Chapter 1371 Immortal Dragons.

Chapter 1371 Immortal Dragons.

It is easy to call someone to come and eat but it is difficult to tell them to leave halfway into eating. So the Stellos were reserved and suspicious about receiving the help of the Phoenix race. But the Phoenixes swore that they would leave the plane alone. All they wanted in exchange for helping the Stellos was a certain supreme beast known as the Shadow of Despair.

They don't know why a race that is very rare to encounter in the void universe will suddenly show up for a single Supreme Beast but the offer of the Phoenixes sounded reasonable so the Stellos agreed.

This led to the cooperation of three different races and a traitor of the Supreme Alliance. It was not by chance that they chose to attack the Stellaris plane when the young supreme beasts were planning to attack the divine plane. That decision was not made haphazardly.

The Stellos attacked the planar portal. Their attack is more of a diversion. The main attack is by the dragons and phoenixes from the void. And it was all kick-started when the Shadow Lucker decided that the Shadow Of Despair had grown enough and used enough resources from the Supreme Alliance to become a significant loss if he is kidnapped.

The Mechanical Emperor projected the vision of the void to the Observers. About 40 dragons are in the void. Their large bodies are rushing towards the plane like comets. They are the sort of comets that would lead to a mass extinction of life in the plane if they crash into the plane.

The Invigilator said steely, "It seems the dragons are very serious this time around. They even got the help of the hidden Phoenix race. I can't imagine how they managed that."

Then he smiled. "It seems I will have the opportunity to stretch myself."

The observers were quick to plead, "Please don't go beyond the safe limit of the plane. The plane has already taken a beating so more damage will be bad for it."

The Mechanical Emperor shrugged. "I'll try to keep them out of the plane but everything will end if the dragons disregard the limits and enter the plane."

The Observers became worried. They are worried because of the possibility that there might not be a plane by the end of this invasion. There might not be anything to win regardless of the winner.

They are right to be worried because dragons are very powerful. Real dragons are more dangerous than warriors because they are both warriors and one-man armies. There are almost 40 of them now. That means there are 40 armies about to invade.

They are not an army because of number. They are one-man armies because of their size. Each one of them is a flying mountain. They are at least 1,000 kilometers across. One of them will cause the plane to tremble. 40 of them is definitely too much for a plane that has already taken a beating.

Dragons are not meant to remain in the realm after they become titans of law. At that level, their size becomes a burden on the plane. Fortunately, they can leave the realm and go into the void to prepare to become Origin gods.

If they return to the realm after becoming Origin gods, odds are that the plane they visit will be destroyed. Supreme Beasts would know this because this is how their home plane was destroyed.

The dragons haven't entered the Stellaris plane yet but their collective presence so close to the plane is already weighing heavily on the plane. The divine plane is taking the brunt of the pressure so the inhabitants of the plane only feel like fainting. If the dragons decide to venture into the plane, then it is certain that the divine plane will collapse even before they reach the main plane.

There are also the Phoenixes. Their individual strength is not so high but what makes them dangerous is their immortality. Origin gods can resurrect but it will take time. Their resurrection can't compare to the resurrection of phoenixes who can resurrect almost instantly and at the same place where they died.

Instantaneous resurrection makes it so that the numbers of the Phoenixes will remain constant in a fight while their enemies are gradually grounded down. If anyone thinks fighting an Origin god is futile because of their immortality, then fighting Phoenixes is a waste of time and resources. It is a better use of your time if you just lay down and let them kill you without fighting back.

Fortunately for the plane, the dragons decided to stay outside the plane. They can't enter the plane or they will surely offend Mother High Heaven. They are Origin gods but the suppression of the realm on them is less significant than on other Origin gods. Their body is too powerful which means they will surely destroy the plane if they enter it.

The aim of their cooperation with the Stellos is not the destruction of the plane so their role in this invasion is to block reinforcements from the Supreme Alliance while the Phoenixes swarm the plane in the thousands.

The Mechanical Emperor said to the observers. "The Shadow Lurker and this invasion are surely linked but it doesn't matter. We follow the protocol just as we have been instructed."

The 10 Observers still didn't leave their spots observing the Shadow prowler but the Mechanical Emperor acted personally to defend the plane.

The flame that is his true body didn't move from the headquarters of the supreme alliance in the plane but the whole headquarters was roused into action. Nearly a million robots flew into the sky to fight the Phoenixes.

His invisible flame poured out from the headquarters into the plane like a waterfall. The flame burned the ground and turned it into a sea of lava. The lava boiled and simmered as red droplets rose up from it. These red droplets cooled into black metal beads that fused together to create more robots.


A/N: For comparison, Mount Everest is almost 9 kilometers tall. Olympus Mons, the tallest mountain in the solar system sits at a height of 24 kilometers on Mars. Now imagine just how big dragons that are 1,000 kilometers across are.

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