Global Evolution

Chapter 286

Chapter 286: 286

As long as the civilians can survive, the soldiers will certainly survive, and only better .

After all, the army is composed of young and middle-aged people . After military training, it has weapons in hand and unified management . If the end of the day comes, the army will undoubtedly be the team with the highest survival ability . This is like the beginning of Kaifeng, the whole process was occupied by strange creatures, but the military region can still retain a human territory - this is the power of the army . After all, Kaifeng is only a small city, and there is no large-scale military facilities . Compared with Jinan Military Region, which is one seventh of the country’s military strength, it is really small .

"Those soldiers are living very well . What do you want to do with this?" Big beard heard Liu Chang inquire about the Jinan Military Region, showing a little alert look .

"No, you don’t have to think about it . I won’t tell you where you are . " A thief is always afraid of being caught . Moustache used to be a deserter . Of course, Liu Chang knows what he is thinking now . "And you don’t have to be afraid . You have been running away for several years . Can they really control you in this world?"

"Although I said that, you don’t know the current situation of Jinan Military Region . I heard that the remaining soldiers formed a military city with great ability . . . " Big beard said what he knew . "Although I have never been to Jinan, I still hear that Jinan is the most stable city in China, and even Beijing can’t compare with Jinan now!"

"Of course, it’s all my guess . I haven’t been to Jinan or Beijing since the end of the day . But I heard that the military city was very stable . "

"Very stable?" Liu Chang seemed to think of a few years ago, when Li Qingshui was in Zhengzhou, he rubbed his nose and asked, "is there a very powerful brain domain evolutor sitting in there? Or is there a group of brain evolutionary leaders? But even so, it’s so close to the sea . . . "

"No, it’s said that there is a body evolutionary who claims to be a super life in human beings . Even the giant sea monster is not his opponent . Most of the refugees in Qingdao escape . The preferred city is Jinan . . . " Big beard talked, while Liu Chang was thinking deeply .

It is the first time that Liu Chang has heard the term "super life in human beings" .

Almost since the end of the day, I have been to several big cities, almost all those cities with city-state system . Leaders are either military power or brain mutators . Because of their strong ability of layout and construction, they are also very good at building relationships with people around them and developing their strength . Therefore, most of them can get along very well - even those who are not too obsessed with power can also be behind the scenes manipulators .

So . Hearing about the military city of Jinan, Liu Chang never thought that this would be led by a human being with physical evolution - because it’s very difficult to convince people with brute force alone - unless

Unless that person’s brute force has reached a shocking point!

"Can human bodies really evolve to be as powerful as super life?" Liu Chang thought about this problem . In fact, he had thought about it before . After all, there are billions of human beings . Although there are not many super life in the world, it is not unique . Almost any large species can evolve one or two things that stand out . Why can’t humans alone?

Previously, Liu Chang thought that human beings could not evolve super life because of the complexity of the body structure - because Li Qingshui said . The more sophisticated the organism is, the more stable the cell is, and the more difficult it is to mutate . Even at the end of the day, humans are a little bit later than other creatures to mutate . Therefore, Liu Chang has been wondering whether human beings have no super life at all .

Because the time of doubt is too long, and so few years have not seen this problem, so Liu Chang gradually forgotten .

Now at first hearing this word, I think of a lot of things . Think of Li Qingshui once murmured: "the human population base is so large, billions of base, there must be several particularly different?"

"Even a giant sea monster can be killed?" Liu Chang pondered over the matter of super human for a while, and confirmed with some doubts: "is this rumor true?"

"It should be true . Now the communication is so poor that the news can be transmitted from Jinan to Qingdao . Then this reputation and popularity should not be false news . " Said beard .

"That’s it . " Liu Chang spoke and walked forward a few steps . With the roar of the sea breeze, he looked at the direction of the giant snake’s death . "Li Qingshui can kill a giant sea snake, and it doesn’t look too troublesome . I don’t know who is more powerful than Li Qingshui . . . "

"What?" The cold wind blew in his ears, and the beard didn’t hear what he said .

And Liu Chang looked at the place where the sea snake died, and he had a new plan in his heart .


Liu and his party finally progress, driving the strange machine, Lao Liu looked at the girl behind her frown .

"What’s the matter?" He asked .

"I feel terrible again . " Xiaojing frowned and rubbed his temple . "He’s here . "

He, of course, refers to Li Qingshui . "He is here as expected . I don’t know if Liu Chang is in trouble . " He Zhizhi also worried said .

"If he’s here, Liu Chang can’t be without an accident . " The eldest also stood out from the group of children behind him - he was the tallest among the current group of clonal children, "but before Li Qingshui died, he was sure that nothing would happen to him . This is a contradiction . . . "

"Yes, it’s contradictory . " The second one said: "Li Qingshui used to calculate that Liu Chang would not have an accident, but now Li Qingshui has a little brain, but he also has a very strong calculation ability, and he can’t calculate Liu Chang’s whereabouts . And Liu Chang can’t beat that monster, and this contradiction comes! "

"Well, it’s a light water contest with Li . " Old three don’t know why, ha ha a smile, "before Li Qingshui, against now Li Qingshui, in the end who will win?"

"No matter who will win, we have to go in and find Liu Chang first . " No . 17 frowned and came out from behind . "And, before entering the city, everyone should cover up the micro information on themselves . Lao Liu, try to change these micro information and make mistakes in other people’s judgment . "

A person standing on the earth will send out countless trace information - his odor molecules will disappear with the wind, where he stands, will change the direction of the air flow, his voice will change the wave and magnetic field .

These things are so small that they can’t even be felt by ordinary people . In some people’s eyes, they are flies on their eyes . (to be continued)

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