Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 150 Help?

Bellbrook City,

When Alan reaches closer to Leon Willy, he immediately throws a flame artifact at him. On the other hand, Leon Willy was expecting something like this to happen.

Leon Willy released his level-4 mana pressure from his body. The flame artifact was instantly destroyed. The mana pressure immediately swept the nearby surroundings.

Alan was caught off guard. He underestimated the magic power of a Level-4 Wizard. He planned to use his extreme speed to escape. But the level-4 pressure made him freeze at the same spot.

"Sh!t," Alan uttered in desperation. The overwhelming pressure made him unable to move further.

Now, Alan came to realise that Leon Willy was someone who could fight against a level-5 wizard. As a level-3 wizard, he should have been more cautious.

"He... He... He." Leon Willy let out a creepy laugh.

Level-3 wizards are like flies to him. He didn't even take it seriously. If he released his mucus magic right now, it's easy to turn Alan into dust.

But to confront the Level-5 Wizard, Leon Willy decided to capture all of them alive.

Next, after taking one step, he immediately appears in front of Alan Pitts.

Due to an injured vocal cord, Leon couldn't speak like others. but he simply grinned at Alan by looking at his foolishness.

Alan's expression turned grave. He knew it was futile to resist. So he completely gave up his fight. But at the same time, he wanted to ask some questions.

Facing the terrifying face of Leon, Alan asked, "Cure, I need a cure. Where is the antidote to your poison? "

Leon, who is grinning and stunned after hearing the words, Then he realised something. These people are still hoping to cure Tyler Dixon.

Leon shakes his head in denial. Seeing that Alan had completely lost his mind, he asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Hearing his screaming, Leon put him to sleep by using a basic sleeping spell. He laughed at this guy's foolishness in his heart.

One of the reasons he thought he was terrible was that he had performed a forbidden experiment on himself.

His mucus magic has undergone severe mutation. So there was no cure for his poison in this world. Dispelling the thoughts, he continued to walk forward.

He was not in a hurry because he wanted those fleeing wizards to ask for help. Then only you can meet a level-5 wizard face-to-face.

At the same time, Jimmy Herman was fleeing with others. He hopes for someone to rescue them. Jimmy, Lottie, and Pam have already escaped from that residential area.

The group came to a halt at a subway station. They are not gasping for breath.

As a wizard, their physique is many times better than normal humans. But they halted to think about Alan Pitts. Everyone's heart is not at ease. "Do you think it's easy to escape from a level-4 Wizard?"

Lottie raised a question all of a sudden.

Jimmy Herman, who was lost in his thoughts, was suddenly brought back to reality by her words.

Jimmy replied, "Even for level-4 wizards, the speed wizards are not easy to handle." After saying that, he released his sensitive smell magic to see if anyone was following them.

Ms. Lottie shakes her head in denial. If Alan were to face the enemy head on, then it would be difficult for him to escape. But as long as he is clever enough to not engage him at close quarters, He can back away at any time.

Pam Levine asked, "Why don't you make a call to Department Head?"

Lottie Ewing was stunned to hear that. "Our minds are so occupied with fear at this point. It's clouding her reasoning, " After saying that, she made a call to Wizard Billy Woods.

At the same time, Pam opened the chat server to see the discussion. Seeing that barrage of messages from Ms. Eva's team about their situation. Pam Levine begins to reply to them one by one.

Only Jimmy Herman feels it's not wise to stop here. But to confirm his judgement, he decided to check again. His sensitive smell quickly covers the distance when he tries to stretch it further.

He sensed something which he would never forget in his life. A dark shadow is coming towards them in a leisurely manner. Besides the dark shadow, there was a body floating in the air.

He is none other than Alan Pitts. Leon controlled the mana around him to carry along with him.

Jimmy Herman's heart skips a beat. "Captain Alan was captured and Leon Willy is coming in our direction," he said in a helpless tone.

Hearing that, Lottie and Pam break out in a cold sweat. Pam Levine hurriedly replied, "I just saw the chat server." The Department Head replied, "He is coming to rescue us."

Lottie immediately checks the chat server. The messages were typed a few minutes ago. Everyone heard Jimmy's words, and they don't think it's easy to escape anymore.

What's more disturbing is Three of them were standing at the subway entrance. If you look around the area, other than people and buildings, there is not much open space here except for the street.

Lottie glanced at the people who were entering and coming out of the entrance. She also spotted a few air cars nearby. Lottie couldn't imagine the loss of lives if there was any battle here.

She recalled the memories of Little Mint Town. The majority of the town's residents died from poisonous mist. And it's just the aftermath of the duel between Captain Tyler and Leon Willy.

If Leon were to seriously target the town, then the little mint town would have turned into a graveyard.

"Sigh" She lets out a deep sigh of powerlessness.

Pam Levine completely lost the strength in her legs. She adjusted herself by grasping Lottie's shoulder for support.

Lottie helped her to stand. This time Lottie didn't say any comfort words. Because everyone realises they have reached a dead end right now.

Lottie worries by looking at the people.

"Hey, Look above," After saying that, Jimmy points his finger at the sky.

Hearing that, Lottie and Pam looked above. A dark green coloured mist was spreading in the distance. It seems the mist is getting closer to them.

There is no need for Jimmy to use his magic anymore. because the enemy has arrived before them.

Leon Willy walks out slowly. The people who were close to him were automatically turned into smoke.

The poisonous mana coming out of his body greatly affects the surroundings. A loud hysteria breaks out among the people by looking at the powerful rogue wizard.


"Run!" "Run!""

Quickly call for help. "A rogue wizard is terrifying the street," some people called for help.

After looking at the quickly spreading poisonous gas, people choose a nearby place to flee.

In particular, at the subway entrance, there is a terrible stampede going on.

Chaos and confusion quickly unfolded before their eyes. But none of them went forward to take action to control it.

Because in people's minds, he's just a rogue wizard. But they know that only a level-5 wizard can solve the situation.

Everyone's eyes stared at the floating body. Jimmy Herman, Lottie Ewing, and Pam Levine were all eyes.

Lottie asked, "Is he alive?"

Jimmy nodded his head in reply.

Lottie and Pam breathed in relief. They are hoping for a chance to get him free from his hands.

Lottie gets confused: instead of killing, why is he doing that? But before she could think of the future, All three of them were frozen like statues all of a sudden.

It's not a spell or something; three of them froze by Leon Willy's glance.

Jimmy Herman's back was drenched in sweat. At this point in time, his mental resistance begins to crumble down.

He is just a support-type wizard. Even though he wants to fight, it is impossible due to his magic.

Pam Levine closed her eyes in desperation. She didn't want to see his ugly existence.

Only Lottie Ewing observed the change in extension on Leon's face. Leon Willy is staring at the sky. "What is he looking in that direction?" She mumbled under her breath.


A giant wave of mana came out of nowhere. It immediately envelops the poisonous mist and makes it dissipate into thin air in no time.

Seeing that Lottie gasped in relief, a huge weight of burden lifted off her shoulder.

Her heart feels at ease at this moment.

She muttered, "Department Head!" She shed small tears from the corner of her eyes.

Hearing her words, Pam Levine feels goosebumps all over her body. She immediately opened her eyes to see.

Unlike Lottie, she couldn't control her emotions. Pam burst into tears after seeing how the wide spread poison dissipated into thin air just like that.

"This mana?" Jimmy Herman was dumbfounded by seeing the giant wave of mana.

This level of mana control surpassed that of lower level wizards. It can only be done by higher-level wizards. At that moment, he knew the Department Head came to their rescue.

A huge smile blossomed on his face unknowingly. It feels like, at the last moment, someone extends their hands to help.

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