Chapter 1377 Earger Dragons.

Chapter 1377 Earger Dragons.

The losses that the Phoenixes incurred made it impossible for them to break through the blockade of robots in the sky in a short amount of time.

They were able to manage one or two infiltrations before but the causality that the lightning storm inflicted on them set their manpower back and also caused them to be almost pushed out of the plane.

Legion-5 chose to stand by and watch the fight. It was an interesting fight so he wasn't bored. It was literally raining fire and metal. In his opinion, nothing could be more interesting than that. It is especially interesting to watch since his life is not in danger.

Without danger, he could watch and appreciate the fight. He noticed that the robots could heal. They could fuse with shattered metal fragments of their dead metallic comrades to heal their injuries.

It is because there is an invisible flame around them that is constantly maintaining their form by healing them or scraping destroyed robots to make up for what they are lacking.

So in a way, the robot army is also immortal like the Phoenix race. What's extra interesting is that both the robots and the Phoenix rely on some sort of flames for their immortality.

This invisible flame of the robots is also responsible for the unending stream of robots rising from the ground to the sky to reinforce the blockade.

Legion-5 said, "This plane has suffered too much."

The new robots aren't appearing out of thin air. The very plane itself is being converted into the robots. The ground is burned with an invisible flame which refines it into metal which is then assembled immediately into the robots. These robots then fly into the sky to reinforce the defense.

The production time is 10 seconds max. It is very slow in a fight between immortals. But it becomes overwhelming very quickly when done in the tens of thousands at once.

It is a sight to marvel at. After all, a large amount of ordinary sand is turned into an Origin god-level fighting machine in seconds.

But it is also a sight that arouses pity for the plane because the creation of robots is a form of aggressive mining that doesn't discriminate about its target. As long as the substance is of earth or earthen origin, be they rocks, stones, boulders, or mineral ores, they will all be mined.

The thickness of the plane is getting thinner and the mass of the plane is reducing because of it. This is worse than the physical damage that the young Supreme Beasts did to it because this mining is siphoning the vitality and value out of the plane. Even if the plane doesn't break up, it will become barren and useless.

The fight continued for hours and it ended with the expected outcome. The invasion of the plane failed. Reinforcements from the Supreme Alliance appeared from the void which increased the pressure on the Phoenix race and led to their defeat.

The Phoenixes don't have a limit on their instant resurrection. They can resurrect 100 times in a minute if they have to. But none of them could resurrect anymore after the great mother they were attached to ran out of flames of rebirth.

This rarely happens but it can happen if the rate of death is too much. In this case, one Supreme Beast was already holding his own well against all the millions of invaders. The addition of several one-man armies as reinforcement put the Phoenix on the back foot. They couldn't take any step further or retreat.

The Phoenixes were cornered and killed. They couldn't retreat because they were already in the plane. The reinforcements sandwiched them and blocked their path. So they were killed until they couldn't resurrect anymore.

The dragons on the other hand could have escaped. But they didn't care about death. All they want is to vent their anger on the supreme beasts by fighting them. So it is a good thing that the supreme alliance sent reinforcements for them to fight.

Besides, they are immortal. It is not instantaneous resurrection but it is good enough that death is the least of their problems. As long as they don't enter the plane then they don't have anything to worry about anything. They can go wild in the void between planes as long as they don't harm the barrier of the realm or its law matrix.

The fighting stopped after the dragons were defeated. Some of them were killed while the rest escaped. Dragons can't be sealed by any known method. Their domain makes it very difficult for anything to shackle them so no dragon was sealed.

None of the Phoenixes was captured either. They just winked out and disappeared. Only Legion knows that they have returned to the spiritual dimension after exhausting their flames of rebirth.

The Stellos at the planar portal were not so lucky. Some of them were captured and sealed like the shadow Lurker. And some suspicious individuals at the planar portal were also captured.

The captured individuals include certain battle sage monkeys. They believe that they were at the right place at the wrong time. They think that if they had been at the planar portal at a later time then they wouldn't have been implicated and captured.

But Legion believes that they were at the wrong place at the right time. Just being at the planar portal of the Stellaris plane means that they were already in trouble. They were just there at the right time to be captured. What would have befallen them otherwise is falling into Soverick's hands.

That isn't good either. Then again, nothing good could have come out of the errand of poking their noses where it doesn't belong.

-----Poor Jarkon.

Jarkon should be happy right now. He should be glad that he has finally gotten access to the Stellaris plane. He should be glad that truly, Soverick's aura is present here in the Stellaris plane and seems to be very alive and active. But he is not happy at all. He is in fact very angry and sullen.

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