Global Evolution

Chapter 381

Chapter 381: 381

"OK . " Hearing Liu Chang say to let himself lead the way, taisher laughed and said a rare human dialect . Then, with a twist of his fat butt and a swing of his tail, he swam in front of him .

The underwater world is really beautiful .

Liu Chang shuttles among the trees composed of algae and sees many magical creatures .

There’s a little crab with a jellyfish on its head .

There’s a crayfish with a huge shell on its back .

has as like as two peas .

There are clean fish standing on the face of giant fish pecking at parasites .

"There seems to be more symbiosis in the water than on the shore . " Seeing these living creatures, Liu Chang swam forward a few steps and caught up with taishel .

"Well, yes, there are a lot of symbiotic creatures on the water . If many weak animals under the water have poor ability to survive alone, they will associate with other species and become a symbiotic relationship . There are also large fish . Some of them are infested with parasites, and they can’t clean them up without hands and feet . Let those small fish clean them up . The price is to resist the hunger of swallowing each other . " Taishel side said, while the water flow a roll, caught in the hands of the has been a huge "light bulb fish . " .

This "light bulb fish" body is about seven or eight meters long . Taishel can barely grasp it with one hand . It looks very fierce . Its roots and fangs are exposed outside his face . There is a huge bulb with a radius of one meter on the top of its head, which emits light like an incandescent lamp .

"See, this guy is a ferocious fish of the East China Sea generation, with luminescent objects on his head . Eat everything . Mud, algae, fish . Of course, the most nutritious food is fish . The light on the head attracts fish and eats them in one bite . But even if it’s such a cunning guy, it still needs symbiosis to survive . " Taishel said, releasing the fish struggling in his hand with the crackling of his teeth . Then he pointed to the place where he had caught the light bulb fish and said, "here, see . The animal, which looks like a dog, has claws on it . They are gentle, rare vegetarians . In order to survive, these little guys have developed the ability to weave algae . "

Liu Changshun looked at the direction of taishel’s direction and saw several lovely little white and fat guys as expected . These guys have thick fur and a pair of nimble looking claws on their chest . When Liu Chang saw them, these little guys were weaving the algae in groups, making a nest for the bulb fish with a clear division of labor .

"These guys build nests for fierce fish, and then they protect them . " As a water commentator, taishel knew part of the purpose of Liu Chang’s trip to the sea, so he dutifully said: "don’t look at these little guys so cute, in fact, the stomach is also full of bad water . "

"They’re building nests for fierce animals . They will deliberately make some defects in these nests, and then the nests of these fish will be damaged from time to time, and we must constantly find them to repair them, so as to ensure their continuous living space . They are a very resourceful race

"Ha ha . It’s all about survival . " Liu Chang laughed when he saw the aquatic creature that looked like a dog . "Compared with a kind of bird on the land that pushes down all the eggs of other birds and lets their children survive, these little guys are very kind . "

"Ha ha, isn’t it? I haven’t heard of such a bird . It seems that there are many interesting animals on the land . I haven’t seen them before Taishel heard Liu Chang’s words and gave a hearty smile .

Then one man and one beast continued to move in the water .

From the East China Sea to the Ryukyu Islands, the distance is not very far . At the speed of Liu Chang and Tai Sher, Okinawa can be reached in two days, but the first night is inevitably spent at sea .

"It’s getting dark . " As they drove along in the sea, they swam in the East China Sea at dusk . They felt that the little light above their heads was getting dimmer, and the sky was getting dark .

"When the sky is completely dark, the monsters in the middle sea will go up to the shallow water to look for prey . Let’s go up there . " When taisher spoke, Liu Chang saw that with the weakening of the light, the absolutely dark area under his feet was rising at the speed visible to the naked eye - just like a black line, slowly invading .

Thinking of the terrible ghost in the water, Liu Chang decided not to take the risk until he understood all the creatures in the middle sea . After that, Sherry continued to dig out of the ice layer and listened to his words .

"It’s better to be down-to-earth . " Out of the sea, Liu Chang took off his swimming suit after a whole day’s soaking, and then looked around at the white world .

"Sleep on the ice today . " Taishel said that he wanted to lie down on the thick ice, and was later organized by Liu Chang .

"Don’t worry . " Liu Chang patted Tai Shel’s toes, then moved his nose, "it seems that there is an island around . "

"So lucky?" When taisher heard of an island, his face was surprised . After all, it was freezing . Anyone who sleeps on the ice which is stronger than steel is hard to sleep on . Every time he sleeps here, he will be frozen to the ground and become an ice sculpture the next day . "Well, it should be an island . I can smell volcanic sulfur . It won’t be too far away . " Liu Chang said, and then followed the direction of smell son forward, and sure enough, after walking thousands of meters, he saw the edge of the land .

"It’s a volcanic island . " Stepping on the frozen soil of the island, Liu Chang looks at the different geographical environment between here and the mainland .

In the sea, many of these nameless islands are just a few kilometers round . Some of them are caused by geological movements, some are formed by volcanic eruption, and many of them have no names .

Liu Chang knows from its scale that this island is one of the nameless islands in the sea . The whole island is round and its diameter looks very small . Judging from the way of land extension, it is estimated that it is only seven kilometers up and down . It is a very small island .

"A little hungry . " Both of them did not bring any food for a day . When they were in the sea, taisher also caught several big fish and ate them into his mouth . However, Liu Chang in the water had not adapted to the way of eating which put a living thing into his mouth . Therefore, he did not eat anything for a day .

It’s consuming too much energy . It’s time to replenish . (to be continued)

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