Chapter 1313 War Of Landed Gods.

Chapter 1313 War Of Landed Gods.

Malekite's quest to steal the domain of plagues and diseases is why the kingdom of spores is enemies with the kingdom of Sharat. The kingdom of Sharat is owned by the god of ghouls. This is a low god with a domain of plagues and diseases.

The two kingdoms are at each other's throats. The god of ghouls wants Malekite's domain of spores. With it, he will be able to spread his diseases better. So he welcomed the challenge from her.

That challenge had escalated today. It is because Malekite was attacked a few days ago. It was a mysterious attack that bypassed the defense of her divine body and struck directly at her godhood. That attack rattled her and made her lash out in retaliation.

The first person that came to her mind as the culprit was the god of ghouls. She didn't know what he did or how he did it but she wasn't going to allow it to continue. Being passive is a bad idea. It made her rouse the entirety of her army to attack him immediately.

Their kingdom is close to each other so it didn't take long for the mobilization of an army to be noticed. The god of ghouls prepared his own army in preparation for war. Malekite noticed this and doubled down on her intention to attack. The two kingdoms went to war and nobody stopped them. All the gods just watched without doing anything.

This kind of war is very common in the Gattling plane. The gods have become landed gods all because their Celestial Supreme had managed to fuse the divine plane with the main plane.

So the gods took over the whole plane. They lost their divine kingdoms and the advantage they brought them, but they also gained the ability to interfere directly in the affairs of the plane.

This also meant that any disagreement between gods directly became a disagreement between kingdoms. And gods disagree a lot so there are a lot of wars.

Gods disagree for a lot of reasons. The most frequent reason is the ownership of domains. So the fight between the kingdom of spores and Sharat is not out of place in the Gattling plane.

The only thing that is out of place in the plane is the recent cases of lightning storms at the ground level in the territory of another kingdom. The lightning storms haven't caused a lot of damage so the gods aren't concerned about it. They think it is a weird and shortlived phenomenon which was validated by the disappearance of the lightning storm five days ago.

Legion-7 found Malekite in the midst of battle. Two armies fought each other day and night. The army of spores made of Malekites can be replenished by creating more Malekites. All Malekite needs is resources to feed her spores so that they can grow.

The god of ghouls on the other hand needs living beings to die for him to create ghouls. His ghouls have the advantage in power though. Ghouls don't tire, they don't feel pain, and they are difficult to kill.

Ghouls attack relentlessly until they die. These ghouls are not the ghouls created by the law of order to rectify the disease that is vampirism. These ghouls are corpses reanimated by diseases. So in a way, they are more similar to Vampires.

The major advantage of ghouls is their ability to proliferate by spreading their disease. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on Malekites. Their unique fungi bodies make it so that they can be killed but they can't be reanimated by diseases. The god of ghouls couldn't replenish his army this way.

The ghouls have quality on their side while the Malekites have quantity on their side. These conditions made it so that the two kingdoms were at a stalemate. It is the same outcome as the previous wars between the two kingdoms.

It made Gholu, the god of ghouls, wonder. "I thought she had something new up her sleeve. But there is nothing new. It is the same old fight. Or is she playing me? Is she hoping that I will let down my guard?"

Malekite on the other side was also wondering. "Why hasn't he attacked my godhood again? Is he hoping to catch me off guard with it when we fight?"

The two low gods haven't faced each other in battle yet. It is because they are wary of each other. So they are still using their armies to test each other.

Malekite is suspicious of Gholu. In fact, she is suspicious of everyone. Any god could be behind the attack that happened five days ago. It would be bad for her if the god who orchestrated that mysterious attack was working together with Gholu.

Unfortunately, she couldn't get a godly ally to help her. No god can be trusted and they ask for a high price to help. If there is something that she can count on, it is her race. Her race can't betray her. She will know if they try. They are connected to her after all. So she wasn't suspicious when a certain odd-looking Malekite approached her.

The Malekite race are spherical beings. They move by rolling on after all. So she wasn't suspicious when a certain odd-looking Malekite approached her.

the ground. This is easy to do compared to the manipulation of limbs. So this Malekite wasn't noticed as odd because of jerky movements. But the behavior of the Malekite was still out of place.

This Malekite didn't stop at a distance like other Malekites. They respect her too much so they don't even dare to look at her for too long. They usually stay at a distance from her but not this one. This one moved closer and closer to her while praising her.

"Great Mother of all Malekite. I worship thee. Your presence fills me with fulfillment. I would die for thee. My everything is yours…"

Malekite found its behavior odd but she sensed nothing wrong with this member of her race. If anything, he is just a fanatic. She could only feel pure unadulterated faith in it when she probed it. So there was nothing to fear about the Malekite.


A/N: Do you remember the plane that the death squad of the bloodline of lion of justice found traces of Soverick? Do you remember the god that they said went out of control?

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