Global Awakening: I Got A SSS-level Library System

Chapter 8: Shock from Sword Prodigy Isabella Roberts: Don’t You Get Tired?

Chapter 8: Shock from Sword Prodigy Isabella Roberts: Don't You Get Tired?

Under normal circumstances, Isabella would have already retired for the night, her innate abilities and unyielding work ethic making her stand out from her peers.

Traditionally the last to exit the training hall, she was unaware of Wendy's late-night secret training sessions until this unusual encounter.

This evening, however, Isabella's thoughts were in disarray.

It's a known fact that practicing swordsmanship, an external technique, drains physical stamina, whereas internal cultivation methods sap mental strength significantly, often leading to quicker exhaustion among its practitioners.

But Wendy exhibited no signs of weariness; on the contrary, she appeared even more energized, leaving Isabella in surprise.

Despite her curiosity, Isabella refrained from asking. She viewed disturbing another's training for her own clarity as selfish. Additionally, pride prevented her from seeking guidance from someone she usually led by example.

Contemplating this, Isabella momentarily paused before settling down by the wall, her sword by her side, to recover her strength and silently wait for Wendy to pause her training. She intended to subtly inquire about Wendy's methods afterward.

As time ticked away, Isabella fully recuperated after an hour, grew impatient by the second, bewildered by the fourth, and by the sixth hour, as dawn approached, she was completely flabbergasted.

The morning bell's chime startled Wendy into action, panic written all over her face as she realized her impending tardiness.

"Oh no, I'm late again!"

Meanwhile, Isabella, unintentionally dozing off with her sword, was an unexpected sight for Wendy. Recognizing the school's esteemed sword genius asleep in the training room threw her into disarray, challenging her belief in the truth of her own fabricated excuse.

Shaken momentarily by the bell and the bizarre reality, Wendy quickly collected herself, understanding the urgency of reaching her class. After a brief hesitation, she draped her jacket over Isabella as a considerate gesture, then hastened out of the training room.

Shortly after, low murmurs began to permeate the gym, gently rousing Isabella Roberts from her unintended slumber.

Surrounded by puzzled glances from both her classmates and teacher, Oscar Mills, confusion momentarily clouded her mind: "Who am I? Where is this? What's happening?"

The sight of Santania School's unparalleled genius asleep in the training hall was as startling to her as it was to everyone else, though the question hung unspoken in the air.

Quickly catching on to the bewildered atmosphere, Isabella leapt to her feet, her voice tinged with panic as she hastily crafted an excuse, "I was practicing throughout the night. Seeing the dawn, I decided there was little point in returning to sleep, so I just rested here for a moment..."

Her explanation was met with nods of comprehension from her classmates.

"So, Isabella was in deep practice all night!"

"Naturally, it was training. What did you think, that she was like Wendy Queen?"


Oscar, too, accepted her explanation, albeit with a critical undertone, "Isabella Roberts, your dedication is admirable, but I must critique your approach today. Remember, physical health is the cornerstone of cultivation. Overexertion risks overlooking this essential truth. The best strategy is to nurture your physical well-being, avoiding the pursuit of unattainable goals at the expense of the basics."

Though Oscar Mills had his limitations, his cautionary words were apt. He didn't want the class's star to jeopardize her potential through overtraining, especially when her success could cement his position as Head Teacher. It was crucial that Isabella not overdo it.

Feeling a mix of shame and embarrassment, Isabella acknowledged his advice. On the surface, it seemed she was receptive to his guidance.

Yet, her shame stemmed not from the admonition but from the realization that her improvised lie was accepted without skepticism, deepening her embarrassment about sleeping in the gym.

Oscar, pleased to see his advice seemingly impact Isabella profoundly, suggested, "Take today to rest. You can skip today's classes; you're already well ahead of the curriculum."

Without resistance, Isabella agreed, silently resolving to leave. Her plan to wait for Wendy had resulted in an unforeseen nap. On her way out, she stumbled upon an unexpected item—Wendy's jacket.

A flush of realization colored her cheeks. It dawned on her that the jacket had been used to cover her during her sleep.

The fact that she had been seen in such a vulnerable state by Wendy, who had even offered the comfort of her jacket, was profoundly embarrassing.

Determined to set the record straight with Wendy—that it was merely a brief nap, not a full sleep—and ensure the episode remained just between them, Isabella hurried towards the Omni-Class.

In the quiet of the Omni-Class, Alex ceased his writing, marking a moment of transition.

Wendy, who had been patiently waiting, saw the pause as her cue. She straightened up, her ears perked, ready for the insights that were about to be shared.

Her efforts the previous night had propelled her Divine Light Mastery to an unexpected breakthrough, reaching stage three.

Even to the uninitiated, it was clear she had stumbled upon remarkable fortune in finding such a formidable mentor.

Witnessing Wendy's eager anticipation and noting the loyalty score of 71 glowing above her, Alex offered a warm smile.

"It appears you've ascended to stage three. Let's discuss something of significance today," he proposed.

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