Chapter 1363 Rocked Like A Cradle.

Chapter 1363 Rocked Like A Cradle.

The first one to attack was the creator of the mental disease. Legion-5 didn't see how she attacked but he felt the impact on his existence immediately. Something was trying to erode his mind.

He got a mental itch that he couldn't scratch. That mental itch wanted to take root in his body so that he could scratch it. Unfortunately, it failed to take root in his existence. It was destabilized by order and neutralized.

The next one that attacked him was a soul cannon formed by a supreme beast with a special class. This Supreme beast has turned himself into an entity that preys on everything with souls. He normally uses soul snipers but he took the shadow of despair seriously and used a soul cannon.

The soul cannon appeared in the air in front of the Supreme Beast. It was formed entirely with divine sense so it was invisible. Its ammunition is spiritual energy so it could penetrate physical matter and couldn't be defended.

The Supreme beast kept muttering to himself as he prepared the soul cannon. "Please have a soul weakness. Please have a soul weakness."

A large invisible beam of concentrated spiritual power was ejected out of the cannon and struck Legion-5. It bypassed his spatial and physical defenses to strike his soul directly. But he didn't fall down dead like his enemy expected. He didn't even stumble or reel back in pain or shock.

The Supreme beast asked in shock, "What are you?"

He was shocked because he saw that the beam had shattered upon making contact with him. It was as if it had hit a rock. It was the first time he had seen such a thing.

"Don't you know?" Legion-5 asked seemingly surprised at his ignorance. "I am the shadow of despair. I am the one that will make you doubt your whole existence and despair at your uselessness."

If they didn't know before it will become common knowledge after this fight that whoever fights with him will face despair at the uselessness of their attacks. It is because he is immune to whatever they can throw at him. Who can still remain confident in themselves after they fail to affect him in any way?

These Supreme beasts didn't want to accept it though. They are determined to see the limit of his resistance. Cannons fired one after the other at him be they physical or spiritual. They shot him down from the sky again and again but he always stood back up.

Still, they didn't give up. Explosions rang out over and over again in the plane. Unfortunately, it was the plane that suffered the most. It took a beating because of them. It couldn't be helped. The Supreme beasts are truly strong.

There is a negative buff that can freeze everything both matter, energy, and spirit by gazing at them. There is a one-man army that can create multiple copies of an enemy to fight them. There is a scout that can penetrate defenses with her attack. There is a negative buff that can siphon energy and vitality from enemies with a touch.

All sorts of supreme beasts with different divine abilities clashed against him. The repercussions of their fight rocked the plane like a fragile cradle. But he remained constant amid the sea of attacks.

He stood like a pillar of immunity in the tempest of enemy attacks around him. No external influence could affect him. At least not their's. They are not powerful enough to bypass the combined defense of his dragon scales, Origin diamond, liquid graviton, and the defense of the giant of order.

Meanwhile, he continued to kill. His progress was slow but the death just kept on happening no matter how much his enemies resisted him. Legion-5 didn't mind. After all, some things are better late than never.

The Mechanical Emperor was full of excitement as he watched. "Would you look at that? Just look at that. They are giving it their all. I am so proud of them."

The hidden observer agreed with him. "It is quite a sight."

"Isn't it? This is the best set of Supreme beasts that I have had the honor of invigilating."

The rite of passage is very important but most supreme beasts don't take it seriously. They know they won't die so they have very little to fear. They know that they are competing amongst themselves while bullying the inhabitants of the plane. No one bullies them so they take things for granted.

However, that is not so this time around. The supreme beasts were bullied and they were bullied for a long time. It has made them very angry and it has brought out their fullest potential. They are all shining with vigor and power.

The Mechanical Emperor is very glad to see the future generation working together so well. The observer is not so optimistic about the situation.

She said with skepticism, "Agrivo839,371,456A is using the graviton armor to its fullest extent. There is also an unknown divine ability that is disrupting energy and matter around him. It is all good now but I doubt his power as an Origin god."

The Mechanical Emperor is not concerned. "That's for the future. Maybe he will find a way to fuse the graviton divine ability with that spatial divine ability. Maybe he won't. But that is none of my concern now."

The observer shrugged in agreement. It is true that Agrivo839,371,456A's future is not their concern. The rite of passage is an opportunity for the young supreme beasts to learn some life lessons under protection and in safety. It is not their business to tell them what to do and it is not their fault if a supreme beast chooses divine abilities that they can't fuse after being specifically warned to assimilate only divine abilities that will work together.

The supreme alliance even has an index of divine abilities and their compatibilities which they gave to every supreme beast. If after all that, a supreme beast will choose graviton which is earth-based and another space-based divine ability, then the consequences of his decision are his to bear alone.

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