God's Tower System

Chapter 68 (LXVIII) Bloodbath

Five more hulking panthers burst from the underbrush as a larger one leaped onto a bent tree, revealing itself as the alpha. It was easily double the size of any standard panther, with thick muscles rippling beneath its black coat. Along its skeleton was spiking poking out from its fur. It snarled angrily as it stared Jackson down with burning yellow eyes.

It growled, baring its fangs as the five panthers followed it into battle. They all moved with grace, flowing through the air with ease, their bodies twisting and contorting with every movement.

Jackson observed the beasts carefully, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. He knew he couldn't let any, or any, of the beasts, touch him. He'd have to stay on the defensive until he could find the best way to defeat the creatures.

He waited patiently, watching for an opening. When he spotted one, he struck, using his wings to propel him forward, twisting as he spun his blades, connecting them in a flurry by the hilts as he cut across the chest of a panther.

The beast stumbled backward, falling to the ground as blood poured from the wound. Another rushed at him, but he flipped forward, twisting as he flipped over it, landing on his feet and moving to slash at another.

The alpha reared up and lashed at him, launching two blackened blasts from his claws, but Jackson danced to the side and slashed across another panther's chest with his scimitar. It screeched in pain and backed up, trying to shake off the blow.

Jackson used this momentary distraction to slice across another's chest, causing it to fall to the ground. Two others circled around to flank him, but he stepped to the side and swung his scimitar at a fourth.

The blade connected with the beast's shoulder, tearing a chunk of flesh from it as it squealed and fell over. He whirled around, swinging his other sword at the other panther, which also went down.

The alpha roared, standing tall as it leaped from the tree, landing in front of Jackson. He spun his warglaive, twisting his arms, separating and raising his scimitars as he glared at the giant panther.

The panther roared, slashing its paw at him. He leaned back, avoiding the attack, and cut upward, glancing off the monster's collarbone. He then thrust his foot into its belly, pushing hard, and sent the colossal cat flying.

He turned and dashed past the alpha, slashing his scimitar downwards as he did, severing its tail. The panther screamed and turned, running after him.

Jackson stopped and turned, blocking the incoming swing of the tail with his scimitar. He grabbed the nubby tail and yanked as hard as he could, ripping the tail clean off as the panther shrieked and writhed in agony.

He threw the tail aside and raised his blade, pointing it at the panther as it struggled to stand. Jackson smiled and plunged his sword straight through the creature, pinning it to the earth. The panther thrashed and fought against his grip, but Jackson held firm, looking at the panther as it squirmed and tried to escape.

"Okay, now for the Hollows..." Jackson muttered to himself as he looked around the pitch-black night skies.

The moon was still darkening, and the light of the twin moons shone with soft purple light illuminating the darkness of the eclipse.

Jackson could hear the sound of something heavy hitting the ground nearby. He glanced around, seeing nothing in the darkness.

"What was that?" He asked aloud, cocking his head slightly.

He heard the noise again, louder this time and closer. He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck rise as he slowly turned around.

The darkness parted, and he saw the outline of the specter of the hollow, towering nearly ten feet in height, with glowing red eyes and sharp teeth.

Jackson gasped, stepping back as the ghostly figure of the hollow walked towards him. The beast opened its mouth wide and unleashed an ear-piercing scream.

A dozen screams surrounded him through the forest as his eyes went wide. The spectral figure disappeared, leaving only an empty clearing where it had stood.

Jackson cursed under his breath as the monsters charged at him. He quickly dodged out of the way as several leaped at him. One caught him by surprise when it jumped at him sideways, knocking him flat onto the ground.

Jackson grunted as he quickly rolled out of the way, and the beast landed beside him. It snapped its jaws at him, missing him as it hit the ground.

Jackson rolled as lightning enveloped his limbs, flipping to his feet and turning to face the beast as it charged at him again. He blocked its claw as it reached out at him, slicing open the palm of its hand. The beast howled and spun away before another charged in its place.

Jackson dove to the side, narrowly avoiding the snapping maw of the beast as it bit the air next to him. He sliced through its neck, killing it instantly as the beast dropped to the floor.

Another beast jumped on top of him, biting his arm as it clawed at his armor. He grunted, pounding the razor-sharp edge of his crossguard into the hollow's eye socket, shockingly drawing blood. He punched the creature in the jaw, sending it flying backward. As soon as it touched the dirt, the beast vanished.

Jackson groaned in frustration as two more hulking panther hollows reappeared behind him. He spun and kicked one of them, shattering its ribcage as it flew backward. He turned, kicking off the ground and spinning rapidly as he slammed his blade against the hollow's back, breaking its spine as it crashed to the ground.

He spun again, slicing through another beast as it lunged at him, cutting deep into its neck before turning again to block a claw aimed at his stomach. He kicked the beast in the chest, throwing it away from him as it exploded into a cloud of dust.

"You're out of lackeys!! Now bring it!! Jackson shouted, throwing his arms out as he held his twin moons away from him.

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