Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Chen Hao took half an hour to explain to Lin Shiheng that Your Wangfei is my wife and your son is my son.

(TNote: wangfei = wife of Wang/ a Princess by marriage.)

By then, Lin Father Wang or Lord Wang looked constantly melancholic as he silently stared into space for a long time.

Lin Shiheng wasnt a coward. Hes not a weakling at all. Yet according to his persona right now, Lin Shiheng was a powerless yet saintly Wang to the point that he wouldnt even step on an ant on the ground. Such a holy father, although shamelessly claiming his, Chen Haos, son as his son, but it was better than Yi Qing, the overbearing master that would easily draw his sword.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Hao spoke his mind for a long while, Brother, you are sick, but fortunately you are not too sick. Although you have the wrong idea about my wife and son, I, a good brother, wont give up on you.

Chen Haos way of not giving up on his brother was to encourage him to find a girlfriend, Youve been single for too long! Thats why youre sick, thinking youre a character from a script. Lets see Do you remember the girl who was one year below us? Last time, she added me on WeChat just to get me to tell you that she likes you. She asked me to convey her love for you then, but werent you also sick at the time? I completely forgot about it. Now, should I introduce this girl to you and ask her to use love and justice to make you feel better?

Lin Shiheng stared at him somberly, Is Shizi really not this Benwangs flesh and blood?

(TNote: Shizi = the official heir to a Wang. benwang = literally this wang () or I, this prince.)

Chen Hao slapped his forehead. He is not a Shizi, he is my son, surnamed Chen. His name is Chen Miaomiao!

The sight of the person in front of him was suddenly even sadder, and his eyes were full of sorrow.

When did you change the name of Benwangs son? Benwang actually knows nothing about it.

Chen Hao was speechless.

He poked his neck out and shouted to his wife who was concentrating on feeding her son inside, Qiaoqiao, come out and explain it to him. Im not getting through with him.

Ren Qiaoqiao gave her son to Assistant Zhang before she came out to explain to the Father Wang that she had nothing to do with him at all. Even if she did, it was also the relationship between brother-in-law and wife. Hearing that, the handsome youths face turned pale, obviously agitated deeply, as even his body was shaking. After a while, he finally spoke, murmuring non-stop, Benwang doesnt believe it. How can Wangfei talk to other wild men? How can Shizi not be Benwangs flesh and blood?

You You adulterous couple. How can you treat Benwang like this?

Ren Qiaoqiao was at a loss as well.

After a brief moment, she shrugged and patted her husbands shoulder sympathetically. Who made him your good brother? Go on husband, Im going to eat first. Then, she didnt hesitate before leaving her husband for the private room to continue eating.

Chen Hao, who was left behind, was speechless again, but now, at his wifes nonchalance.

Dude, werent you thinking pretty clearly before? You are Lin Shiheng ah, not some Wang!

Lin Shiheng shook his head with a pale face. Benwang knows.

Know, know what?! Saying Benwang this, Benwang that?! Chen Hao lamented and rubbed his grumbling stomach. Lets eat first, cant we? Im dying of hunger.

Lin Shiheng gave him a mournful look, seemingly with a broken heart, and silently turned around and went into the private room.

Damn. Its obvious that this guy is the one who is being unreasonable with his mental illness. How come when he looks at his eyes, it seems that the unreasonable one was him? Clearly this guy was the one who wronged him! How come the whole thing seemed like he was the one in the wrong?! This guys mental illness even evolved, he could alter personas!

The script has written that the saintly Father Wang was a pure guy! Where was it written that he looks at people with tears in his eyes full of grief!?


Chen Hao entered the room with his stomach full of annoyance.

If Yi Qing used to be a gentleman who respected courtesy despite his high martial arts skills, then the Lord Wang was a pure-eyed youth who was soft and could easily be bullied.

When he went in, Lin Shiheng was sitting next to Chen Miaomiao, and that handsome, good-looking face showed a look of trying to gather courage, exhaling nervously for a moment before asking carefully, Do you know your name?

Chen Miaomiao didnt quite understand why Uncle Shiheng was asking this question, but he raised his little face and replied, My name is Chen Miaomiao.

Chen Hao watched his brothers face show a painful look as if something had been taken away from his life. Lin Shiheng clutched his chest, trembling, and squeezed out a resigned and struggling smile.

Benwang understands. Zhou Miaomiao, even so, the mutual affection between us is still there. Dont worry, Father Wang is still your father. In the future, Father Wang will take good care of you as before. With that, he struggled to again morph his aggrieved smile into a loving smile.

Again, Chen Hao was at a loss.

So, is he thinking that Wangfei has given him a green hat and he had incidentally become a father?

(TNote: green hat = to cuckold.)

How exactly did he find such a standpoint from the few lines in that script?

So exhausting. Why was he trying to save this guy again? Just let him go on with his own fate.

Chen Hao gave up struggling, sat beside his wife with a blank face, and watched on as Lin Shiheng held his son, coaxed him to dinner gently and carefully, told him stories, and promised him to take him to the zoo next time. Chen Hao could guarantee that Lin Shiheng, who promised as much, didnt even know what a zoo is. Now, he could see why the storys Shizi ended up being a dandy, right? It would be strange if he didnt, looking how he was spoiled like this.

Chen Hao expressionlessly picked up food as he watched Lin Shiheng hugging his son with fatherly kindness and filial piety. Then, Chen Hao ate a lot of the food until his stomach hurt.

Seeing the two, Ren Qiaoqiao adapted quite well, and intervened when necessary, Miaomiao, dont call him Dad, call him Uncle. After receiving a mournful look from Lin Shiheng, she continued to eat calmly.

Chen Hao watched his brothers face turn complicated again and again, and waited until Lin Shiheng finished feeding Miaomiao a small bowl of rice. Yet, he didnt dare to express his doubts about Ren Qiaoqiao.

What kind of an amazing Wang was this?

Chen Hao was beginning to worry. He didnt mind that Lin Shiheng doted on his own son. He was worried that when they arrived at the production crew, this guy would act as the Wang. How could they shoot the drama? When the time comes, they wouldnt have to say anything before the news of [Popular Artists Mental Disorder] would come out. Thinking of this, he poked the assistant and asked, Have you contacted the doctor? What did the doctor say?

Havent had time. Shi-ge was fine on the road just now Ill take Shi-ge to the doctor after dinner later.

Ill go with you later. He looks too devilish like this. Think about it. What would you do if he picks up some big devils character one day and destroys the world?

Lin Shiheng, who was sitting nearby, overheard these words, upon which he looked up in horror and hugged Chen Miaomiao, who was sitting in his arms, looking pitiful but strong in comparison.

Chen Hao tried appeasing him, hehe, I didnt mean actually destroying the world, just kidding. Ill be damned, he thought. How in the world did the scriptwriter create such a persona?!

As she finished her meal, Ren Qiaoqiao put down her chopsticks, wiped her mouth, and said, Then, go and bring Shiheng for treatment. Ill take Miaomiao home. If they cant alleviate this condition, then he cant go on set for the time being. The media is looking for news with greedy eyes every day. If they hear of anything like this, it wouldnt be surprising if Shiheng gets eaten alive.

Eaten alive The saintly Father Wang, who was holding the child, was startled again and quickly clamored Chen Miaomiao into his arms again, as if trying to hide him.

Chen Hao:

Wife, can we switch? You go accompany him to see a doctor instead. I think according to how he is right now, he certainly wouldnt do anything to you.

Ren Qiaoqiao patted him on the shoulder and sighed.

Think of your brotherhood. You can do it.

She walked up to Lin Shiheng, and after scaring him into letting her son go with a fierce expression, she put on her mask and left the private room with her son in her arms.


Chen Hao bumped his head on the table.

Chenqie cant do it. Its too difficult, its too difficult

(TNote: Chenqie= I, your servant [self-appellation of a lower-rank female]/ I, this slave.)

Lin Shihengs eyes lit up and leaned over. He asked with great expectation, Are you actually a female? Are you the consort of Emperor Brother? I wonder which sister-in-law it is?

Chen Hao:

Assistant Zhang received the text message and raised his head. The doctor said that since Shi-ge is a character in the script he read, just tell him that the character isnt real.

Chen Hao looked up feebly, I just did that for half an hour. I kept repeating that this identity isnt real. He just wont listen. He still thinks I took his wife and made him a happy father. Its hard for me to


Looking at the big silly sweet Father Wang in front of him, he suddenly got an epiphany. He straightened up with a jerk, and rolled his eyes.

Assistant Zhang on the side saw the situation was bad, Chen-ge what are you doing


Before Assistant Zhang could finish, Chen Hao had raised his fingers and made an orchid gesture as he spoke in a much softer voice, Chenqie is the Emperors concubine, but Chenqie has long admired Lord Wang

He said so, and his hand landed on Lin Shihengs shoulder with a flirtatious touch. Then, he even threw a wink at him. Chen Haos acting skills were still very good. Otherwise, he wouldnt have countless fans at a young age. His movements, tone, and manner are all likened to a shy womans, though he looked like a muscular man with flaky skin. At the moment, his hand fell on his lips, making a giggle sound, and immediately making Lord Wang pale.

You, you

As his hand remained on Lord Wangs shoulder, Chen Hao started undressing, Today, I will play a game with Lord Wang. I just hope that after this night, Lord Wang wont forget Chenqie.

Lord Wang turned pale and ran away, shouting Go away, Benwang will tell Emperor Brother! He will charge you with the crime of adultery!


Chen Hao squeezed his voice and swayed his bucket-like waist to flow like a snake dance, Death under the peony flower, to be a ghost is also romantic. Lord Wang should accept Chenqie

(TNote: Death under the peony flower, to be a ghost is also romantic = I would rather die of exhaustion and satisfaction from wine and women. A song from Yuan Dynasty.)

He said so, then he winked at Assistant Zhang, who was anxiously holding the trembling, weak, helpless and pitiful Lord Wang.

Let go of Benwang!! Let go of Benwang!! Wangfei! Wangfei, save Benwang!!

Giggle, giggle

Chen Hao then pressed the person on the sofa with a charming smile, and continued to undress slowly. Although he did have good looks, he was deliberately acting disgusting, and his facial expression was contorted. Even Assistant Zhang couldnt stand the sight, let alone the pampered Lord Wang. The poor little man who was pinned down looked at the face above him and could no longer hold back as he heaved, Being slighted by a monster like you, Benwang might as well die! Blech

Lin Shiheng desperately rolled over and took a packet of toilet paper from the coffee table next to the couch and threw it on his own body. As soon as the toilet paper touched his body, the person who was just struggling immediately closed his eyes and lay down flat. Seeing him stay motionless, Chen Hao got a fright and quickly patted his face.

Shiheng, Shiheng!

The person on the sofa slowly opened their eyes, Chen Hao

You recognize me!

Chen Hao simply burst into tears of joy. Did I cure you? You dont know what you have dragged me through these days

Ignoring him, Lin Shiheng got up slowly and walked to the table.

Chen Hao looked at him puzzled. What are you doing?


Lin Shiheng kicked the foot of the table down, holding the corner of the table in his hand, his murderous eyes staring at Chen Hao.

Chen Hao gradually felt more in danger. This expression, this appearance

Why is it like Yi Qing

The next moment, Lin Shiheng dropped the table corner and picked up the table foot.

Dare to pretend to be a woman to offend Benwang? Taste this sword

Chen Hao turned and ran skillfully.


How the hell did the personas evolve and merge?!

Its not scientific ahhh!!!

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