

"No. I don't know about the others. But I will take this information to my grave if I have to."

He doesn't care if the others call Salvini to inform her but he certainly won't tell her that her suspicions are correct and that Soverick isn't dead. He is willing to die just to rob her of that knowledge.

It is as they say, be careful what you wish for. His willingness to die encountered something that shook his resolution. The attendants began killing the battle sage monkeys. They took them aside one by one and detonated their bonds. The explosion killed them as he watched.

"He is trying to silence us." He exclaimed in panic. "This is so evil. Now I am sure that was Soverick."

His bloodline rioted within him. It wanted to compel him to inform Salvini. But he didn't bulge. He remained steadfast in his stubbornness even as his body began to shake involuntarily in pain. His bloodline is punishing him for keeping such important information from Salvini.

He said with determination, "If I am going to die, then let the Virut plane also suffer."

He believes that since he is going to die, he shouldn't care about the fate of the Virut plane anymore. In fact, he didn't care before. He believes he is justified to think so but as usual, his bloodline thinks otherwise.


A/N: What do you think Salvini is up to?

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