Godly Base

Chapter 328: Infiltration

Chapter 328: Infiltration

The whole Hollow Demon Battlefield was shrouded in an atmosphere of war; food prices rose sharply and territories of aristocratic families began to store foodstuff like crazy. If it were not for the fact that the Qianyuan Republic is continuously channeling foodstuff to the Hollow Demon Battlefield, the food prices on the Hollow Demon Battlefield would have risen to an extreme degree.

The territories began to prepare for war. The aristocratic families understand that when the counterattack of the Hollow Demon clan comes, an endless stream of Hollow Demon armies will attack the human clan of Blue Star from different directions.

On the other side of the Marsh Dragon Marsh, ripples surged, and Shu Feng emerged from a hillside at the edge of the Marsh Dragon Marsh.

The best defense is a good offense! Before the main forces of the Hollow Demon clan arrive at the Marsh Dragon Territory, I have to clean up the hidden dangers around the Marsh Dragon Territory.

Shu Feng looked to the northwest, and his eyes shimmered coldly.

On the other side of the Marsh Dragon Marsh, there is a territory occupied by the Hollow Demon clan.

Its difficult for the human clan to attack the territory of the Hollow Demon clan from across the Marsh Dragon Marsh and vice versa.

Shu Feng was busy before and had no time to clean up the territory of the Hollow Demon clan on the other side of the Marsh Dragon Marsh. After all, he didnt want to attract the attention of the Hollow Demon clan before the level-1 Spirit Force Towers were built.

With the help of the Zhu Magnus Family, Shu Feng has built two cities with a level-1 Spirit Force Tower each in the Marsh Dragon Territory, stabilizing his lair. Only now does he dare to go to the territory of the Hollow Demon clan.

Shu Fengs figure fluttered, and he rushed toward the territory of the Hollow Demon clan like a specter.

At the Black Marsh Viscountdoms lord manor.

Shu Feng activated the Lord of the Nights Ring. As if a ghost, he walked freely inside the manor. No one in the manor could see him.

In a banquet hall.

Viscount Gaho, the army of Marquis Gilardo will arrive here in two days. Are you done with the preparations?

A tall and burly Souleater count with a handsome appearance, yet a ruthless temperament spoke indifferently.

Viscount Gaho said respectfully, I am, Count Urim! I have levied three times the taxes on those smelly slaves. The foodstuff prepared is enough to last a 100,000-strong army three years. Moreover, I have formed a 100,000-strong slave cannon fodder army, which can be mobilized at any time.

In addition to its main forces, the Hollow Demon clan will also recruit a large number of cannon fodder from ancillary clans and slaves.

In a war, a massive number of cannon fodder can play a huge role. They can not only consume the spirit force of the defending party, but can also become food for Hollow Demon clan soldiers.

There are many clans in the Hollow Demon clan, including the Bloodseeker clan, the Werewolf clan, the Apparition clan, the Parasitic Spider Demon clan, the Dragon Fiend clan, and the Souleater clan.

The Bloodseeker clan feeds on the blood of slaves, while the Devil clan has the tradition of consuming people. The rest of the clans will feed on other intelligent life forms when necessary. Therefore, for the Hollow Demon clan army, the cannon fodder slave army plays an important role.

Count Urim smiled faintly and said, Very good! On the other side of the Marsh Dragon Marsh is the territory of the Qianyuan Republics Shu Family. Shu Feng, the patriarch of the Shu Family, is the No. 1 human expert on the Hollow Demon Bounty List. If you make achievements during the destruction of his territory, you may have the chance to become a count.

Viscount Gaho was all smiles and uttered, Count Urim, please put in a good word for me to the marquis and ask to transfer me back to the Realm of Hollow Demons. I dont want to stay in this desolate place for another moment.

Count Urim asked with a light smile, In the Realm of Hollow Demons, you wont have so much authority, where you can command millions of slaves. How come you want to go back?

In the Realm of Hollow Demons, which is full of powerhouses, a Hollow Demon viscount such as Viscount Gaho is a minor character. It is impossible for him to command millions of slaves.

Viscount Gaho sighed faintly: This battlefield is too dangerous. I like to lead a peaceful and stable life. I miss home! I miss my wife and children in the Realm of Hollow Demons.

Count Urim said, Now that we have wiped out the main forces of the Bretania Republic, the initiative is in our hands. It will only become safer here. When the main forces of the Shu Family are defeated, I will speak to the marquis and ask him to transfer you back to the Realm of Hollow Demons to let you reunite with your wife and children.

Viscount Gaho said with elation, Thank you very much, Count Urim!

Its a pity, but you wont have that chance! Viscount Gaho!

Along with a flash of ripples, Shu Feng walked out of thin air and smacked the back of Viscount Gaho with the palm of his hand, and a sun phantom appeared, crushed Viscount Gahos hollow demon membrane, and then crashed into him and ran through his body.

Berserk Sun Moon Holy Scriptures spirit force barged into the body of Viscount Gaho and smashed his hollow demon force.

After dealing serious damage to the Great Grandmaster realm Viscount Gaho, Shu Feng sent him into the Soldier Synthesis Nest for modification.

Shu Feng, its you! Thats great!

Count Urim was taken aback. But then his eyes flashed with joy, and he surged with black hollow demon force from all over his body and sent a hand barreling toward Shu Feng.

Hollow Demon counts are Spirit Venerable realm monsters! Let me see what skill you have!

Shu Fengs eyes flickered with a fierce hue, and he unleashed a punch that slammed into the hand of Count Urim along with a sonic boom.


Following a terrible noise, the fingers of Count Urims right hand were twisted, and the person himself catapulted out like a broken rag doll and knocked into a wall.

Count Urim crawled out of the wall with difficulty, and his eyes shimmered with wary, What dreadful strength! How can a mere human have such terrible strength?

So this is Spirit Venerable realm hollow demon force! Its really scary!

Shu Feng frowned. After he sent Count Urim flying with a punch, he felt a numbness in his right hand. Fearsome hollow demon force eroded his right hand.

Shu Feng had no choice but to mobilize a huge amount of spirit force to obliterate the hollow demon force that invaded his body.

Shu Feng, your growth is really amazing! A mere human has the combat power of a Hollow Demon clan paragon. However, you are too arrogant! For just a Spirit Grandmaster to dare challenge me, youre seeking death!

With a ferocious flash in his eyes, Count Urim surged with hollow demon force from all over his body, and his muscles squirmed, his body expanded, black fur grew on his body, and a horn extended from his forehead.

In a flash, Count Urim changed from a dashing and elegant middle-aged man into a three-meter-tall monster with rippling muscles, a horn on the head, and sharp claws on the hands.

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