Global Evolution

Chapter 248

Chapter 248: 248

Normally speaking, there is a red fog outside . When the sun rises, the red fog is lit up by the light, and the sky and earth will become bright blood red . When the sun goes down and the light disappears, the world will become a black red, dark red . In short, the main color of the world is red .

But today is different . Sitting at the door of the barber shop, the boss looks at the sky and frowns deeply .

Because in his pupils, today’s dusk is a little strange, the outside sky is no longer blindly dark red, but the dark red with three points of gray, so that the already bloody sky is added to the three points of depression and gloom .

"The weather is not right . Go back quickly!" Seeing such a sky, the boss did not hesitate . He immediately stood up from the steps at the door of the barber shop, turned to open the door and yelled at the people inside: "hurry up, it will be dark for a while . "

"Oh . " Xiaojing and others listen to the boss very much, because he knows that the things that can make these clones turn pale are usually big events - and in the last world, they can be called big events - and they are all about life and death .

Therefore, several people did not hesitate to get up .

"Here, this gun is for you to defend yourself . " Before leaving, Wang Pengfei gave the middle-aged man a special military pistol . The pistol was very powerful, which was his personal equipment . Fortunately, he still had spare parts for this kind of thing . It was only rare to see such a happy family today that he could not help but feel some compassion .

No matter how strong the heart is, there is a soft side . Wang Pengfei still remembers the time when the end of the world came . He had such a beautiful family, and his little son was about the size of the white fat boy in front of him .

As a result, he is usually as firm as a rock . After a rare act of charity, he never returns and leaves here with No . 1 . Compassion is a luxury . Therefore, this feeling is not worth remembering .

And standing in the door of the barber shop, watching the crowd leave . The middle-aged woman who had been silent beside the barber shop owner spoke .

"How can you tell so many strangers today? Are you not afraid that they are bad people

"Even if it is a bad person, it should not be an ordinary person . " The middle-aged man looked at the pistol in his hand, and then looked at the direction of their departure .

"How do you know they are not ordinary people?"

"Ordinary people, who have leisure and leisure, dye their hair at this juncture?" Said the middle-aged man .

"Oh . " The woman nodded suddenly, and then continued to ask, "when I saw them go, my face was in a hurry, and I also said that the sky was the same . What’s the matter with this winter?"

"Something is going to happen this winter . " The middle-aged man took a deep breath . "And all we can do is try our best, and then . . . "

"It’s up to God!"

With these words, his three-year-old did not know whether he felt the heavy atmosphere in the room and suddenly began to cry .

The sky was overcast .

It was gray .

Walking on the snow covered streets of Beijing, Milan felt particularly cold .

"The weather really doesn’t seem right . I remember it wasn’t so cold just now . How could I get out of the barber shop, so cold? " Milan spoke, his arms crossed and his chest against the cold wind .

"The weather has changed . The composition of the red fog should change . " No . 1 was in Wang Pengfei’s arms . He didn’t feel how cold it was . He just saw the sky . His chill was from the bottom of his heart . "For more than four years, red fog has blocked most of the sunlight . But it also absorbs and retains most of the heat, so that the surrounding temperature has been constant in a stable state . Therefore, the temperature difference between day and night in these years is not much, and the winter in the past four years is not very cold . But this winter, it seems to be changing

"Do you want to inform everyone to keep warm when you go back?" When Milan heard the word No . 1, the kind heart stirred again . "If according to what you said, if the weather really changes, let the Institute inform the army, at least let the whole city have some warm measures . If the temperature drops sharply, many people will die of cold? "

"Well, the notice still needs to be informed . How much effect it can have is unknown . " The boss nodded, "dead night, dead night . Liu Xinmin can’t figure out what the death night is like No, I have to go back to see how many changes have taken place in the red fog . It’s better to be prepared than not to finish everything Pengfei, speed up the pace . You two should keep up with me . . . "

"Good . " Wang Pengfei nodded when he heard No . 1, while Xiaojing and Milan also stepped up their pace behind .

Wading the snow all the way to its waist, several people all the way out of a few snow marks back to the Institute . Then the snow gradually disappeared, and the surrounding area was cleaned up - this is the safest place in the whole city of Beijing, and also the best place to be taken care of by others - so, at first glance, this is the place with the lightest atmosphere of doomsday .

But only those who live here know that - this is the center of the doomsday storm - it seems calm, but if you take a wrong step, you will fall into a bottomless abyss . Next door to them, there is a man who can’t be killed with a small nuclear bomb, who is always eyeing the existence of all people . "Back at last . " On the clean road, Milan pounded the snow on his thighs and ankles . After shaking off the snow, they entered the huge United Laboratory .

After opening the glass door, Xiaojing has not spoken since she came out of the barber shop . Now, when she comes back to the experimental area, she has no delay . She is fast and firm, but she walks to Liu Chang, or the laboratory where Liu Chang’s body is . There, she sees the tall figure .

"Er, I . . . " The little girl looked at Liu Chang, who was lying there, seemingly unchanged, still lifeless, and asked, "I want to ask . . . "

"The operation is very successful . Don’t worry . Now I’m giving him subconscious induction to his brain . If there’s no accident, your brother Liu Chang will appear in front of you in 17 days . " The tall figure turned his head, and his face was full of joy and shock . "This body has evolved so fast that it’s a bit incredible . I think it won’t take long to evolve into a coelenterate . "

"Li Qingshui, what has been injected into your body?" The old man was talking - like talking to a little girl, to a comatose Liu Chang, or to himself . (to be continued)

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