God's Tower System

Chapter 85 (LXXXV) Tailed

Jackson and Alijah were in the back offices with Malina for a reasonable amount of time before all three walked back to the bar together, and he left with the five girls.

"Get everything?" She asked, looking up at him as they walked through the streets, the sun climbing higher into the sky and beating down on the oasis city.

"We got what we were looking for; now it's time for us all to put our plans in motion!" Jackson replied, his eyes looking around at everyone as they passed.

"Everyone, watch out! The slavedriver's back!" Alijah joked, nudging Megan in the arm with her elbow playfully as the triplets burst into laughter, agreeing.

"I am not!" Jackson retorted, scoffing and crossing his arms across his chest, glaring at the jokester, who immediately threw her two hands up in defeat before diving behind Megan.

"Are too!" She shouted, peeking out and sticking her tongue out at him.

He rolled his eyes and turned around, leading the girls toward their destination. It was a rundown foundry on the edge of town, but it came with a large plot of land for expansions.

"Alijah, this is where we will establish Overgeared's workshop. Take whatever is necessary to start immediate construction to have this up and running in a few months." He explained, and she nodded, pulling a notebook from her back pocket and writing notes.

"Abigal, Bella, Julia, you three graduated in good standing with The Guilded Forge, yeah?" Jackson asked, turning and looking at the triplets.

"Un!" The three said in unison, nodding as they looked at him as he smiled and nodded.

"Good. You three should head on over and introduce yourselves, let them know you're in the city. I'll give you guys your task when you come back." He snapped his fingers at Alijah as she sighed and handed him her notebook and pen.

"Here's where we will be staying tonight." He handed them a hastily written address; Bella took it as all three departed.

"Here." Jackson tossed the notebook and pen back to Alijah, who clumsily caught it and stuck her tongue out at him again, "There's the address to the Climber's Association. Buy this plot and get the construction permit process started."

"I know what to do!" She huffed, strutting away with her nose in the air.

"What about me..?" Megan asked, stepping forward sheepishly, looking up at him with her hand behind her back, holding her arm as she spun back and forth.

"I need you to come with me while everyone's getting the ball rolling. Come one!" Jackson said with a smile, turning as he waved her to follow. She smiled, adjusting the bow and quiver across her back, and caught up with him.

He led her through the market-lined streets, looking through nearly every stall and interacting with the vendors. Megan enjoyed looking at all the jewelry and trying them on as Jackson purchased her the ones she liked the most.

They stopped and grabbed handheld snacks of marinated meat and roasted veggies wrapped in baked bread drizzled with sauce. The couple proceeded to navigate through the city, appearing as if they were on a date.

Jackson continued to monitor the person spying on them from the rooftops. He grabbed her hand, quickly running down an alleyway.

"Jax!! Wait!!" Megan shouted as she was dragged along, zipping through the narrow corridors and cutting across wide streets.

"Meg, hurry! We're almost there!" He replied, holding her hand tightly as they continued running through the alleys. As they ran across a road, Jackson dipped behind a building, wrapping his arm around Megan and pinning her to the wall as she squeaked.

He covered her mouth with his hand, pressing his body against hers as both panted heavily. He looked to the skies as he monitored their surroundings, sensing their pursuer while her eyes quivered, staring up at him.

Confirming their tail had lost their position, he slowly removed his hand from her mouth and brought his index finger to his lips, shushing her softly as she nodded confirmation.

He sighed in relief after they ran in another direction, "They're gone..."

"Who was it?" She asked, catching her breath and pushing against him as he jumped back, rubbed the back of his neck, and smiled wryly.

"Ah... I don't know, but we will definitely find out sooner or later..." He replied darkly, staring up at the rooftops sternly for a moment before turning around, "Come one, we're almost there."

"Where are we going?" She asked, running to catch up before walking beside him.

"Malina told me where we can gain entry into the black market. She said she would make contact with an Information Guild for us... Whoever that was, had followed us since we left The Wretched Candle..." Jackson explained as they walked, "Which leads me to believe that's no coincidence..."

He stopped as they reached an unsuspecting building with no windows with a luxurious purple drape covering the entrance. He climbed the small steps and pulled the cloth back, stepping in and holding it open for Megan.

"Don't say a word unless spoken to and even then, look to me for approval before speaking." Jackson whispered as he stared at her sternly.

"Wha-" She asked, but he hissed, cutting her off before she glared back at him before nodding with a sigh, whispering, "You'll pay for that later..."

The room they entered looked like a standard corner store containing a myriad of products. Jackson and Megan nodded at one another before they walked through the store into the back room, acting like they belonged there.

They approached a metal sliding door with a hatch that he beat on twice with his fist.

"Aye, and who you be?" A gristly voice yelled after the hatch slid open, an eye peeking between Jackson and Megan rapidly.

"I'm here to shop." He replied.

"What for?" The gruff voice shouted back.

"Products that may be considered unnatural." He answered, leaning down and staring the man in the eyes, "Now, open up!"

"A'ight! A'ight! Ye know the password, you can enter!" He replied, slamming the hatch shut before a dozen locks clicked before the metal door slid open.

A brutish, bald wide man with an eyepatch and mutton chops stepped out and extended his arm, "Welcome... to The Black Widow's Emporium!"

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