Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 313 Part Two: Change In Outer House Rankings

(From MC's perspective)

Battle Tower,

When the last monster died. A row of information appeared in front of me.

[Floor 30: Cleared]

[Current Floor count: 30]

[Next Challenge starts in 5 seconds!]

Above this one, there are 70 floors. And I believe the 100th floor will be the last one. After retracting my thoughts, I looked around me.

[Challenge Starts!]

[Floor No:31]


Suddenly, I felt movement above me. I raised my head and looked at the sky. The atmosphere around me completely changed. It is still the open vast plains.

But the sky turned completely dark. It's nighttime. A quick glint flashed in my eyes. There is going to be a new challenge.

What type of monster hunts during nighttime? A curiosity rose in my heart. Before I could guess the name. I sensed the monster coming towards me.

"Bird-type monster," I muttered to myself as I felt some movements in the air.


In a blink of an eye, the monster became visible to me. Wizards' eyes are more powerful than regular humans'. So there is no problem for me to recognize the monster.

[Purple Bat King- 2nd order monster]

Seeing the name on top of the monster. A look of understanding dawned upon me. No wonder there is a sudden change in the environment.

"Gravity Field," I uttered.

A tremendous gravity force appeared the next second. The bat king immediately gets caught inside the gravity field. And its huge body next slammed to the ground.

This all happened in a blink of an eye. The force was so impactful that the bat king suffered a gruesome injury. Seeing that it almost felt real. But I know this is a function of the Battle Tower.

Then I destroyed the monster using Gravity Blast Spell.

Time passed in a blink of an eye,

The previous process got repeated. As the number of floors increases, the number of bat king monsters increases by one.

On the 40th floor, I came across a black scorpion. This type of venomous monster is considered a favorite by evil wizards. Especially scorpions' venom can rival some of the strong snake monsters.

To deal with such a monster. I used a combination of spells to eliminate the scorpion monster.

Similarly, on the 50th floor. I faced the infamous razor-toothed hyena. This deadliest monster reminds me of Venen city's wilderness. At that time, I fought with the hyena monster.

That one is a different kind. But here this razor-toothed hyena looked like an ancient species. It stands 5 ft tall.

But my entire attention is on its razor-sharp teeth. Fortunately, I'm not without hole cards. This monster might pose a threat to others. But for me not.

I used Gravity Blast Spell to eliminate the monsters and clear successive floors.

On the 60th floor, the environment changed again. This time the environment was a swamp.

Seeing that, I already guessed in my mind. Swamp is a favorite for Crocs. I read it back in school.

Looking at the calm black water. I decided to do some tests. I raised my finger and pointed at the swamp.

"Gravity Blast," I uttered.

Next second, a wisp of powerful gravity force falls on the calm swamp. I pointed randomly. But I know that a magic attack will cause some disturbance.


As I had expected, a gigantic monster appeared above the swamp.

[Swamp Crocodile- 2nd order Monster]

The change in environment might be challenging for elemental wizards. But for me, it doesn't matter.

I used successive Gravity Blast Spell to kill the monster.

Time passed, and I reached 70 on the floor eventually. The environment changed again. Right now it has become a desert region. My eyes lit up with surprise.

But the surprise was for a moment. Then it disappeared. I find it a little boring. The outer house challenge might be useful for other wizards.

But I felt it was a waste of time. I wanted to try the Inner house challenge. It's not possible until I get a breakthrough and reach Level 3.


[Desert Salamander- 2nd order Monster]

Seeing the appearance of the monster. I made up my mind to do it fast and clear further floors very quickly.

I locked the monster using Gravity Field Spell. The salamander tried to slip away by disappearing into the dune. But the powerful gravity field made it impossible for the monster to move.

Then I quickly eliminated the monster using gravity spells. I followed the same method on consecutive floors. Until I reached the 80th floor. The environment changed into a cave place.

What I faced on the 80th floor is different from the previous floors. This time I came face-to-face with an evil symbol.

[Blackcave Spider Queen - 2nd order monster]

Some of the evil organizations in history had the Spider monster as their symbol. Seeing in life, it feels disgusting.

Especially the terrible smell lingering in the cave. It assaulted my nostrils even before the monster.

Then the Spiderqueen shot its sticky web at me. Seeing that, I used Gravity Field Spell to make it ineffective.

Then after bombarding the Spider queen with multiple spells. I have successfully killed the monster.

After experiencing such a disgusting smell, I made up my mind to quickly attack further floors.

Time passed,

The Cave structure and the Spider queen monster stayed in my mind. Before none of the monsters' attacks reached me. I dealt with those using Gravity Field Spell.

But that toxic smell released from the Spider queen caught me off guard and made me up my guard.

I forgot there are monsters with unique attributes.

Eventually, I reached the 90th floor. I don't know what is happening outside. But I believe the Sub-Taboo Hall's ranking is in the Top 5.


I felt a splash of water. I see the environment changes again. This time it's the sea. I appeared under seawater.

My expression is dignified. This is unexpected. I'm going to face the sea monster now.

I swam and quickly reached the surface. "What is going to appear?" I muttered to myself.

Thankfully the sea is quite clear. I can see the appearance of a sea monster.

A couple of seconds later,

[Sea Shark- 2nd order monster]

The sea shark began to move in a circle.

Without further ado, I moved my right hand and pointed at the sea monster.

"Gravity Blast," I yelled.

A wisp of magic immediately shot at the shark monster at breakneck speed. This time I have increased the gravity force. The magic power can kill level-3 wizards easily.

When the gravity force comes in contact with the monster. The sea shark exploded into pieces. Its broken parts splattered in different directions.

Seeing that my lips curved into a gentle arc. At the same time, I am also aware of my mana reserve. I felt somewhat drained. So I decided to use the rest of the mana carefully.

Time passed in a blink of an eye,

Several minutes later,

I successfully cleared the consecutive sea floors. Apart from spellcasting, the challenge made me swim non-stop.

[Floor 99: Cleared]

[Current Floor count: 99]

[Next Challenge starts in 5 seconds!]

Finally, I crossed all hurdles to reach the last floor. Hopefully, the Sub-Taboo Hall tops the board after the completion of this challenge.


The environment changed again and I appeared in a dense forest. What appeared before me is that massive shade tree. It took me back to memory lane where I rested under a shade tree in the wilderness.

[Shade Tree Monster - 3d order monster]

Next second, a row of information appeared before me. My eyes burst out in a cold glint. This time the appearance of the monster is beyond my expectations.

"Infamous Tree Monster," I mumbled under my breath. I couldn't help but think of Senior. She has plant-type magic. But this Tree monster is a different species altogether.

And the Tree monster is a 3rd order monster. Hereafter, only the inner house challenges will have 3rd order monsters.


Suddenly a massive root shot at me in the blink of an eye. I hurriedly cast a Gravity Field spell and moved backward.

The Gravity Force slowed down the root's movement in an instant and under the powerful gravity force the root got destroyed.

This all happened in a blink of an eye,

The next second, another root shot at me. Seeing that I pointed my fingers to cast the spell again.

I don't want to waste too much mana. I decided to release full gravity power.

"Gravity Blast," I uttered.

A powerful wisp of a magic shot at the incoming root. The root of the tree monster smothered into pieces. The next second, the attack didn't stop. It reached the tree monster.

The powerful gravity magic lands on the truck.



A terrific scream resonated in the area. If one looks closely one can see a massive hole in the middle of the monster.

Seeing that, I know that monster is half dead now.

Without waiting further, I pointed my fingers at the monster again.

"Gravity Blast," I uttered.

When the magic released from my finger. I felt a wave of exhaustion. I realized I have hit the bottom in mana reserve.

Finally, when the spell attack landed.


The rest of the monster's body was smothered into pieces.

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