Chapter 1329 Laughing Zombies.

Chapter 1329 Laughing Zombies.

His "zombies" as they are called, are increasing day by day. Both the living and the dead succumbed to his infection so his zombies only increased in number. Their numbers increased from millions to billions very quickly.

It was a losing fight for the inhabitants of the plane. More gods died to the tide of zombies so Legion-7 got his hands on the domain of illusion and death. However, the two domains didn't increase his abilities as much as he thought they would.

The domain of illusions made it easier for him to possess his targets by reducing their resistance through illusions. The domain of death made the souls of the dead converge onto him. He gained the ability to pull souls to himself like the fragmented Origin gods but he wasn't impressed because he doesn't need it anymore.

He was able to learn the divine ability of the domain of illusions easily but the attraction of souls required him to create a space similar to the underworld to attract the dead. He gave up on learning it and focused on his attacks on the plane.

The child of the plane finally showed up after his attacks intensified.

Legion-7 saw him and laughed triumphantly. "So you can't hold back anymore. That's good. Come to me and become one with me. We will achieve greatness together."

His laughter echoed through all the zombies in the plane. They laughed as they killed. It was a truly horrific sight.

---Child of the plane.

Razor stood on the balcony of his house and looked down at one of the last bastions of civilization on the east of the continent. Anger brewed within him as he saw the damage to the plane.

The City of Verom is one of the divine cities that belongs to his mother. Like the other divine cities under the protection of Celestials, it has been able to repel the invasion of the disease. And because of this, the city is packed full of refugees.

The houses are full and the roads have been completely blocked because people are living on it now. There are even people living in the sewers.

The other cities without the protection of a Celestial fell quickly both from the inside and the outside. The infected appeared from within the cities and brought it to its knees so that it couldn't resist the tide of the zombies that attacked it from the outside. So the city of Verom has become one of the few safe havens in the realm.

His mother told him that this was because the disease couldn't pass through the barriers made of Celestial divine power. The other cities lacked Celestial protectors so they fell. So Verom will remain safe as long as his mother is alive.

There is still a safe haven in this apocalypse but this is not enough for him. It is safe to say that more than 90% of the population of sentient creatures in the plane have been infected. That's billions of people that have become zombies.

As for the remaining 10%, they are living worse than animals. Verom, once called the city of paradise is not a paradise anymore. It has lost its splendor. It has become a pen house where livestock are packed close together. It is no way to live.

He said through gritted teeth, "This cannot be allowed to continue. This plague must be stopped."

He can overlook the living conditions of the people but he cannot overlook the fact that 90% of people have died. This has weakened the Will of the realm and it is about to because of the plague. This cannot be allowed to happen or the plane will be doomed.

He had remained hidden before because there was nothing he could do against the disease unless he was attacked directly by it. It is because he doesn't know where the root of the disease is. It is like a tree and the infected are the leaves. Killing the leaves will only be a minor setback to the tree. It will regrow its leaves somewhere else.

"This plague, whatever it is, has to die. But how can I do that?"

That is a question he doesn't have an answer to and neither does the Will of the plane. He knows a lot about this plague more than anyone else. He knows it is a disease targeted at the sentient races through his position as the child of the plane.

He can always tell where the so-called leaves of the tree are. They couldn't hide from him at all as long as they got close to him. He can tell when someone is infected even before their bodies start decaying.

However, all of this knowledge is not good enough to eradicate the disease because the leaves are useless. He is without a solution but things have gotten worse because the tree has created branches of itself and began extending them towards the sky to grasp the Will of the plane itself. He cannot continue to be helpless or the worst will happen.

Unfortunately for him, he is alone in this thought. The Celestials who can obviously fight the disease are not willing to make a move. All they can see is the disaster of the plague affecting weak gods and mortals. They have no need to stop this disaster because it has increased their faith and made them more powerful.

Disasters make people more faithful so the Celestials gained more believers. They don't want to spend their divine energy to stop something that is giving them a lot of divine energy. But they don't know that they will lose all their powers if the will of the plane falls. The only one who understands the danger of the situation is his mother.

"I must convince her to action." He said with determination. "She must either let me go and fight or she must rally the Celestials. As long as we destroy every one of these zombies we will be able to catch the root of the disease."


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